Zhutian’s Strongest Need System

Chapter 319: 1 level higher than Ma Yun

Qiu Ziqiang thought that this trip was risk-free, maybe he could make a big return, but did not expect to encounter such a hard idea. At this moment, he had only one idea: go back!

He did go back, but not to the gang, but to his soul's hometown-hell.

Wang Yin wiped out the person headed with a sword, and Jianguang did not diminish, directly penetrating the eyebrows of the two behind, killing three with a sword.

The people of the Iron Dragon Gang were so scared that they were peeing fast. Is this what the person who just returned to report just said that he was just an ordinary Skywalker?

The person who reported the news, you stand up to me, I promise not to kill you!

It's just that they don't have a chance to hit people now.

"Two" When Tie Niu counted another number, Wang Yin's Jian Guang had already picked up the man's bird that had just slandered, and by the way opened a big hole in his abdomen.

"Three" Wang Yin's ghost-like figure has been killed among the iron dragon gangs, and the waterfall-like sword light enveloped all the iron dragon gangs around him.

"Flump!" All the iron dragons fell down!

The "four" iron bull is still counting honestly, but his eyes are staring like bull's eyes.

"Only count to three, eliminate dozens of iron dragons to help the crowd!" The small man Ren Xiaoran took a breath. Although he knew that the new boss was very strong, he didn't expect to be so strong.

The charcoal burners around were even dumbfounded. Why did they ever see such a magical skill, and they immediately regarded Wang Yin as a man of God.

"How, is this scene good-looking?" Wang Yin withdrew Qingluo and seemed to carelessly ask Ren Xiaoran.

"Good... good-looking!" Ren Xiaoran took a deep breath before spitting out two words with difficulty.

"Swordsman, you are so powerful, I want to learn kung fu with you!" Tie Niu has worshipped Wang Yin to the five-body cast, and if he rushed directly, he would kneel and bow to the teacher.

"I also have to learn, I have to learn too!" A dozen young people rushed out of a group of charcoal burners and quickly surrounded Wang Yin.

"Do you really want to learn martial arts?"

"Really, really, we are sincere!"

"Then why do you study martial arts?"

"Xuewu can protect his family in order to stay strong and not be bullied!"

"Xuewu is a very bitter thing, can you persevere?"

"Persevere, persevere!"

"Okay, then I will teach you how to learn martial arts. Anyone who learns my martial arts must be someone under my door. Are you willing?" Wang Yin suddenly felt like he was pretending to beep.

"Willing to join the martial arts!"

"Excuse me, who is the hero?"

"Our gang is named First Crossing Company! Yi Yi for short!" Wang Yin announced.

The first to cross the company, this is what Wang Yin has established in the legendary world.

"First through the company!?" A group of people with big eyes and small eyes couldn't understand, but they all felt very powerful, showing an unconscious expression.

"By the way, I also decided on the structure of the company!" Wang Yin suddenly thought of the game, since the company's name has been decided, the structure should be decided.

The company is divided into fifteen levels, from bottom to top, respectively P1-P15, where P1 can be any realm, P2-P8 respectively require martial arts, martial arts, martial arts, external force martial arts, internal force martial arts, rigid force martial arts , Roujinzhanwu.

"What about P9 and beyond?" someone asked.

"Don't be so tall!" Someone sneered next to me.

"P9 will ask for spiritual martial arts afterwards! As for the analogy later, there is only one person in P15, which is me!"

As the founder of the company, Wang Yin certainly has no problems as a P15.

"Why do we only have 15 levels? Isn't the level of spiritual practice only 15 levels?" someone asked.

"Of course not. The 15th level is set because Ma Yun is at the P14 level. I want to be one level higher than him!" Wang Yin smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"Ma Yun? Who is Ma Yun?" Everyone was confused.

"Big brother!" Wang Yin didn't explain much.

"Well, the company will upgrade your level according to your level and contribution to the company."

"Yes!" A group of young people who were turned around by giggling dizzy in unison.

"Then do we call you P15?" the thoughtful person asked.

"P15, this is too bad!" Wang Yin's mouth twitched, "You must call me the boss!"

"Yes, boss!"

"As for Ren Xiaoran, directly for P2, and then set a new level based on his restoration of martial arts. You are all members of his team and must obey his command!" Wang Yin also gave Ren Xiaoran the post, and Not set to the highest, so as to have the motivation to continue to progress.

"Yes, Superintendent!" A group of young people salute Ren Xiaoran in a good manner!

"You have to work hard, you can upgrade with merit, and get a better salary."

"What is salary?" The people below were all blinded. I haven't heard of it. What new term.

"It's the rates and silver! That's the salary!" Wang Yin changed the other words, "I decided that P1 can get twelve silver per month, and P2 can get one hundred two silver per month..."

"Wow!" Not only the people who started to learn martial arts were excited at the moment, but even the charcoal burner who had been watching by the side was excited.

Maybe they are not so eager for martial arts, but no one does not want money.

"Twelve silver coins per month, generous!" Ren Xiaoran was also shocked. To know that these people are just civilians who are not even martial artists, Wang Yin can produce such a large amount of money. How many? Does Wang Yin have such great financial resources in addition to such great ambitions?

"We also want to join!" All the charcoal lang asked to join.

"Wait slowly, my wearing company is not only good in welfare, but also very strict in requirements. If you can't abide by it, it is better not to come!" Wang Yin threw the rules in time.

"Boss you say!"

"Okay, then I will set a few rules first! First, loyal to the company, everyone who betrayed the company will be blamed!"

"Yes, the traitor is the damnest!" Everyone agreed in unison.

"The second one is..." Wang Yin went on one by one, thinking about where to say, first set a few rules, and then he can slowly sort out and integrate.

However, no one noticed that Ren Xiaoran listened to his face with excitement.

Wang Yin's rules were exactly what Xiao Ran had imagined before, and wanted to give the shadow killer a wave of operations, but because of the opposition of the leader, some people secretly hurt him, and in the end, he was not only expelled from the shadow killer, but also beaten. Losing martial arts, but now this new boss, even without his advice, directly set such a rule, which really made him feel like a dream.

At this moment, Ren Xiaoran was truly convinced. He decided to follow this boss well.

"Okay, for the time being, let's remember these ten first. If you violate them, help them!"

"Yes!" All the charcoal burners were in unison.

"The Iron Dragon Gang will come to retaliate next. Whether you can protect your homeland depends on you!"

"Vow to defend the homeland and die. Gang of dead iron dragons!"

"You go to arrange the manpower. I will leave first to prepare some things! The Tielong Gang should not be able to counterattack for the time being. During this time I will not be there. I will call Tang Shusheng to guard here!" Wang Yin explained Ren Xiaoran.

Although the First Crossing Company was established, Wang Yin's main energy is still self-cultivation, managing things like the company, he will not do it himself!

"Yes, boss!" Ren Xiaoran took the order respectfully.

There is Tang Shusheng's "red line Yanlu", as long as the Iron Dragon Gang does not come out of the nest, there will be no danger for at least a short period of time.

"By the way, boss, I still have a few like-minded friends. I have been sinking in the mortal beings. Now I want to invite them to work together for the boss!" Ren Xiaoran is also preparing to do his best for the gang.

"It's so good, let this matter be done by you!" Wang Yin nodded and expressed his approval. Now it is the time for hiring, Ren Xiaoran's proposal is just in his arms.

Then, in the stunned sight of Ren Xiaoran and Zhonglang Tanlang, Wang Yin "changed" a few thousand and two silvers. "These silvers are the monthly salaries of this month. You can give them to the brothers!"

If you want a horse to run, water plants are indispensable. Wang Yin is still very clear about this reason. It is the long-term way to first give money to these interns to stabilize their minds and slowly form stickiness.

This amount of money is nothing to Wang Yin, but if you can recruit some talents from these people, it will be very cost-effective.

In fact, Wang Yin still has a deeper level of consideration. His biggest relying and secret weapon is the power of the system.

The power of the heavens made him soaring, but the rate of earning was too slow, because there were too few people who could use the power of the system, so Wang Yin wanted to organize the company to try to consume the system faster. Power of Heaven~www.readwn.com~ This way of earning speed can also reach a higher level.

"Brothers, look, this is the boss's trust and love for the brothers. On the first day, I will give you a month's salary. Everyone is not happy to thank the boss!"

"Vow to die for the boss!" These charcoal burners burned charcoal here, and burned and burned from time to time. The whole person was dug out of the mud. The charcoal was sold and sold by the profiteers, but only one or two after a month. Silver, if the season is not good, you can't earn one or two, but now you can get ten or two at once. This is their usual year's income, and they are still impressed.

Then Wang Yin gave the symbol of the underground base to Ren Xiaoran, and explained to him how to use it. Ren Xiaoran was also knowledgeable. He heard that there was still a city under Leizhou City, which surprised him.

"If you want to practice martial arts, I have martial arts cheats here. You can choose them yourself!" Wang Yin threw out a lot of cheats.

"I want, I want!" The crowd boiled.

They have been bullied for too long, and they already have the idea of ​​martial arts, but unfortunately the conditions are not allowed, and now with this opportunity, they immediately release their greatest enthusiasm.

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