Outside the palace, because of the existence of the killing formation, Wuhumen has never been able to penetrate it.

Later, they found a group of people coming here.

The head was a fat man. Behind him stood two people wearing smiley masks. Behind them there were a large group of warriors in black attire.

"Who are you and what do you want to do?" the Wuhu disciple asked warily.

"Everyone, don't be nervous, we are people in the city lord's mansion," the fat man held up a token.

"City Lord's Mansion!" The disciples of Wuhumen were silent. They did not dare to call the shots without authorization, so they could only ask the four masters for instructions.

Not long after, the digging tiger arrived with his men and horses.

"It turned out to be Master Jing, why, your City Lord's Mansion is also interested in this young man!?" Digging Tiger sneered.

"Digging tigers, you five tigers are so brave to use prohibited firearms in Leizhou City without approval, and they attack private houses at will, murder and set people on fire. Do you still have Daqin in your eyes and the city lord's mansion?" Sternly rebuked.

"This woman's son killed me to help the people, and destroyed my belongings. When the **** crime was committed, why didn't your City Lord's Mansion come out and shout twice? Now what benefit has she given you, actually even the City Lord Mansion's two major consecrations and guards Are they all dispatched?! It's really a big battle!" The Digging Tiger is not afraid.

"Killing to pay for life, debts to repay, it is justified! But even if you want to find her son, what is the reason for you to kill irrelevant people and chase and kill other people's mothers?" Although fat people are fat, their thinking is very smart. The mouth is also fast.

"So there is no talk!" Digging Tiger's face changed. He didn't understand why the City Lord's Mansion would suddenly intervene in this matter, but anyway, he must take this woman away.

The opponent in front of him, Fatty is just a war martial artist, but the two main worships of the city lord’s mansion are all spiritual martial arts. Like himself, he is one enemy two. Although his level is higher than the two, his own martial arts The number of repairs is too small, and the total force is not as good as the opponent.

Digging the tiger's eyeballs, they have already thought about it. The only way to do this is to take advantage of them and attack them.

"We are willing to negotiate with the Five Tigers, Lord City Lord..." The Fatty hadn't finished speaking, and suddenly felt a strong wind hitting him. Looking around, an increasingly larger fist was stunned by lightning. Come for yourself.

boom! One of the masked Ling Wuxiu behind Fatty stopped in front of Fatty in time, blocking this move for him.

The two fisted, a huge roar, the digging tiger stayed on the spot, while the masked Zhan Wuxiu directly retreated three steps, the digging tiger has already determined that the red masked warrior is capable of Lingwu Second-order, and he himself is above the fourth-order Lingwu, it can be said that this Lingwu Xiu Zhengzheng.

"Damn it, dare to do something to the people in the city lord's mansion!" Red Mask Fighter Wuxiu fell behind at the first move, and was annoyed for a while.

And another worshiper wearing a purple mask also joined the battle. The two of them are worshippers, and the relationship is good, and the key is that they are both lower than the ground tiger. If they fight alone, they are probably invincible.

The three Lingwuxiu fought with all their strength, and everyone who was watching for a while dodged.

Fat Master Jing called a depressed person. Originally, he was only here to spread the word, and was not the main force of the battle. However, he did not expect that this digging tiger was really as arrogant as the rumors, and he was chasing him, as if he had deep hatred. , To cause him to die.

The three Lingwuxiu battles turned into a piece of debris within a radius of 30 feet. Shang Liangshan and Xiong Wei were frightened. Only then did they know how powerful Lingwuxiu was, it was almost like The three furious dragons are doing destruction.

Don’t talk about letting them fight against each other. The momentum alone is not something that the two of them can resist. Maybe there is no fighting martial arts to resist. No, no, one is their master-Wang Yin. Only the young man who creates miracles can resist Lingwuxiu's attack during the war martial arts stage.

For Wang Yin, they still have infinite confidence, not only because of the influence of the charm mentality, but also because they have truly convinced Wang Yin and truly believe in Wang Yin from the bottom of their hearts.

However, none of this seems to be solved by Wang Yin, who is far away. They can also see that Wuhumen has a great feud with Wang Yin, but the City Lord's Mansion is definitely not an ideal young man who can help him. It is for some kind of benefit, not a good bird, let alone a comrade in arms that can be trusted and relied on.

Boom boom boom! The three Lingwuxiu had already hit the real fire, the two masks of worship were cracked, and there were a lot of blood stains on their bodies. On the other hand, digging tigers was uncomfortable, their hair was scattered like a beggar, and their breath was rough as an old cow.

"This is what you forced me!" The digging tiger couldn't attack for a long time, and was anxious in his heart. He suddenly jumped out of the battle group and knocked out a group of things. The two sacrifices hurriedly avoided, but the thing went away in no hurry. It was not right. What caused them to launch was that as soon as they escaped, it exploded, emitting a cloud of black smoke.

"Be careful!" The two worshippers hurriedly guarded Fatty Master Jing back.

But the smoke seemed to be harmless, but after the smoke dissipated, the digger was gone.

"Huh, how about people?" The two worshippers carefully observed their surroundings.

"Ah!" Suddenly a guard of the city lord's mansion screamed, and the two worshippers followed their voices. It turned out that a large hole appeared at the foot of the guard, and a hand in it flashed away.

"Did you get to the ground?" The two worshippers were surprised. It seems that this digging tiger deserves the name of digging, and his stunt is estimated to be this digging.

They didn't know that the underground digging tiger was also depressed. Just now he fought with two worshippers and pretended to kill Fat Master Jing, but he just pretended it. The real purpose was for this moment.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence!" Digging tiger comforted himself, "but good luck can only happen once, next time you will definitely not escape from my palm!"

rustle! The digging tiger once again aimed at the location of one of the worship stations, sneaked over it quickly, stretched out his hand and grabbed it, hey, how could it be possible, it still didn't catch anything.

Impossible, come again! Still not caught!

The digging tiger is really going crazy, how is this possible! Being depressed, suddenly the top of his head sank, and someone stepped on top of his position.

The arrogant, powerful and powerful ground-digging tiger was actually trampled on. He was so angry that he was so angry that he was dying. "Dead!" He pierced it with an awl specially designed for burrowing, but he didn't hit anything at all. .

"What's the matter?" Digging tiger madly depressed. Among the people present, it is clear that he has the highest cultivation base. How could anyone avoid his stunts and step on his head repeatedly.

The digging tiger has been unable to catch it for many times, and the worship of the two city lord’s mans has been seen. They are not idle, each with a knife and a sword to aim at the stabbing, but after all, the realm is not as good as the digging tiger, and their swords are always different. Haoli passed by the digging tiger, without a single sword falling on him.

hateful! The digging tiger was enraged, "You ants, all of you will die later! Give me all to die!" The digging tiger has already started killing.

it's here! Digging Tiger had already sensed the place where Lingwuxiu was worshipping, and he used twelve minutes of strength to grab it.

Suddenly a strong sense of crisis enveloped the digging tiger.

This sense of crisis is so strong, as if the sword is in the neck, the digging tiger no longer cares about the person in his hand, and is about to let go and escape. Suddenly, there was a dizziness in my head. The dizziness came so fast and so strange that people had no defense at all. The digging tiger paused for a moment. In this moment, two sharp weapons have been deeply pierced. Into his neck.

At this moment, the two priests of the City Lord's Mansion were stupid.

They knew very well who the person in front of them was, the person from Five Humen, the second leader of the most powerful civil force in Leizhou City, the key is that he also has a big brother, the leader of Wuhumen, who is extremely short-sighted and extremely A powerful person is a person whose realm is even higher than that of the city lord, and his creed is that those who violate me will die, and those who violate the Five Tigers will die! fresh

At first, although the two sacrifices were fighting hard with the second master, they were not desperate for their lives. The two sides would never greet each other's vital points, because everyone knew that the forces behind each other were not easy to provoke.

Later, the city lord’s mansion was not reconciled, so the two enshrined swords greeted the underground digging tigers, nothing more than making him trouble, but there was no desire to kill him. The biggest wish was nothing more than The harassing digging tiger returned without success.

Including the last blow, the two priests even wanted to swear to the heavens. They really didn't greet the vital part of the tiger's neck. They just wanted to stab him in the hand. Who knew that the sword was stabbed in a strange way. Even the owner of the sword didn't want to stab the place.

The two offerings looked at their opponents, and both saw deep fear and worry in the eyes of their opponents!

Compared to them, Master Jing of the City Lord's Mansion experienced shock, surprise, panic and other emotions in a short period of time.

He didn't know why he was suddenly caught by the underground digging tiger. Didn't the digging tiger always want to catch two offerings? Why did you catch yourself again? The moment he was caught by the digger, he was really taken aback, it was a shock.

After that, the two offerings would actually kill him with a vicious hand against the digging tiger. It was a surprise. Don’t these two people know that the digging tiger can kill, wound or die?

Later, the digging tiger looked lifeless, and Master Jing became frightened again. If the digging tiger dies, then the leader of the five tigers will definitely be furious, and then the city lord’s mansion will be in trouble. You must know the master of the five tigers. A lunatic, not only martial arts superb, but also short-sighted. The people of the City Lord's Mansion killed his younger brother, he would definitely slaughter the people of the City Lord's Mansion frantically, and he would not put any court officials in his eyes. Even if the king of heaven dare to touch his brother, he still wants to fight or kill!

All the people present had their own thoughts and were silent for a while!

"Finally caught up!" A shout broke the silence.

Yuwen Qiuhong took Yuwen Xiaoqian desperately to catch up, and finally arrived.

The atmosphere at the scene was a bit strange, but Yuwen Qiuhong finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the palace had not been breached.

He took a close look at the faces of the people, and determined that Jin Sulian was Wang Yin’s mother, so he went forward and bowed to Jin Sulian inside the door, "Auntie, my nephew Yuwen Qiuhong! It is the brother of Wang Yin’s brother. , Come and help!"

Jin Sulian was inside the door at this time, but because of the killing array, no one could break into it. She is very safe.

"No ceremony, Master Yuwen is too polite!" Jin Sulian heard Wang Yin say that he has a brother named Yuwen Qiuhong, but he has never seen it before, and I didn't expect to see it today in such an environment.

"Hello auntie, junior Yuwen Xiaoqian!" Yuwen Xiaoqian also gave Jin Sulian a big gift! I don't know why, she feels that her heart is beating so fast, it seems that her face is a little hot, she doesn't know why.

"No gift, no gift!" Jin Sulian waved.

The girl in front of me was about the same age as Wang Yin. She was long and heroic, and she was not short of femininity in her heartiness. Her pair of star eyes were shining and deep like the stars in the night sky, but she didn't know if she was in a hurry, and her face was flushed.

Yuwen Xiaoqian couldn’t help but feel even more embarrassed when she saw Jin Sulian carefully watching her. She also took a peek at Jin Sulian, but saw that Wang Yin’s mother would be quite young next year, but she seemed to be the same as her, let alone Wang. Yin's mother, even if it is Wang Yin's sister, I am afraid someone will believe it. Moreover, she has picturesque, dignified and elegant face, and she looks even more beautiful than herself! Can not help but feel ashamed.

"Enclose them all, don't leave one!" At this time, Master Jing, who was in shock, finally recovered. The first time he ordered the soldiers of the City Lord's Mansion to surround all the gangs of the Five Tigers, they were not allowed to leave. One.

"Dang Lang! Dang Lang!" The sound of various weapons being unsheathed one after another. The gangs of Wuhumen also knew that this time the matter was big, and the house was dead! This City Lord’s Mansion is probably going to kill people!

Master Jing rubbed the painful temple, and walked towards Jin Sulian step by step. Coming to the door, through the door, said:

"Mrs. Wang! I'm so embarrassed to make you startled!" Master Jing saluted Jin Sulian.

"You are polite! People's daughter, thank the City Lord's Mansion for your kind help!" Jin Sulian also replied, neither humble nor overbearing.

"Justice? A ghost!" Master Jing's heart was full of tears, but his face was barely pretending to be righteous, "Madam thank you, protect the residents of the city to live and work in peace, maintain social order, and punishing crime is originally our city lord mansion. An obligatory task!"

"Master is polite!"

The two were polite, and Master Jing was depressed. This Jin Sulian seemed to be difficult to deal with. We killed someone for you. You thought you hadn’t seen anything. You pretended to be polite to me, and polite is a ghost! He decided to state his request straightforwardly.

"That's it. According to the relevant regulations of Leizhou City, someone is dead now. We would like to ask your wife to go to the City Lord's Mansion with us and give us a testimony!"

"Master, you laughed!" Jin Sulian put aside the topic and said something that Master Jing couldn't understand.

"Why does Madam say this?"

“Although the people’s girls don’t read much, they also know that according to the Law of the Great Qin, the Ministry of Criminal Affairs is in charge of criminal cases across the country, and the Department of Criminal Inspections is responsible for local affairs. Although the City Lord’s Mansion is dedicated to the people, this group of others still has to work. Let's take a look at the opinions of others first?" When Jin Sulian said this, Master Jing really took a breath!

He did not expect that the woman in front of him who looked like a twenty-eight girl would have such insights. Even the "Law of the Great Qin" knew that even the Ministry of Criminal Affairs was in charge of criminal cases across the country, and the Department of Criminal Inspection and Inspection was in charge of local inspections.

He intended to trick Jin Sulian into going to the City Lord’s Mansion. After all, they had killed the Digging Tiger by mistake. In the future, they would definitely incur the anger of the Five Humen. This is a huge price, but isn't the purpose of the price just Jin Sulian? So he must hold this woman in his hands as a bargaining chip to negotiate with that young man, but he did not expect that Jin Sulian was not fooled and would not come out at all. She actually retorted the rules of the Daqin Law. He was speechless.

As a senior master, he has also studied the "Law of the Great Qin". Of course, he knew that Jin Sulian was right at all. This was what surprised him most. Although Daqin had women's studies, there were still a few women going to school. Even if they were in school, they generally only learned poetry and songs. Few people would be interested in the Criminal Law Department, but they don't know where Jin Sulian learned about it.

He didn't know that after Jin Sulian was originally a famous family, her father was Shangshu, and she was smart and smart since she was a child, and she was very knowledgeable, and Jin Shangshu even allowed her to watch from the side when she was dealing with government affairs.

Jin Sulian's memory is particularly outstanding. Once Jin Shang wrote a memorial which quoted a decree and quoted it incorrectly, but she didn't think that she did not expect that Jin Sulian, who was only six years old, immediately pointed out that after inquiries, it was indeed Secretary Jin Shang who was wrong. Bad, Jin Shangshu was amazed, this matter spread out, but also formed a good story "the law is wrong, Sulian Gu".

"If this is the case, let us **** the wife to Leizhou City for punishment and explain the situation according to the inspection department!" Cannot go to the city lord's mansion, Jing Shiye can only step back. Said to go to the Xingzheng Inspection Department, but as long as this woman follows her, she will not be able to go wherever she goes.

"Master, you laughed again!" Jin Sulian shook her head lightly, "Although the girl does not know martial arts, she also saw that the person was injured by someone in your mansion just now. In this case, the city lord mansion is the party involved, and I am How can a witness follow one of the parties to testify, so what is the fairness of the law, and how can the Criminal Inspection Department accept such testimony?"

"This..." Master Jing realized that he was actually speechless. It turned out that he had learned all the criminal laws for so many years for nothing, and now he can't even argue with a weak woman!

"Stop talking nonsense! Master tells you to go, you go!" The two worships clearly see the predicament of Master. They don't care about the criminal law of the Qin Dynasty. Lao Tzu has a big fist and wants to coerce you to go. How can it be!

"What do you want to do?" Yuwen Qiuhong hurriedly stood in front of Jin Sulian after hearing this. Although Jin Sulian was inside the door at this time, and there was a killing formation that no one could break through, these people could not really do any harm to Jin Sulian.

"Boy, don't weigh yourself, just your ability, are you sure you really want to fight us?" The priest wearing the red mask turned his head and snorted, obviously disdainful.

"The big man has something to do, something not to do, and there are things he knows he can't do, but he still has to do it!" Yuwen Qiuhong stood still with a firm face.

"Okay, well said, what a man has done, what hasn't done!" A voice suddenly came from the depths of the forest. When the voice started, it seemed to be at least a thousand feet away from here. When it was finished, it was actually in the ear. The speed of this person's journey surprised both worshippers.

"Who can have such a master!"

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