“Ding~, group member Lin Chen uploaded a copy of”Zhaojian Divine Art” and obtained 1,000 points!”

“Group member Lin Chen uploaded a copy of”Tongtian Lu” and earned 5,000 points!”

“Group member Lin Chen uploaded a copy of”Basic Qi Training Techniques of Maoshan” and received 500 points”

“Group member Lin Chen uploaded”Thousand Tribulations Body Tempering Technique” and received 10,000 points!”

“Group member Lin Chen uploaded”The Body Forging Technique with the Essence of All Things” and earned 8,000 points!”

“Group member Lin Chen uploaded”Detailed Explanation of Chinese Martial Arts” and received 2,000 points!”

“Group member Lin Chen uploaded the top-grade supernatural power”The Birth of Infinite Physical Body and Wisdom Supernatural Power”, and obtained 800,000 points!”

“Group member Lin Chen uploaded the top-grade supernatural power”The Pure and Unhindered Heavenly Eye Wisdom Power” and obtained 800,000 points!”

“Group member Lin Chen uploaded”Kendo Enlightenment” and earned 3,000 points!”

“Group member Lin Chen uploaded”Complete Collection of Talismans” and earned 2,000 points!”

“Group member Lin Chen uploaded the fragment of”Zhelong Sleeping Skill” and received 2000 points!”

As Lin Chen uploaded, the chat group was immediately flooded with messages! Various large points made Su some people dizzy!

Zhou Xiaobai��”Oh my god, I didn’t know before that Lin Chen was so rich? How many points are these~”

Tony Stark;”What do I need this trillion fortune for~”

Nakiri Erina;”Is this Taoist Priest Lin Chen? It’s amazing, with so many points, Taoist Priest Lin must have made a fortune~”

Gogen Ruri;”Brother Lin Chen is great, I know Brother Lin Chen is the best!”

Hermione Granger;”Why is Taoist Priest Lin’s skills worth so much money?”

Dongfang Bai;”This…···Am I seeing this right?”Zhaojian Shengong” is actually so valuable? A full 1,000 points!~!”

Xu Fengnian:”Impossible! Didn’t they say that the Zhaojian Magic Art can only be cultivated to the level of a third-grade warrior? Why is it worth so many points?”

Xu Fengnian:”I have sold many Gongfa secret books before, some of which were cultivated to the level of a land immortal, so why is it only 800 points at most?”

Lin Chen:”Is it possible that it is because I have re-deduce the Zhaojian Magic Art?”

Tony Stark:”Hey? Taoist Lin, why are you back again?”

Lin Chen:”I knew you would talk about me, so I came back to explain!”

Lin Chen:”After my re-dediction of the Zhaojian Magic Art, as long as there is no problem with one’s own qualifications and one is willing to practice hard, I have been able to steadily enter the realm of heaven and man!”

Lin Chen;”and it incorporates the method of absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, so the speed of cultivation is much faster than ordinary exercises! The quality of the true energy is also improved exponentially, so it can be worth 1,000 points!”

Lin Chen;”To be honest, I still think it’s a bit too little!”

Gogen Liuli;”Brother Lin Chen is awesome~” cracked voicejpg.

Zhou Xiaobai;”Master Lin is awesome~” cracked voicejpg.

Tony Stark;

“Master Lin is awesome~” cracked voicejpg. Dongfang Bai;”Master Lin is awesome~” cracked voicejpg.

Nakiri Erina;”Master Lin is awesome~” cracked voicejpg.

Hermione Granger;”Master Chen····”

Lin Chen;”Calm down, calm down. Look at how ignorant you are! What does this little disappearance mean to me? You have to learn to adapt!” He put his hands on his hips, which made me look so arrogant.jpg.

Lin Chen;”But I am really happy this time. I will send a red envelope so that everyone can be happy together!”

“Group member Lin Chen sent out lucky red envelopes, come grab them now!”

Zhou Xiaobai:”I’ll give you one point! Wow, three hundred points, is that a lot?”

Dongfang Bai:”Two hundred points, not bad, I’m very satisfied!”

Tony Stark:”Uh, is fifty-eight a lot?”

Hermione Granger:”I’ll give you one hundred and twenty-three points!”·····”

The points everyone got were different, but everyone was very happy. Even if they got less, it was the points for signing in for one day, which was not a small amount! Do you still despise the points you got unexpectedly?

Lin Chen:”A total of 3,500 points, not much, just to let everyone share in the joy!”

Well, it’s not just the joy of getting rich, but also the joy of finally becoming a man!

Amidst the farewell, Lin Chen finally logged off. His stomach couldn’t take it anymore, and Wencai was already calling him! He gently woke up Ren Tingting who was still sleeping, teased her a few times, and helped her put on her clothes clumsily. The two of them came to the restaurant close together;

Ren Tingting hugged Lin Chen’s arm, and the whole person huddled behind Lin Chen with her head down, not daring to see anyone!

Last night she herself didn’t know why she was so brave. As a girl, she was so bold as to run into Lin Chen’s room!

“Okay, if you hide behind Xiaochen, I won’t be able to see you?” Ren Fa said angrily;”Come here and have dinner!”

Ren Fa was indeed very angry at first, but when he thought about it carefully, Lin Chen was not a bad son-in-law. Things had already happened, and there was no point in getting angry!

“After dinner, Dad has to go back to take care of things at home. You stay at the charity cemetery. Dad will be back in the evening!”

The main reason is that the servants of the Ren family ran away last night. Today he has to go back to check and find someone to clean up the house.

The house can’t be left unattended, so he has to find some more servants, and business matters have to be taken care of!

“”I will also go to the town to discuss with the gentry. Xiaochen, you stay at home and watch over Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai. Don’t let them be lazy!””

With such a big thing as the appearance of zombies, we must make it clear to the gentry in the town and ask them to help patrol the town at night to prevent zombies from hurting people at night!

“Don’t worry, Master, I will keep an eye on them!” Lin Chen turned his head and looked at his two junior brothers, smiling grimly;”Dear junior brothers, you won’t make it too difficult for me, right?”

“····”Qiu Sheng Wencai trembled all over and suddenly had a very bad premonition!

“”Master… Senior Brother, of course we won’t go back, we… we will definitely work hard!” Qiu Sheng hastily assured, Senior Brother’s smile is so familiar, just like Master~

The last time Master laughed like this, several people in the neighboring town died, it was so scary!

“Also, I just discussed with Master Ren that after the zombie issue is dealt with, we will pick a good day nearby for you and Tingting to get married. Do you have any objection?”

As he spoke, Uncle Jiu and Ren Fa stared at him with a straight look, especially Ren Fa, whose look was simply terrifying!

“Of course, no problem. Just let the master and Uncle Ren discuss it. I’ll listen to the master!” Lin Chen nodded hurriedly.

Ren Tingting on the side smiled, but then suddenly lowered her head, eating her rice shyly, not daring to look up at all!

“”Wow~, Senior Brother, you are getting married? So soon?” Qiu Sheng couldn’t believe it. What happened?

Wencai was even more envious.”Senior Brother is obviously younger than us, but he is getting married. I wonder when it will be our turn?”

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