After seeing Lin Chen swallowing the thunderbolt as if he was eating noodles, everyone on Mount Mao was shocked!

Everyone suspected that they were still dreaming, or suspected that they were bewitched by ghosts!

Otherwise, how could they see such an outrageous scene?

Many people in the chat group were also stunned by Lin Chen’s operation.

Fatty Wang:”Wow, I knew Lin Chen was powerful, but I didn’t expect Lin Chen to be so powerful! This guy can even swallow thunderbolts? By the way, is this thing delicious? What does it taste like?” Xu Fengnian:

“Brother-in-law is mighty~, brother-in-law is charming~”

Zhang Sanfeng:”This is really, this old Taoist has lived for a hundred years and has never seen such a god! Several of my disciples have been scared and collapsed on the ground!”

Dongfang Bai:”Sure enough, he is worthy of being the man that I, Dongfang Bai, like!” Proud”Five Nine Zero”jpg.

Erina Nakiri:”After Lin Chen is done, I must ask clearly, what does the thunderbolt taste like? Is it delicious? Is it”

Bai Ling:”Is this little Taoist so powerful? You Why didn’t you tell me before?”

Lu Linglong;”My goodness, this is a bit scary, isn’t it? Taoist Lin is getting more and more powerful now, and it feels like he has improved a lot.”

Wu Geng Liuli;”Everyone calm down, what’s so surprising about this? As a man favored by me, the Fallen Saint Black Cat, isn’t this ability normal? What’s the fuss?”

Tsuchima;”Little black cat, stop making trouble~”

Tony Stark;”Here it comes, the sixth lightning is coming, everyone look, Taoist Lin seems to have grown bigger?”

After five thunders, the calamity clouds in the sky not only did not weaken at all, but the pressure became even heavier, and the violent rolling seemed to be about to fall at any time!

Lin Chen used the defense brought by the Five Elements Great Escape to forcibly refine the power of the thunder calamity swallowed into his stomach. Without worrying about damaging himself, the speed was extremely fast.

In just a few breaths, he completely refined the fifth thunder into nutrients that strengthened himself!

Feeling his rapidly increasing physical strength, Lin Chen licked his lips and looked up at the sky, then shouted,”Law of Heaven and Earth~”

A giant several hundred meters tall rose from the ground!

Lin Chen stepped on the top of Mount Mao, and as his body expanded, dozens of courtyards were squeezed and collapsed by his huge feet.

“”Lin Chen, you little bastard~, you wait for me~” Uncle Jiu turned around and ran out, cursing non-stop.

This little bastard is too unreliable. Didn’t he see that I, his master, was still beside him? Couldn’t he have reminded me in advance?

Lin Chen didn’t know at this time that Uncle Jiu had made another note for him in the little notebook. He was now holding a three-pointed, two-edged sword that was enlarged in the same proportion, looking at the calamity cloud above with excitement on his face. The”Body Casting Technique of All Things’ Essence” was fully operational for the first time since its creation!

Lin Chen opened his huge mouth of the abyss, aimed at the calamity cloud above and sucked it suddenly.


Under everyone’s stunned and disbelieving gazes, the calamity clouds in the sky turned into a long dragon and were quickly swallowed into Lin Chen’s mouth!

“Fuck you!”The three dragons were all shocked by Lin Chen’s action;”Mad! Mad!”

“Senior Brother~, is this our Xiaochen? Why do I feel like I’m dreaming?” Qian He held onto Taoist Simu’s shoulders, feeling his legs go weak and he couldn’t speak clearly!

“You ask me? Who should I ask?” Taoist Simu raised his head with snot bubbles coming out of his nose.

Yue Qiluo on the side suddenly showed a big smile;”Hehe~, you are worthy of being the man I like, and only a man like this is worthy of me!”

“Ahhhh~~~, So handsome, so handsome, but this is too big, right? The law of heaven and earth? No, no, it will definitely break if it does this, so”Xia He blushed and kept twisting her body, muttering in a low voice. To read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Sister Tingting~, Brother Chen’s magical powers helped Lin Chen swallow a steady stream of thunder and lightning. The powerful thunder and lightning were rapidly refined and transformed, but the thunder and lightning were too violent, and with his attention distracted, even with Lin Chen’s ability, it was difficult to sustain for too long.

This method of body refining was too rough, and too fast an improvement was not necessarily a good thing!

So when he felt it was almost done, Lin Chen stopped absorbing thunder and lightning to refine his body, and began to condense the thunder into a thunder ball….

This way, whether it is used for body training later or thrown out as a disposable magic weapon to fight against the enemy, it is very convenient!

However, Lin Chen did not overdo it. The main reason was that Uncle Jiu was going through the tribulation today, and there were so many people waiting. So after feeling that it was almost done, Lin Chen stopped directly! After

Lin Chen stopped absorbing and turned into its original size, the few remaining dark clouds in the sky began to roll violently again.

Moreover, more dark clouds began to condense and gather in the distance, and the speed was faster and faster than before.

But Lin Chen did not give the tribulation cloud time to recover! []

A green lotus bloomed under his feet, holding him in the air. He held the three-pointed double-edged sword in both hands and chopped at the tribulation cloud in the air with a roar!

“hold head high~~~”

An illusory three-headed dragon in the three-pointed, double-edged sword roared and slammed heavily into the calamity cloud!


The void shook, and the heavy calamity clouds had no power to resist. The moment the illusory three-headed dragon collided with it, it directly disintegrated, revealing the sun behind the dark clouds!

Thunder snakes splashed, and a thunder pool appeared out of thin air in the sky. In an instant, the flashing lightning even overshadowed the sun’s light, covering hundreds of miles of Maoshan in lightning!

After the 5.2 thunder calamity dissipated, colorful clouds appeared out of thin air above Maoshan!

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows, threw the three-pointed double-edged sword to his side, and grabbed with both hands!

“Hmm?” Uncle Jiu appeared out of thin air in Lin Chen’s hand with a bewildered look on his face. Lin Chen led him by the scruff of his neck with one hand and made him stand on the green lotus.

The colorful rays of light instantly enveloped the two of them!

Lin Chen did not hesitate at all. He held Uncle Jiu in one hand and Si Teng’s flowerpot in the other. He quickly closed his eyes and began to comprehend the mystery of the colorful rays of light with all his strength!

“Ahhhhh~~~, It’s Si Teng again! It’s Si Teng again! Lin Chen is a bastard and he only remembers Si Teng, right?”Xu Zhihu was going crazy. She also wanted to try being illuminated by the colorful rays of light.

“Humph~” Nangong Pushe also snorted coldly with a straight face, obviously very dissatisfied with this!

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