However, after counting on his fingers, the opening date of the Xutian Palace instance in the Xiuxian world is approaching.

A sly light flashed in Chen Tianqi's eyes. He knew that it was time to prepare for a rainy day.

Today, Chen Tianqi is simply invincible in the human world, like a giant dragon entering a flock of sheep. For him, the challenge of the human world is just a piece of cake.

He planned to plunder the human world and then ascend to the spirit world with the people around him.

After all, the spiritual energy in the spirit world is more abundant, and cultivation is like sailing with the current.

Thinking of this, Chen Tianqi's figure flashed and disappeared from the spot, returning to the palace that Eric and his friends had carefully built for him like a ghost.

Now that the required materials have been collected, it is time to make his equipment look brand new again.

Eric on the side is no longer surprised by this. The Heavenly Father always appears and disappears like a ghost.

Time flies like a white horse, and two and a half months pass in a flash.

Chen Tianqi sat quietly in a room filled with a large amount of adamantium and vibranium materials, which were left after he completed the update and iteration of his magic puppet.

The scene of metal turning into ashes is clearly visible, like a golden dance of dust and mist.

This is the process of Chen Tianqi using the furnace of heaven and earth to absorb the essence of these metals and temper his body.

Although a single piece of adamantium or vibranium may have limited effect, the number of Chen Tianqi's is enough to produce remarkable results.

For a moment, his body seemed to be covered with a layer of metallic luster, as hard as a rock, indestructible.

As time passed, the room that was originally full of items suddenly became empty.

Chen Tianqi exhaled a breath of turbid air, waved casually, and drew a blast, as if he could shatter the space at any time.

The higher the realm, the more Chen Tianqi can feel the wonder of the furnace of heaven and earth. Looking at his radiant body, he can clearly feel the blood like mercury and silver, the muscles like steel, and the blood like a dragon.

"Since I can devour the essence of the world like that senior, then this nameless physique shall be called Chaos Body!"

Chen Tianqi muttered to himself and gave his physique a new name.

Although it may be exaggerated, he also hopes that one day he can become a true Chaos Body!

Then, Chen Tianqi stood up, looked out the window, and left a message to Eric and Charles.

The search was almost over, and it was time to leave temporarily.

Quietly, he opened a colorful portal and returned to the Super God Universe.

Less than a second or two after Chen Tianqi left, the big bald observer appeared in his room.

The big bald frowned, looked around, and a little regret appeared on his face.

"Unfortunately, I didn't catch up. It seems that the traveler has already left this universe."

Then, his face regained its calmness, and he once again hung high in the universe, observing all living things........

In the Super God Universe, time flies. Chen Tianqi's departure seems to be just a blink of an eye, and two years have quietly slipped away.

During this time, Tian Zha, instigated by the God of Death Carl, wavered all the way back to the universe we know.

And Grandpa Hua, as if attracted by Carl's demonic whispers, installed the black hole engine and hurried to Blue Star to show his strength.

Fortunately, Dukao acted in time. He not only unified Blue Star, but also cleverly integrated all resources to fully support Xiongbinglian.

Together with the three high-end combat forces left by Chen Tianqi and the occasional help of the angels, they successfully drove Tian Zha away from Blue Star.

Then Dukao carefully planned and launched his ambition to revive the new Denor civilization.

However, this aroused the disgust of his daughter Du Qiangwei.

Growing up in Yan Country, she was extremely disappointed to see her father so ambitious, thinking that this was a betrayal of her upbringing.

Du Qiangwei originally planned to join forces with the companions of Xiongbinglian to put pressure on her father to give up his plan to restore the new Denor civilization.

But who knew that several high-level fighters in the Xiongbing Company were all loyal fans of Dukao.

This made her very angry, so she took her friends Qilin and Rui Mengmeng to join the devil.

For Morgana, her"wife" returned with a few friends, which was naturally a pleasant surprise.

She warmly welcomed Du Qiangwei and her girlfriends and provided them with upgrade services.

In a hidden corner of Tianhe City, a colorful portal opened silently, and a figure slowly stepped out of it.

Chen Tianqi stood still and looked around.

He opened his spiritual sense and felt the desolation and desolation of Tianhe City.

This once prosperous city has been abandoned, and most of the residents have been relocated to other areas far away from here.

He did not stay for too much time to think, and his body moved, turning into a beam of light, and went straight to the North Star.

As far as he knew, Dukao should be there.

The North Star, this name has now become the capital of the new Denor civilization, a new center of power.

Dukao, the agent of this civilization, was sitting in his office, busy with various official duties.

Suddenly, a golden figure appeared silently in his office, scaring Dukao so much that he almost jumped out of his chair.

As soon as he reached for the alarm button, he recognized the person.

It turned out to be his master, Chen Tianqi.

Dukao's expression changed from fear to joy. He quickly stood up from his chair, knelt on the ground, and saluted respectfully.

"Master, you are finally back!"

His voice was full of admiration and joy. On the way to the North Star, Chen Tianqi had already sensed the dramatic changes that this place had undergone.

The rapid improvement of science and technology has changed almost everything. Various novel technologies have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, and each one has strongly promoted the progress of civilization.

Military power has made a qualitative leap, especially the army, with many new generations of super soldiers.

On the periphery of the Blue Star, a series of indestructible defense lines have been firmly established, forming a solid barrier between the stars.

The densely arranged warships are ready for battle like iron walls and copper walls, and each warship is a strong shield against external threats.

Chen Tianqi sat on the chair that originally belonged to Dukao, crossed his legs, and praised

"Dukao, you have completed the task I assigned to you well!"

"This is all due to the master's good training!"

Dukao lowered his head very modestly, glanced at Chen Tianqi and continued to flatter him.

"I have not forgotten the needs of my master. During the development of civilization, I collected many rare materials for my master."

"I hope this will be helpful to you, Master."

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