Zhutian’s Strongest Need System

Chapter 328: 1 person in 3 positions

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"The third step," Wang Yin took out a book.

Fusu: "This is..."

Wang Yindao: "This is Daqin's law!"

Feng Qili: "This is it?"

Wang Yin: "Look for yourself!" Threw the book directly to Feng Quji.

Feng Qili: "Daqin Tianlu, Gonglu, Canglu, Shilu..." His eyes became brighter and brighter, "This book covers all Daqin laws!"

"Guilian!" Fusu directly snatched the book.

"What is this?"

The ministers are a bit puzzled. What does the emperor mean? Didn’t Feng Goji just say that it was Daqin’s law?

"This object is called paper!" Wang Yin replied.

The ministers responded. The emperor asked not the content, but the material of such a thing in front of him.

"This thing is soft, flat, light, and easy to write, it is simply a fetish!" Fusu was excited. Originally, the laws of Qin State were complete and complicated, and there were no ten cars to use bamboo slips. You can put the contents of the entire ten cars in a slap-sized box. This is not a fetish?

It should be known that the emperor used to look at bamboo slips when looking at the performances. It was really tiring after reading too much. It was not only a mental work but also a physical work.

If you change to this kind of paper in the future, it will be too easy to read the chapter.

"Can my Daqin make this thing?"

"Of course!" Wang Yin gave an affirmative answer, "This is the third step I said. Use this thing to replace the bamboo slips, and later the chapter can be written with this thing. But this is only a minimal change, we said before The six countries other than Daqin still remember their homeland, thinking that they are Qi people, Koreans, and Wei people, and that is a potential threat."

"What does the saint mean?"

"Unify thoughts, unify national consciousness!"

When Fu Su heard it, he couldn't help shaking his head and smiled bitterly, as if he felt disapproved.

Not only Fu Su shook his head and smiled bitterly, but also the civil and military officials who were present shook their heads with sighs.

Wang Yin is strange. Is this idea he said... something wrong?

"Do you think it is wrong?" Wang Yin asked.

Fusu shook his head and sighed: "It is not wrong, but unified thinking and national consciousness, it is almost impossible to achieve."

In fact, this problem was realized by the first emperor when he unified the six kingdoms, and he had made tremendous efforts to this end.

Even in order to unify the minds of the people in the six countries and establish a unified national consciousness, the first emperor specially set up a doctoral hall, sealed the official position of the doctor, and even made Fu Subai Confucian celebrity Chun Yuyue a teacher.

Just to educate the people and unify the national consciousness.

But the final result?

This Ph.D. Confucian scholar, while enjoying the benefits given by Daqin, entrapped private goods to discredit the emperor, causing the people of the Six Kingdoms to hate Qin even more.

After the first emperor was furious, he killed the Confucian scholars headed by Chun Yuyue and burned their poems.

Fusu was the party involved in this matter. He was even relegated to the frontier to drink the northwest wind. Now Wang Yin once again mentioned that he could only shake his head and smile bitterly.

"It turns out so!" Wang Yin understood that he naturally knew this history.

"What is so difficult, as long as there is a correct way, unifying thoughts is not difficult!" Wang Yin is too clear about unifying thoughts. In the world of the Datian Dynasty, whether it is the Datian Dynasty itself or the imperialist country, there is a whole set of system.

"Really? Is there a way for the Master?" Fu Su stunned.

Wang Yin nodded confidently and said, "I call this the Trinity!"

"Trinity?" Fusu asked curiously.

"Exactly! The so-called trinity is the integration of compulsory education, news newspaper and imperial examination!"

"Compulsory education? News newspaper? Imperial examination?" Wang Yin threw out three unfamiliar terms. Fusu and Qunchen were black question mark faces.

Wang Yin knew that they did not understand, so he patiently explained: "The so-called compulsory education is to compulsorily accept learning for children of school age and let them regard reading as their due obligation."

"What? Mandatory reading for children!"

Upon hearing this, the whole hall was in an uproar.

I thought there was a good way for Wang Yin. It turned out...it was the same as before, let the students of the Confucian family teach the children...

This... isn't this the old way?

All of a sudden, everyone shook their heads and chuckled. Book Bag Net

At this time, Feng Quji immediately went out and said: "Mr. world teacher, most of them are students of the Confucian family. After the killing of Confucianism and burning of books, Confucian scholars in the world utterly vilified my Daqin and asked them to do the teaching job. I am afraid You will disappoint the Master."

The crowd nodded.

Even Fu Su shook his head this time, feeling that Wang Yin's approach this time was exactly the same as what they had done, and there was nothing new.

Previously, this method did not work. After the burning of books and Confucianism, I didn't even think about it.

Fusu sighed and frowned: "Sir, this is a good way for you to say?"

Knowing that they must be puzzled, Wang Yin said: "Although this method is similar to the original education, the content is actually very different!"

When everyone heard it, they looked at Wang Yin in surprise, and they were very puzzled.

Fu Su lightly raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's the difference?"

Wang Yindao: "First, teachers are different, and Confucian education should naturally instill Confucianism, but compulsory education is the selection of suitable teachers by Daqin. Anything that does not conform to the core values ​​of Daqin is not allowed to be taught. Otherwise, lay-offs will be light, and conviction will be serious ; The second textbook is designated by Daqin, and only those that conform to the core values ​​of Daqin can be used for textbooks; third, it is connected to the Imperial Examination System in the Trinity, and students with excellent grades can enter the state organs through examinations to become officials!"

"Officials?!" There was another uproar in the Qilin Hall.

At this time, Daqin's talent selection system is considered to be the most open among the seven heroes of the Warring States Period. He can't see the body or the country, but the only way is to do things like Baili Xi, Uncle Jian, Shang Yang, Zhang Yi, Gan Mao, Wei Ran, Du Cang , Fan Sui, Cai Ze, Lu Buwei, Li Si, etc. are among the best.

However, there is a big difference from the model of cultivating talents in the Kanto countries that imitates Confucius' folk education model.

"Is it to imitate the teaching model of the Confucian family in the Kanto countries?" Feng Queji asked.

"Yeah, if these Confucian-cultivated people enter our Daqin official, wouldn't it mess up my Daqin court!"

Officials resented this model.

Fusu had heard some eyebrows, but he couldn't grasp the key points in Wang Yin's words, so he quickly said: "Wait forbidden sound, listen to the Master!"

Wang Yin nodded and explained, "Taoist, what's the problem with your education strategy? Shouldn't children be allowed to be educated? Of course not, the key issue is that the teacher and the textbook are wrong! The purpose is to Educating children loves Daqin, but in the end, they invited a group of Confucian scholars who were malicious to Daqin. This is just the opposite!"

"Different from each other?"

"The so-called inconsistency means that there is a person who wants to go to the Chu Kingdom in the south, but drives his car to the north.

A friend asked him, ‘Since you are going to Chu Kingdom, why go north?’

He said: ‘My horse is good. ’

My friend said, ‘Although the horse is good, this is not the way to Chu!’

He said: ‘I have a lot of travel expenses. ’

A friend said: ‘Even if there is a lot of travel expenses, this is not the way to go to Chu. ’

He also said: ‘My driver is good at catching cars. ’

My friend finally said, ‘The better these are, the farther you will be from the Chu Kingdom!’

"Daoyou, do you think that Qin has hired the best Confucian, used the best school, and spent a lot of money, just like Ma Hao, with a lot of travel expenses, and the driver is also good at catching the car, but your direction is wrong , But farther and farther away from the destination!"

Fusu was shocked, and all the ministers were shocked.

They suddenly discovered that Wang Yin had never discovered this fatal problem.

Fusu did not dare to interrupt Wang Yin, and quickly said: "Please continue!"

"Since Daqin now sets the textbooks and chooses the teacher, then he can get rid of the ills of the wrong direction. In this way, the children learn what Daqin wants them to master, and their knowledge and ideas are naturally beneficial to Daqin. The most outstanding among those who have mastered knowledge and thoughts, enter the Daqin court through the national selection examination as an official~www.readwn.com~ In this way, Daqin has a group of who are completely loyal to Daqin and have rich knowledge Can skilled Qin An be prosperous?"

Hearing this, Fu Su was excited.

All the ministers were also surprised.

Wang Yin is not only talking about the truth, but also the interlocking methods, there is a sense of stunned.

"What about the Trinity Newspaper?" Fusu had to ask.

"After all, compulsory education is only for children, and the effect is slower. How can adults in six countries reverse their ideas? This requires the use of newspapers. Newspapers need to be in the hands of Daqin officials, with Daqin officials in it. Publish articles to ideologically educate the people of the six countries, such as my Daqin’s policy guidelines, such as Daqin’s abolition of the continuous sitting system, such as General Meng Tian’s great achievements in fighting the Huns, such as Daqin’s free education of children. The official of the Great Qin Dynasty."

"Miao! It's wonderful!" Feng Qili has realized the power of the newspaper. "In this way, Daqin's policies can be spread to the counties and counties at the fastest speed, and Daqin's control of the locality will be unprecedentedly strengthened! "

"Not only that, but if you extend it further, you can put various advertisements in the newspapers, such as the merchants paying the court to promote their commodities in the newspapers or recruit laborers, so Daqin has a new source of income!" Wang Yin added One article.

Both Fusu and Feng Goji's eyes glowed.

"Just how to compile this textbook and newspaper?"

"The two need to set up special departments, it is best to set up a Ministry of Education and a General Administration of Information."

"Feng Quji, you have to do this. You must meticulously complete the command of the Holy Master." Fusu ordered.

"Nuo!" Feng Goji was also very excited, and should immediately bear it.

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