Gin slowly raised his gun, with a cold smile on his face, pointed it at Miyano Akemi, and then


“”Big brother, be careful~” Vodka exclaimed, without any hesitation, he raised his hand and poured out the bullets in the gun!

Gin was knocked out by a huge force, spurting out a mouthful of blood in the air, and crashed into the container with a crackling sound of broken bones, and lost his combat effectiveness in just an instant.

If an ordinary person was hit so hard, even if he didn’t die on the spot, he would definitely faint directly.

But Gin is worthy of being the strongest man in the winery. He can stay conscious even with such a serious injury, and he can even take the time to glare at Vodka!

They have already collided, I’ve already flown out Why are you still shouting”Be careful”? What’s the point of being careful at this time? What can you do if you are more careful?

However, he still recognized Vodka’s subconscious counterattack. Although he was a little stupid, he still had some ability, otherwise Gin would not have kept him by his side.

But Vodka’s counterattack had no effect at all. Although his shooting skills were indeed good and his reaction speed was very fast, the 897 attacker instantly turned into a residual image and drew an arc in an instant. Not only did he perfectly avoid all the bullets, but he also came to Vodka’s side at an angle that seemed incredible to ordinary people!

“”Boom~” There was another loud noise, and Vodka was kicked away by the attacker, hitting the container that Gin was leaning on, leaving a huge dent on the container!

Vodka spit out blood and slid down beside Gin!

Maybe it was because he was more seriously injured, or maybe he didn’t have Gin’s strong willpower, anyway, he lost consciousness after landing! It was not until this time that Gin finally saw clearly who attacked them!

This should be a woman? Or a woman with a hot body?

There was no way, the other party had a very funny but inexplicably ironic mask on her face, covering her entire face tightly, and you couldn’t see the other party’s appearance at all. The clothes were also very loose and somewhat neutral, and the fabric looked very good (afeh)!

The reason why you can tell that the other party is a woman is because the other party has a more explosive figure than others, and even if the clothes are loose, they can’t show that proud advantage.

Gin opened his mouth, wanting to ask who the other party was and why he suddenly attacked them.

But after opening his mouth, he couldn’t make any sound, only blood kept flowing out from the corners of his mouth!


There was a loud noise outside the factory building. The mysterious woman was shaken and was pushed to the ground by a huge force, moving some distance away!

“Sniper!”Miyano Akemi finally recovered from the sudden change and hurriedly found a blind spot to move in.

Gin silently pulled the corner of his mouth and forced a smile!

So what if he is good at fighting? Facing the attack of a sniper rifle, isn’t it…

Gin’s forced smile suddenly froze, his pupils shrank violently, and he looked at the mysterious woman in front of him who stood up calmly as if nothing had happened in disbelief!

“”Roar~” A terrifying roar came from under the mask, and then the mysterious woman turned and rushed out of the factory.

In the horrified eyes of Gin, Miyano Akemi and the sniper in the distance, the mysterious woman rushed out of the factory and suddenly stomped her feet hard.

“”Flying up?” Gongye Mingming’s eyes widened, and he finally murmured, doubting his life!

She even wondered if she was dreaming? Or Gin had actually shot herself, and everything in front of her was just a fantasy before her death?

Just when she was a little confused, she suddenly heard a strange sound in her ear, as if she was reading a violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Miyano Akemi turned her head to look at the bedside, and then she saw a man wearing a robber’s mask on his head, the kind that only showed two eyes, the kind used by bank robbers.

He kept waving at her!

When he noticed that she was looking at him, he seemed very happy and waved at her, signaling her to hurry over!

“”This” Miyano Akemi was even more confused. What was going on? Why was she a little confused now? []

After thinking carefully about the current situation, it seemed that it couldn’t get any worse, right? So Miyano Akemi quickly made up her mind. No matter what, she would go over and see what the other party’s purpose was!

“Sister Mingmei, right?”

To Miyano Mingmei’s surprise, the other party was actually a girl, and judging from her voice, she should be young, probably about the same age as her sister!

“I am, who are you? Is the masked woman with you?”

“Hello, Sister Mingmei, you can just call me Sonoko, I am here to save you!”

Yes, the person who came was Suzuki Sonoko!

“Let’s not talk too much for now, that annoying guy should be chasing us soon, let’s leave here first!” Suzuki Sonoko made way a little and signaled Miyano Akemi to climb out of the window quickly;

“Don’t worry, it’s not Ai, it’s Miyano Shiho who has been rescued. I’ll take you to see her now!”

“What?” Miyano Akemi couldn’t believe it.”Who are you?””

“Oh, stop talking so much. It will be troublesome if that annoying guy finds out. Let’s leave here first!”

“”Okay!” Miyano Akemi also knew that now was not the time to talk nonsense. Although she didn’t know who the annoying guy was, it didn’t matter!

She really had to leave here quickly. The other party mentioned Shiho, which made her very concerned. Whether it was true or not, she had to go and see!

“” Hurry, hurry, I’ve been out for a whole day without my family’s knowledge. If I don’t go back quickly, it will be terrible if my mother finds out!”

After Miyano Akemi climbed out of the factory, Suzuki Sonoko grabbed her and ran out;”Where is the car parked? Oh~, it’s here”

Miyano Akemi;””

What should I do? This little girl seems unreliable! How about running away by myself? This may be easier!”

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