Although Lin Chen was single and had never had a girlfriend in his two lives, he had a lot of experience. He could easily manipulate a little Ren Tingting.

After taking her out of the cafe, he first went to Qiu Sheng’s aunt’s house to buy rouge and powder, and then wandered around the street, buying a lot of snacks and gadgets!

They were all small things that didn’t cost much, but Ren Tingting was unexpectedly happy!

When Lin Chen sent her home, the two of them had even held hands without realizing it!

“Are you back?” Uncle Jiu looked sad, but he didn’t ask any more questions!

“Lunch is in the pot, go and eat it yourself, we have already eaten, don’t forget to work after eating!”

“I understand, Master. But forget about it today. It’s been going on for several days in a row. Let’s take a break first. Let Qiu Sheng and the others think about it carefully. It’s no use just writing it down without understanding it!”

“···That’s fine!” After hesitating for a while, Uncle Jiu nodded and agreed;”Then you can do it yourself. It happens that the Ren family will move the grave in three days and there are some things to prepare!”

“Three days later? Okay, I’ll be in my room after dinner if I need anything, Master, call me!”


Wencai’s talent for cultivation is not very good, but his talent for cooking is not bad, at least better than that of an average housewife. Although it can’t be compared with a real chef, it is already very good!

With the many modern seasonings provided by Lin Chen, it is already more delicious than the food in some restaurants in Renjia Town!

After dinner, Lin Chen went back to the room directly, but he didn’t rush to open the chat group to go online, but prepared to sort out the cultivation gains during this period! After breaking through the foundation-building period and stepping into the threshold of the earth master, his current cultivation level has no rivals in the younger generation of Maoshan, and has even surpassed some of the older generation of uncles!

His talent is good. Before he awakened the golden finger, he had already reached the seventh level of Qi training. At that time, he was already at the top of all his peers! After awakening the golden finger, his comprehension and qualifications increased, and his peers were no longer taken seriously by him!

But after breaking through the foundation-building period and becoming a ground master, even if his qualifications have been greatly improved, Lin Chen wants to rely on his own practice to continue to break through, but it is not possible in a short time!

The world environment is like this, the spiritual energy is thin and not much spiritual energy can be absorbed every time he practices. Even if the talent is good, what can it do?

It has been a month since he entered the foundation building stage. So far, he has only completely stabilized his current cultivation level, and there is not much progress at all!

However, his progress in martial arts is unexpectedly fast. In just one month, he has already reached the middle stage of Ming Jin. If he is given a few more days, he is sure to break through to the An Jin stage directly!

Such a big progress is inseparable from his comprehension that has been improved a hundred times. In addition, his own system is more advanced after all, and every time he practices, part of the spiritual energy will be used on his own body.

However, in Lin Chen’s opinion, it is still a bit slow. The main reason is that the cultivation of Ming Jin is mainly the physical body. It takes a step-by-step process to become stronger. Otherwise, with his current comprehension, it is not impossible to achieve Hua Jin!

There is also the comprehension of Dao Zang!

“It’s a pity that I can’t understand much with my current ability.····”

“Especially the Shangqing Dadong Sutra, you need to focus on understanding it in the future. You don’t need to understand it completely, as long as you can understand two or three of it, it will be enough for your whole life!”The

Shangqing Dadong Sutra is said to be able to become an immortal without the need for the golden elixir. If you recite it ten thousand times, you will become an immortal!

Of course, this is just an exaggeration, but the value of it is enough to explain it!

“I heard from my master that our Maoshan Sect was originally developed on the basis of the”Shangqing Dadong Zhenjing”. Even the”Maoshan Qigong” that we practice now is a simplified version of the”Shangqing Dadong Zhenjing”!”

“It’s a pity that the”Shangqing Dadong Zhenjing” of the Maoshan Sect was lost a long time ago, and the remaining fragments cannot be restored at all, otherwise we can see if the two are the same!”

Well, they should be different. The system said that the Taoist scriptures I got only contain insights and experiences, and there is no specific method of cultivation. If you want to get something from it, you have to rely on yourself to comprehend it!

Lin Chen even found that the version of the Taoist scriptures he got was very different from the one circulated in his world in his previous life!

“Comprehension, isn’t that exactly my advantage right now? And it’s not like I don’t have any ready-made skills at all. At least these hand gestures and talismans are priceless treasures to me!”

“And it is a huge treasure house that can be directly learned and used!”

Lin Chen closed his eyes, and various images flashed in his mind one by one. The mana in his body automatically operated, and a misty temperament diffused, as if he was about to disappear from this world at any time! The teachings of past masters, various scriptures, seals, and talismans in the Taoist canon appeared in his mind one by one. Lin Chen has entered a very special state!

Various talismans were imprinted in his mind, and the spells began to merge. At the same time, the running route of the”Maoshan Qigong” in his body also unconsciously slowly showed some subtle changes!

All the comprehension during this period began to slowly integrate into himself!

And with the change of the running route of Lin Chen’s mana, a strong wind suddenly appeared in the outside world, and the spiritual energy within a radius of hundreds of meters turned into a storm and rushed into Lin Chen’s body!

And constantly tearing and attracting the spiritual energy farther away, slowly gathering into a spiritual energy vortex above Lin Chen’s room!

Such a big movement was immediately discovered by Uncle Jiu, who didn’t bother to pack up his things and hurried to the door of Lin Chen’s room. Just when he wanted to push the door in, he suddenly stopped!

“It shouldn’t be a bad thing.····”Uncle Jiu frowned but didn’t dare to disturb Lin Chen at this time, for fear that his disturbance would cause harm to Lin Chen! Although he didn’t know what Lin Chen was doing, Uncle Jiu had already noticed that Lin Chen’s aura in the room was rapidly increasing!

This meant that Lin Chen was not in any danger for the time being, and his cultivation was even rapidly improving!

“Master, what happened? Why is the wind so strong all of a sudden? Is it going to rain?”Wencai squinted his eyes and rushed out the door;”Qiu Sheng, come quickly, it’s going to rain, help me collect the clothes quickly~”

“It’s really windy, hurry up, my new clothes!”

“Shut up!”Uncle Jiu kicked him.”Be quiet, your senior brother is practicing, don’t disturb him!”

These two bastards, can’t they tell the difference between the wind and the gathering of spiritual energy? Have they practiced for so many years and failed?

“Senior brother, is there such a big noise when you practice?”Qiu Sheng was stunned. He knew that his senior brother had a high level of cultivation, but he didn’t expect it to be so high that he could cause a strong wind just by practicing!

Isn’t that more powerful than Master? Master didn’t make such a noise when he practiced!

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