During the following period, Lin Chen lived a very relaxed life. Every night, he entered the small world and played with Xu Weixiong, Nangong Pushe and others.

During the day, he wandered around with Erina, Xiaolin Longdan and others. He even went to some stores with Erina to do evaluations, that is, to taste the specialties of these restaurants!

Although Lin Chen did not have the plug-in of the God’s Tongue, with his cultivation, his five senses of taste were definitely much better than the God’s Tongue as long as he wanted to!

Compared with Erina, he might not know enough about cooking, so he could only taste some differences and differences, but he could not give professional opinions on the amount of seasoning, the control of the heat, etc.

But even so, after a few times, Lin Chen’s reputation began to become louder, and many people knew of his existence!

And maybe it was because he was not as poisonous as Erina? So although he could not give more professional opinions, he was also warmly welcomed by these restaurants.

After all, although the opinions he gave were not so professional, it might take a long time for you to understand them. At least he didn’t curse people. He was also more tactful when he spoke, unlike the eldest daughter of the Nakiri family, who was merciless and impolite when she opened her mouth!

However, Lin Chen was unwilling to spend his time commenting on the food in these stores, although the taste was indeed good!

Well, after returning, maybe I can arrange for Wencai to come to Totsuki to learn. If he can master this skill, he won’t have to worry about finding a wife in the future!

Erina didn’t want to waste time on such things, so she just commented on the special dishes of several stores with Lin Chen, and then turned down all the subsequent work.

Lin Chen finally came here, so he couldn’t spend his time elsewhere. Erina was also looking forward to learning about the romantic date in the comics with Lin Chen!

Although the subsequent date was a little different from what she imagined, it was not two people, but six people!

In addition to her and Lin Chen, there were also Kobayashi Ryodan and Tanomo Megumi, and of course Hisako was indispensable!

Then there was Nakiri Alice who followed with a shameless face!

Lin Chen didn’t have any big opinions about this. After all, it was really enjoyable to have multiple beauties around. It would be even better if Alice wasn’t so annoying! She kept asking for dreamy ingredients all day long, and she would take advantage of them if she didn’t give them to her. Every time she got something, she would turn around and leave immediately, which made Lin Chen depressed!

But how can I put it? Most of the time, Lin Chen was in a very good mood!

First of all, Xiaolin Longdan was getting bolder and bolder. Since Lin Chen took away her first kiss, she seemed to have given up.

She didn’t care much about her image. She tempted him every day. Although she wasn’t really eaten by Lin Chen, it was almost the same!

The progress of Tansho Hui was very slow. The main reason was that this girl was too shy. Once Lin Chen got closer, her face would turn red and she would stutter when she answered!

However, as time passed, this situation was gradually improving, and Lin Chen found that this girl would peek at him from time to time, and once they made eye contact, they would dodge like a frightened little rabbit.

It’s quite fun. Lin Chen always wants to tease her when he has nothing to do!

The biggest gain afterwards is that he successfully took down Erina.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

In fact, Erina had been taken down by him a long time ago. After all, the system reward had been given, but she had not been eaten for various reasons.

Now she is finally completely in his pocket!

It’s just a pity that some of Lin Chen’s little thoughts have not been realized so far, and it seems that there is no hope at all for the time being.

Erina Nakiri and Managi Nakiri don’t like each other, and it’s impossible for them to do that~

In fact, Managi Nakiri is okay, it’s mainly because Erina is more difficult to deal with. She doesn’t like Managi Nakiri anymore. She doesn’t even want to meet her at ordinary times. If it weren’t for the old man to mediate the conflicts every time, they almost fought several times when they met!

I just don’t know if the old man will be willing to mediate after he finds out the real situation between the three of them? Maybe

Yang Chan;”Lin Chen, when will you come to my place? Jade Ding Zhenren can’t wait to see you!”

Yang Chan was full of helplessness. In fact, it was not only Jade Ding Zhenren, but her second brother Yang Jian was also very interested in Lin Chen or Lin Chen’s method of refining the body through thunder tribulation. He also wanted to discuss it with him after Lin Chen came over!

Yang Jian felt that this method of refining the body through thunder tribulation was very suitable for him. If it could be improved, it should be of great help to his cultivation!

But how to induce thunder tribulation is indeed a problem.

Thunder tribulation is not something that can be created just by saying it, especially something that can help him! (To read the novel of Bao Shuang, go to Feilu Novel Network!) The thunder tribulation that can threaten him and be used for his body refining is definitely not enough for the Thunder Department of the Heavenly Court. It must contain the power of heaven and earth and be formed by heaven and earth.

And the weak ones are useless, the powerful ones are useless.

Well, maybe we can change it. If 047 can… Lin Chen:”Don’t worry about it. I’m still here with Erina. Maybe it will take a few days?”

Fatty Wang:”Master Lin, brother-in-law, do you have time to come with us? We are about to go to the Jingjue Ancient City. It’s quite dangerous along the way. Do you have time?””[]

Zhang Sanfeng:”My dear Wang, tomb robbing is a bit risky after all. I would say you should stop doing it.”

Zhu Wusi:”Fatty Wang, tomb robbers will be sentenced to death if they are caught, and digging graves is too immoral! Fatty, if you are short of money, I can give you some gold and silver. You’d better not do this!”

Tujianmai:”That’s right, Brother Wang, don’t lead Taoist Lin astray!”

Meng Qi:”You will be eaten by me after you die if you dig graves. Aren’t you afraid?”

Fatty Wang:”Eat?”

Meng Qi:”That’s right, Meng Po’s food is the evil ghosts with serious sins. Don’t you know? I tell you, I can not only make Meng Po soup, but I actually use people to make it.

Suzuki Sonoko;”Eat people? Sister Meng Qi, you actually eat people?”

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