Because the pipelines and lines need to be arranged, Jiu Shu asked some workers from Renjia Town to help in the next period of time. He also dug a basement under the side house to place the medium-sized reactor!

If this thing is destroyed, it is still very dangerous. Considering the possible problems of the charity cemetery, it is simply to build a basement to place it.

Although there are workers to help, there are not many people in the Republic of China who can handle the work of wiring and connection. What’s more, Lin Chen’s requirements are relatively high. At least it can’t affect the appearance!

Therefore, Lin Chen can only do it himself in many places, and others can only help out! So this busy time took more than ten days, and this is only the main house of the charity cemetery. There is no time to clean up the side house!

But it doesn’t matter, the side house is generally not needed, just take it slowly. Qiu Shengwencai has learned a little bit by helping during this period, and it will be okay to let them do it little by little when the time comes!

“Brother, where is the big bed you mentioned before? Where is the refrigerator? And the air conditioner that can blow cold air!”Wencai is already a little impatient!

When the renovation was done before, everyone lived in the side rooms, and he wanted to let Lin Chen use them first, but Lin Chen thought it would be better to wait until the renovation is finished.

By then, everything will be new, which will be more ceremonial!

Seeing that his two junior brothers and even his master were looking at him expectantly, Lin Chen also smiled happily!

“”Okay, okay, but there are a lot of things. I’ll take them out little by little and sort them!”

Qiu Sheng and the others didn’t say anything. It doesn’t matter if they are tired for the good stuff!

Fortunately, the red envelopes in the chat group can be stored for a long time as long as they are not claimed, otherwise it would be really difficult to deal with!

“Let’s go, let’s find an open space and I’ll get the things out!”

“Xiaochen, you···”Uncle Jiu frowned and glanced at Qiu Sheng and Wencai, signaling with his eyes whether Lin Chen should keep it a secret from them!

“Forget it, Master, there is nothing to hide. Although they were a little naughty, they still had some sense!”Lin Chen knew what Uncle Jiu meant, but they would live together in the future, and it was not a solution to keep it a secret.

Besides, they couldn’t guess anything with their brains!

The backyard was filled with a large pile of goods as Lin Chen’s little hands kept clicking.

Good guy, I knew Tony was a big dog owner, but Lin Chen really didn’t expect that he was so well prepared, and many items were prepared in multiple copies.

The four masters and apprentices worked from morning to midnight to finish sorting these things, mainly because it took some time to install electrical appliances!

But in the end, there were still many things that had no place to put them, and they could only temporarily pack the valuables in the room, and the others could only be put in a shed in the backyard!

After finishing the packing, although it was late at night, the four masters and apprentices were too tired to move, but looking at the brand new look of the charity cemetery, their faces were full of smiles!

“Is this still our charity cemetery? It’s much more luxurious than Master Ren’s house in town, isn’t it? It’s just a little small!”Qiu Sheng has decided that unless it is necessary to go back to help his aunt, he will live in the charity cemetery!

“It’s a little small, but it doesn’t matter. When I have money in the future, I can build a bigger one next to it!” Lin Chen was also very happy, slumped in the chair and imagined the future!

“Master, shall we get something for a midnight snack? I haven’t had a good dinner yet and my stomach is growling now!” Qiu Sheng covered his rumbling stomach;”I can’t sleep on an empty stomach.~”

“”Master is hungry too, you and Wencai go prepare it!” Uncle Jiu usually doesn’t eat at night, but today is special and he has been busy until now so he really needs to eat something!

Wencai’s face was bitter;”Master, I don’t have any strength left now!”

“Forget it, forget it. When I was packing up just now, I saw some fast food and snacks. Let’s make do with them tonight. Everyone is tired!”It goes without saying that everything is fine for Uncle Jiu and the others who come from the modern era, but they are really too tired. In the past ten days, they have been busy from morning to night every day in order to use the new things as soon as possible!

Today they were busy until midnight again. No matter how delicious the food is, it can’t resist the tiredness~

After a few bites, they couldn’t wait to go back to their rooms and fall asleep! They slept until noon the next day when it was almost time for lunch before getting up. Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, in particular, had never experienced such a soft big bed, a brand new duck down quilt and a soft big mattress. The two even planned to sleep for another whole day!

But their stomachs couldn’t take it anymore, and the master had already come in with a rattan stick, so they had no choice but to get up and prepare to cook!

“I have been busy repairing the Yizhuang these days, and the work on the Daozang has been delayed. Fortunately, the bookshelf was also completed yesterday.”

Uncle Jiu reminded while eating;”Xiaochen, let’s start after dinner!”

“I’m fine with either. I’ll be in charge of dictating and let Qiu Sheng and Wencai take turns copying it down!”

“The inheritance of national martial arts is also recorded together, so that Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai can also learn from it in the future to see if they have any talent in this area!”Lin Chen nodded

“Master, you can also take a look. Chinese martial arts may not have much effect on ghosts, but it is very useful against humans. These days of war and chaos, it never hurts to know more things!”

“That’s fine!” Uncle Jiu didn’t refuse. He was also interested in the inheritance of other worlds!

It’s okay to just assist in cultivation, at least it can strengthen the body.

“However, practicing Chinese martial arts is quite hard.···”Lin Chen pondered for a while;

“It seems that I have to make use of the small world. Master, when you have time, please help me find some medicinal seeds. Ginseng and other tonics will make cultivation much easier!”Lin Chen has not used the small world yet, so it cannot be wasted.

“OK, when I have time I’ll go for a walk up the mountain and then go to the pharmacy to see if it has any!”

“”Master, what are you talking about?” Qiu Sheng listened to the conversation between his master and his senior brother, and thought about the many pieces of rice paper, pens and ink that he and Wencai had bought together before. Suddenly, he had a bad feeling!

“It’s nothing serious. You can go to the room next to me and get the rice paper you bought earlier. Your senior brother will be responsible for dictation, and you two will take turns to write down what your senior brother says!”

Uncle Jiu laughed,”Pay attention, your senior brother will check it after you finish writing. If you make a mistake in a word, I will whip each of you!”

Wencai dropped the chicken leg in his hand,”Master… Master, there are so many rice papers.···”

Uncle Jiu interrupted directly;”Yes, there is a little less, but there is still time to buy more after you finish using it!”

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