Zhutian’s Strongest Need System

Chapter 360: Be surrounded

"Hu Seng? It's this guy!" Wang Yin thought of a person he saw in the book of the film.

The masters of Leizhou City are described in the booklet of the film, and this monk is also among them!

However, the reason why he ranks among them is not because he is the top group of masters, but because he is a rascal and cruel by nature. He has caused many murders in Leizhou City, and also caused many murder cases, and many more. The girl was tortured, raped and killed by him.

"You are the ten evil monk!" Wang Yin's face quickly became cold.

"Yes! Grandpa!"

The monk is obviously proud of this title. The so-called ten evils are the ten great evils he lives in. He rebels on his homeland, punishes the prince, plunders and infringes on the princess, plots to assassinate the master, surrenders to the enemy country, disrespect and unfilial, unjust civil strife, yes. Said to do no evil.

But he himself was proud of it, not ashamed, but proud of it.

Many people from his homeland wanted to hunt him down, and the righteous people in Leizhou City didn't succeed in trying to kill him. Instead, they became his ghost.

"I wanted to find you a long time ago! You did the murder of Jufangzhai in Leizhou City, right?" Wang Yin's eyes were icy.

"Yes, grandpa did it, how about it? You Daqin women are really intolerable. I played more than a dozen in one night, and none of them can support a cup of tea. It's really useless." Hu Seng laughed wildly.

"You kid, you still want to do nothing for the sky."

"Yes, come and die!" Wang Yin hooked his little finger at Hu Seng.

Hu Seng was furious. In their country, hooking up little finger is a contempt for the most shameless and humble person.

He was immediately irritated, his face became cold, and he stepped forward. The whole ground rang out with the sound of being beaten by a sledgehammer, the sky was full of dust, and the ground cracked a ten-step-long gap.

He slammed a punch, and there was a strange shape on his fist that a beast was not like a beast, a worm was not like a worm, and a ghost was not like a ghost. He roared at Wang Yin fiercely. This is exactly his fist skill—Lingwu Xiu's first-order ultimate martial arts. Learning-greedy wolf swallowing fist.

Suddenly, within ten feet of a radius, it seemed to be shrouded in death, and all the five tiger disciples felt that their eyes were dark, and there was a feeling of disaster approaching.

Obviously, this Hu monk was not a fool. He had killed so many people before seeing this young man. He was relaxed and happy. Obviously, his skills were indeed extraordinary, so he took out his own killer trick at the bottom of the box.

Wang Yin's face was cold, his domineering leg split.

The two forces struck each other, and the air instantly solidified, and there was a slight pause, and then there was a sound of cracking bones.

Hu Seng was shocked, this young man's power was as great and profound as the vast universe, and he was just one of the toads.

In an instant, all the bones in his right hand broke, as if there were no more bones, only a skin bladder remained.

However, Wang Yin did not intend to stop there. The click sounded again, and Hu Seng's left hand was also beaten by Wang Yin to the point that only a piece of skin was left.

Then, his third leg broke!

Do you know that there are five punishments in our Daqin criminal law?

Wang Yin made a tornado and an ice roar as he spoke. The ice roar froze the entire monk, while the tornado cut the ice sculpture into pieces. The skin and flesh of the monk were cut off one by one, and his legs were also chopped off. After coming down, the whole Hu Seng was cut into a stick.

"Dare to come to our Daqin to wreak havoc, and we must be prepared for life rather than death!"

"Kill me, kill me." Hu Seng's head hadn't been frozen yet, he was really scared. The young man in front of him was not only so powerful that he was desperate in martial arts, but also cruel and cruel to deal with the wicked.

Hu Seng shed blood and tears, desperately begging Wang Yin to kill him.

"Do you think it's all right? How many people have you killed? It's not a pity that you are a barbarian who died ten thousand times! 000 Literature

Hu Seng repeatedly begged for mercy, suddenly his eyes went dark, and when he opened again, he realized that he had fallen into hell.

Waiting for him will be eighteen layers of hell, one layer and one layer, endless reincarnation.

It was Wang Yin who initiated the Soul Concentration Dafa on him.

In the **** sea of ​​knife mountain and oil pot, everything is so real. Hu Sheng's religion originally believed in **** rebirth and karma.

Although he was cruel in nature and committed countless evils, he still believed in karma deep down. His infinite cruel behavior was nothing but to conceal his cowardly heart.

He was still afraid of falling into **** in his heart. When Wang Yin was distressed, he used the Contemplation Dafa on him, which directly dragged him into the **** of the spiritual realm.

Wang Yin didn't want to kill him directly, but wanted to use this spiritual **** to make him pay off a **** debt.

"The low-level Lingwu Xiu doesn't need to come out anymore, it's just a waste!"

Another sentence.

The faces of the Five Tigers disciples were wonderful, and the strength of this young man and the ferocity of the methods had already made them distressed.

Wang Yin looked at the third person who had just come.

The man had an ordinary face and looked like a farmer.

"I am not your opponent!" He said calmly, "but I have to be worthy of the kindness of the five tigers to me!"

With a click, he directly chopped off his right hand and threw it on the ground, and then said loudly: "Piercing-winged tiger, I have already paid you back!"

This person was also wise, knowing that he was not Wang Yin's opponent, and if he tried hard, he would probably be broken into pieces, and he would simply break off one hand, and leave directly after paying back his favor.

He took the initiative to admit defeat and cut off his hand. This is also a master no less than Hu Seng!

The Wuhumen disciples felt that the drama they had watched in their entire life was not as exciting as today.

In the door at this time, the winged tiger was already like an ant on a hot pot.

His hole cards have been exhausted. Among the three people outside the door, Hu Seng and the one with his broken arm are stronger than him, so he went out to give food.

I didn't expect the opponent to be so strong, what should I do? He is considering whether to run away without regard to his face.

One of his subordinates ran in in a panic, UU reading www.uukanshu. com almost hit the table!

"Fun fun! You guys!"

The Winged Tiger yelled angrily and kicked one of the helpers directly.

"Three masters, it's not good, we seem to be surrounded!"

"Encircled? What do you mean? Isn't there only one person outside?" The Winged Tiger was very strange.

"No, the sect master, there is a formation outside, we can't escape at all, many brothers have died in their hands!"

"Can't escape? Do you think I'm not good anymore and want to escape?!" The Winged Tiger was furious, slapped him to the blood and fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

"Why should the Sanmen Master be so anxious? Let's go out and have a look together?" The distinguished guest was not anxious at all, quite calm.

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