"The water level pattern in Longjia Village is first-class, and it can form the rare Dragon Tuzhu Cave. At that time, an idea flashed through my mind, but I didn’t think about it carefully. Now that I think about it, ugh……"

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were scratching their heads anxiously,"Master, senior brother, what's going on? Don't show off!"

Aunt Partridge was also worried, but she was more concerned about her image in Uncle Jiu's heart, so she had to endure it. With.

Uncle Jiu and Su Yu looked at each other, and then said with a serious expression:"Such a good Feng Shui is the best choice for a tomb, and it is even rarer than the Ren family's dragonfly-dotted water cave! Those who can choose this kind of tomb must be princes and nobles! In other words, there is a big tomb under the spring!"

Although Uncle Jiu looked solemn, there was excitement in his eyes! How could a person with extremely good Feng Shui not be interested in those big tombs?

However, due to the rules of Maoshan, Uncle Jiu will not do that tomb robbing thing.

"Wow! This is a big discovery. There must be something good in the tomb. If we dig it out, we won’t reveal it!" Qiu Sheng said with bright eyes. Su Yu rolled his eyes at

Qiu Sheng. If Uncle Jiu could do such a thing, then Uncle Jiu would Will it still be like this?

He added:"We can make a bold inference based on the news we got from the wandering soul yesterday.

Many years ago, a group of foreigners came to preach. They chose a location to build a church, but this was only a superficial reason.

In fact, what they do is secretly sell days and dig graves! They may have obtained the map of this tomb abroad, so they can find it very accurately!" Su

Yu pinched his chin,"This is Things may not be as simple as we see. There are at least two vampires among them, and these two vampires have other purposes!

In addition, the corpses of those bats should have been sucked by the vampire at the bottom of the pond. And I suspect that he has the ability to control bats! I think we should take time to go to the church to see if we can get some clues."

Su Yu stopped analyzing. He had the advantage of foresight. He knew that there were two vampires outside.

Now the situation was clear. Vampires and ordinary people came to dig graves together, but some people were trapped. Died in a large tomb.

The vampire in the tomb made a living by sucking the blood of bats, and was very clever in creating accidents, so that Longjiacun had to look for other water sources.

When looking for water sources, he could control the bats to kill him After the partner is resurrected, he will find a way to rescue him from the tomb.

This is probably the process. Some details are not too important, such as why the vampire in the tomb knows where the vampire outside is buried.

Inside It may involve some personal grievances, but they are not of the same mind anyway.

The West is like this, selfishness is engraved in the bones.

The master and the disciples got together to discuss for a long time. They could not dig the grave right away, as that would cause a lot of trouble. According to the news, once Longjiacun misunderstood, they would become the enemies of Longjiacun and even Longjia Town!

Don't be reckless in everything.

Under Su Yu's active guidance, the master and apprentice decided to divide their forces into two groups. Uncle Jiu led Partridge After all, this is a top priority.

Su Yu took Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai to solve the problems for the patients and livestock in Longjia Village first, so as to gain their trust.

With the foundation of trust, Yan Yan The matter of Chunlou has been brought up, and this cancer can be solved quickly.

Once all of this is done, it will be logical to tell the story about the tomb. There is a living vampire in it, and it must be eliminated, otherwise Longjia Village will never be destroyed. Peace.

What Su Yu didn't say was that the two vampires were also born at this time!

In fact, he had a very absurd inference in his mind. That is, he felt that the male and female vampires seemed to be... good ghosts!

Male ghosts suck. There was nothing he could do about Cousin Wei's blood. After he recovered, he didn't bite anyone everywhere, which was very strange.

Apart from explaining it as a good ghost, Su Yu really couldn't find any other reason...

The master and disciples replied It was not yet eight o'clock when we arrived at the township office in Longjia Village, but people in the past got up very early, and some were diligent. Maybe they would have almost finished their morning farm work by this time.

This is the way to escape the summer heat in rural areas. working in the sun

"Uncle Jiu, you are finally back."The village chief of Longjia Village breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Uncle Jiu and the others would leave Longjia Village alone.

Uncle Jiu smiled without revealing it. He pointed to Su Yu beside him and said,"Village Chief, this is me. My disciple is called Su Yu, and his Taoism is not inferior to mine."

The village chief greeted Su Yu politely, but if he thought about it with his toes, he would know who would care about such a young Taoist priest?

Uncle Jiu said seriously:"Village chief, we are very busy next. We have two things to do. You need to organize.

The village chief said hurriedly:"Uncle Jiu, just make the arrangements. We in Longjia Village promise to cooperate fully. We only hope to solve this problem as soon as possible.""

Uncle Jiu also understands the village chief that water shortage is a major issue. If it is not solved early, Longjia

Village will not be able to hold on for long."

"The first thing is to gather all the patients and livestock together, and my apprentice will cast magic to get rid of the disease. The village chief can rest assured that the effect will be better than taking medicine. Seeing the village chief nod in agreement, Uncle Jiu continued:"

The second thing, according to our plan yesterday, we will go to the mountains to find a new water source today. If we act quickly enough, Longjia Village will be able to use reliable water tomorrow."."

Uncle Jiu made good arrangements. He solved the disease and the water source at the same time. These are all things that must be done. Only after the urgent needs are solved can we slowly investigate the source of the trouble.

A village is not big, but the village chief only used Everything was arranged in an hour.

Longjia Village is actually very rich. It has good mountains and rivers, outstanding people, and it is a place with good geomantic omen. There are countless rich people who come out of Longjia Village. The village is the root of those people, Longjia Village. If there is any trouble in the village, call the rich people and they will solve it as soon as possible.

Uncle Jiu took Awei and others to the mountains to find water sources.

There is an interesting thing here, that is, Aunt Partridge met Awei's cousin.!

So similar! If Aunt Partridge is willing to dress up properly, the two of them will be like twins...

The two chatted very well together. One was rough and open, without any pretense, and the other pretended to be reserved and noble, but in fact he was just like Aunt Partridge in his heart. It was the same.

But Ah Wei was put aside. On Su Yu's side, he was facing more than 300 villagers and a large group of livestock.

All the patients were gathered together, and Su Yu could feel the faint feeling. Demonic energy!

It seems that the vampire at the bottom of the pool is not weak. Since he is in the tomb, he does not rule out the possibility of getting a chance.

"Priest Xiao Su, everything is ready, look……"The village chief was intentionally given to Su Yu by Uncle Jiu. The purpose was self-evident, which was to gain the support of the village chief after showing his skills.

"Well, let's get started!" After Su Yu finished speaking, he lightly tapped the ground with one foot, and then he flew lightly to a high platform nearly three meters high!

Just such a move made the crowd below still buzzing and talking. Silence!

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