“Hehe…, didn’t he forbid burning it? Then let Old Master Ren go back to see him, let the two of them get closer, and then see what he says!”

“You···”Uncle Jiu immediately understood what Lin Chen meant, but isn’t this too dangerous? And are you sure it’s okay for Tingting to know about this?

“Don’t mess around, it’s too dangerous, if something unexpected happens it will be troublesome!”Uncle Jiu will definitely not agree to this plan, it’s too dangerous, not only the Ren family is in danger, if the zombies escape, then the responsibility will be great!

“It’s okay, Master. He’ll be out soon, but we can’t burn him directly. We can’t just bury him like this, right?”Lin Chen spread his hands;

“In the current situation, even if he is buried, who knows when he will crawl out by himself. Wouldn’t it be even more dangerous then?”

“That won’t work either!” Uncle Jiu said with a serious expression,”Go and prepare your weapons, and suppress Old Master Ren temporarily. I will go to Ren’s house at dawn tomorrow, and discuss with Master Ren and try to persuade him!”

“Useless master~” Lin Chen was helpless;”Master Ren is not afraid of fire because of some reason, he is just afraid of being poked in the spine by others! In this situation, it is useless even if you, the master, go and tell him. Only when everyone sees it, will they really believe it!”

Dig out your father’s body and burn it. On the surface, everyone is afraid of the power of the Ren family and dare not say anything, but secretly, the people within a hundred miles will not be able to escape the infamy for decades or hundreds of years to come!

But if your father turns into a zombie, and you are still unwilling to burn him, believe it or not, we can unite and burn you and your father together!

“But this is too dangerous. What if zombies···”Uncle Jiu was extremely conflicted. This kind of thing was simply a heresy for him, an upright Maoshan Taoist priest!

“Oh, Master, what are you afraid of with the two of us following you?” Lin Chen spread his hands;”This is already the best way!”

“Um···”Uncle Jiu pondered for a long time and couldn’t think of a better way!

After all, it is definitely not safe to suppress zombies, and getting rid of them directly is always the best choice!

But if Master Ren doesn’t agree, he really can’t do it, otherwise he won’t be able to explain!

The power of the Ren family in Renjia Town is final. If you offend them, it will be difficult for you! Not to mention the matter between his apprentice and Ren Tingting.····

“Then… let’s do it this way. I’ll go prepare the weapons, you just watch here!”

Uncle Jiu finally agreed. With him following behind, there shouldn’t be any problem! Besides, there’s Xiaochen to help. Xiaochen’s cultivation is not low, and with his sharp sword energy, it’s no big deal to deal with an old man named Ren who has just revived!

Lin Chen didn’t wait in the morgue, but followed him out and hid in a corner to restrain his breath!


Sure enough, Lin Chen’s preparation was necessary. Before Uncle Jiu came back, there was a loud noise in the morgue, the coffins scattered, and Old Master Ren jumped out! Old Master Ren, who had just come out of the coffin, first looked in fear in the direction of the ancestral temple, then sniffed, as if he had discovered something, and went straight in one direction!


“Nest~, put Xiao Hei down~”

Lin Chen, who had not intended to show up now, could no longer hide. The dog actually ran straight towards the two little black dogs, then grabbed one of the little black dogs that was trembling so much that it could not move, and bit it!

Lin Chen sprinted two steps and rushed sideways;



With the huge force and the burst of hidden energy, Old Master Ren was knocked away, and a huge hole was knocked out in the wall of the charity cemetery!

“Xiaochen, what’s going on?”

“Master, Old Master Ren has already run out!”

“How could it be so fast?”Uncle Jiu ran to Lin Chen with a small satchel on his back and two peach wood swords in his hands.”Something is wrong, be careful! There seems to be something wrong with the aura of Old Master Ren!”


“this···”Lin Chen was dumbfounded. After being knocked out by him, Old Master Ren did not receive any real damage. After all, zombies are extremely resistant to blows!

But Lin Chen never expected that Old Master Ren would not attack him as he thought after getting up and stopping vomiting. Instead, he roared at the two of them and turned around and jumped out!

“Master, what’s going on? Is the attraction of descendants’ blood so strong?”

“Something is wrong. Although the blood of relatives is indeed very attractive to zombies, it is not to this extent. If there is someone around him, the zombie cannot resist the desire to suck blood!”

Uncle Jiu’s face was solemn;”He seems to be intelligent and knows how to think. This is definitely not an ordinary zombie!”

“Awesome! What should we do now?”

“Of course we have to chase after it!” Uncle Jiu rolled his eyes,”It’s already out, what else can we do? Hurry up and catch up, don’t let it have a chance to kill anyone!”

“Master, where are you going?”

“Hmm? Qiu Sheng, you just woke up, go and wake up Wencai, Old Master Ren has risen from the dead, your brother and I will go after him, you wake up Wencai and ask him to look after the house, and then we will chase after him!”

I have to say that Wencai is really bold~, he didn’t even wake up despite such a big commotion!

The two of them chased after Old Master Ren all the way, fortunately it was already late at night, and Renjia Town was not a big city, there was not so much nightlife at night.

So the journey was relatively peaceful, and no unlucky person went out and encountered zombies. Old Master Ren’s goal was also very clear, he went straight to the Ren family, and he had no intention of attacking people’s houses halfway!

Ren Mansion, although according to Lin Chen’s words, no signs of the Feng Shui master were found after searching the town, Ren Fa still strengthened the guards in the mansion.

It’s better to be safe than sorry, not finding it doesn’t mean nothing exists! What if he is hiding in the dark and plotting?

And Ren Fa has already decided that no matter whether Mr. Feng Shui will come back this time, even if he has to look for him outside, he will find this Mr. Feng Shui or his descendants and bring them all back!

Because ever since Lin Chen and Uncle Jiu said that the Ren family has been getting worse and worse in recent years, and that the only daughter Ren Tingting is probably caused by Mr. Feng Shui, Ren Fa has hated Mr. Feng Shui!

After finding him, Ren Fa swore that he must let him know what real cruelty is!

The Ren family was almost extinct, and this hatred was huge. If he could have an easy death, it would be considered that Ren Fa has lived in vain all these years!

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