“Hey? Master Fahai, are you okay?” Zhou Xiaobai looked at the bald man in front of him who was listless and even had two big dark circles under his eyes, and his heart was full of confusion.

With Fahai’s strength, it seemed that he was sucked dry now. What happened to him?

Fahai raised his head and glanced at Zhou Xiaobai, trying to force a smile;”It’s okay, I just feel a little unwell, I will be well soon”

“That” Zhou Xiaobian scratched his head;”Master Fahai, you don’t look like you will be well soon~ah~”

Fahai hesitated;”Excuse me, group leader, do you know that Taoist Lin has some magical trees?-”

“Big bone stick tree? Rice bowl fruit tree? Bacon tree?”Zhou Xiaobai raised her eyebrows, she seemed to know what was going on!

“Master Fahai, are you”

“Taoist Priest Lin gave me some before, and I…” Fahai opened his mouth, his face full of shame;”I just”

“”What a big deal~” Zhou Xiaobai waved his hand,”Isn’t it just eating some fruit? What’s the big deal? It’s not like I killed any living things! Besides, even if I really broke the precepts, it doesn’t matter.”~”

“You know Bai Ling in the group, right?”

“I know it’s a fox demon!”Fahai’s expression was serious. As the only demon in the group, he was always paying attention to the other party’s movements. He was afraid that the other party would do something strange in the group, or gain powerful power in the group and bring disaster to the sentient beings in his own world.

“You should have seen the memory images of Bai Ling’s world, right? Didn’t Master Ji Dian, the reincarnation of the Arhat who subdues the dragon, drink and eat meat?”

In Zhou Xiaobai’s opinion, isn’t it normal to drink and eat meat? Anyway, she certainly can’t stand eating vegetarian every day.

Uh~, unless it is the meal made by Erina herself, after all, Erina’s cooking skills, even a vegetarian banquet is incomparably delicious!

Besides, since what Fahai eats is the fantasy food given to him by Lin Chen, it is still unclear whether it is meat or not.

Although that thing looks like meat and tastes even better than real meat, it grows from a tree after all.

Strictly speaking, it can only be regarded as a special fruit that looks and tastes meaty.

It shouldn’t be considered a violation of the precepts, right?

But Lin Chen is really a bad taste. Obviously, there are many real vegetarian dishes in the fantasy food, but he gave Fahai this kind of meat that is neither meat nor vegetarian. It is definitely intentional!

“”Actually,” Fahai hesitated,”Actually, I don’t regret eating these things, but because after eating these things, when I eat the vegetarian food in the temple…”

How to say it, the fantasy ingredients themselves are very delicious. Fahai, a monk who has never eaten meat and lives on simple meals and vegetables and radishes every day, after trying the fantasy ingredients and the taste of meat, he can’t eat those vegetables and radishes anymore!

Zhou Xiaobai’s mouth twitched,”So you are…”

“May I ask if Master Lin has a lot of this kind of food? Do you have any idea of selling it? I want to ask,”Fahai blushed and felt a little embarrassed.

“Lin Chen seemed to have quite a lot in his hand, after all, his small world itself was not ordinary, but Master, why don’t you ask Lin Chen directly?”

Zhou Xiaobai was also drunk, Lin Chen, you are a sinful man!

Look at what you have done to Master Fahai? Don’t you feel any pain at all?

Oh~, maybe not, maybe you will even be very happy?

“Isn’t this a bit bad?”Fahai actually felt that this was not good. Even a monk couldn’t overcome his appetite. It was really a bit…

But since he tasted that flavor, he could not forget it. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

In fact, the ingredients Lin Chen sent him were not few, but after he tasted that flavor, he couldn’t control himself for a while. With his cultivation level, if he really couldn’t control his mouth, no matter how much he had, it would not be enough for him to eat. He could keep eating without any problem!

“Then I’ll tell Lin Chen for you!”

Zhou Xiaobai narrowed his eyes, feeling that something was wrong with Fahai’s situation.

0Seeking flowers[]

A great monk of this generation couldn’t even overcome his appetite, and was tortured into this state by some food.

“Come, come, Master, please come in and sit for a while. There are drinks and snacks here. Don’t be polite. These things taste good!”

“You do it first, I’ll talk to Lin Chen for you and ask him to send you more ingredients! Then I’ll explain to you the current situation in this world, and then we’ll discuss what to do.” After welcoming Fahai into the small villa as a temporary residence, Zhou Xiaobai enthusiastically took out a bunch of things to entertain him, and then began to contact Lin Chen!

But she didn’t say it directly in the chat group, one reason was that Fahai might be embarrassed to let others know about his situation.

Another reason Zhou Xiaobai also wanted to ask Lin Chen privately, what exactly is going on with Fahai? Why does it feel a little bit wrong?

Zhou Xiaobai;”Lin Chen, come out quickly, I have something important to ask you!”

Zhou Xiaobai;”Lin Chen? Come out quickly~”

Lin Chen;”What? If you have something to say, say it quickly, I have to go out to do business later!”

Zhou Xiaobai;”What business can you have? You didn’t fall in love with some girl, did you?” Lin Chen;

“Oh~, I really have something to do later, and I’m about to go out. If you have anything to say, tell me quickly. If you’re not in a hurry, you can wait until I come back to talk about it!”

Just as he was about to go out with Uncle Jiu to check the situation at the Sansha position, Zhou Xiaobai came to the door.

Zhou Xiaobai:”No~, Master Fahai is still waiting, and I have some questions for you!”

Lin Chen:”Fahai? Has he gone there?”

Helplessly, Lin Chen could only tell Uncle Jiu to wait a moment and leave after he had dealt with his side.

Uncle Jiu didn’t care about it. It was still early anyway, so it didn’t matter if he waited a little, so he simply sat down on a chair in the living room.

Zhou Xiaobai:”I just got here, but Master Fahai seems a little bit strange~” Picture jpg.

Zhou Xiaobai sent a photo of Fahai that he had just taken in the chat group to Lin Chen���

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