Zombie Evolution

Chapter 101: Forgotten corner (four / four)

The White Witch King ’s heart is not good, and if he fights like this, even if Weng Qingyu doesn't sacrifice the cutting fairy circle, he will only stab himself to death.

Heart retreat sprouting.

Divine knowledge spread out, watching the surroundings.

As for the other disciples, I can't take care of them for the time being.

If there is no fairy circle, even if the White Witch King fails, he will find a way to let the ordinary disciple of the rudder be transferred first.

However, the cut fairy circle really made him jealous.

If ordinary disciples are allowed to leave now, their intentions are violent, and they may not be able to walk.

The White Witch Corpse King is the left-hand guardian of the Refined Corpse Door, but he cares more about his long life.

Of course, there is one entry that cannot be dropped anyway.

Divine knowledge swept through, the stone door of the cultivation room was closed on the 36th, the room was dim, the divine knowledge was blocked, and the little wandering corpse-no, it should be purple now-what it was doing.

Zhou Xingwen Sancheng loyally guarded Shimen's gate, and was not disturbed by the outside fighting. It seemed that there were no accidents.

The White Witch King calculated in his heart that he rushed to the training room, and took Zhang Yang and then walked away.

Pick up a black iron rod and hit Feifei Sword with one stick. The white corpse king fluttered his wings, his body flashed, and plunged into the Horseshoe Valley, heading towards the training room.

The cold light flickered in Weng Qingyu's eyes. Although he didn't know the intention of the White Witch King suddenly walking away from the valley, he would stop everything that the enemy wanted to do, which was always true.

In a moment of thought, the Xianxian Circle was sacrificed.

call out!

A white light flashed and went straight towards the White Witch King.

The White Witch King's eyes widened instantly.

Although I have heard of the famous name of the Xianxian circle, although I just saw the sharpness of the Xianxian circle ... but only when I was there, did I know how terrible the power of the fairy is!

The moment he was locked, a chill rose from his heart, the trembling feeling seemed to make his heart tremble.

The White Witch King has a hunch, no matter how he avoids himself, he cannot avoid this circle of cutting fairy. Only the hard-to-hard collision, blocking the circle of cutting fairy, is the only vitality.

Can't wait to think about it, Bai Guang has arrived.

The power of the White Witch King broke out, and the black iron bar slammed and fell, while his body twisted and dodged.


With a crisp sound, the White Witch King felt only a light black iron rod in his hands, and a secret voice in his heart made a terrible noise.

The next moment, white light flashed.


With a sound, thick blood splattered and his stout arm flew in the air.

The black iron rod is not a mortal thing. Although it can't stop the cut fairy circle, it is at the same time that it is broken, and the cut fairy circle is delayed, and the direction is smashed. .

The White Witch King lost an arm, but saved his life.

At this moment, he never dared to think about anything anymore. The mystery was activated, his body sprayed a light beam, and the wings behind him suddenly became blood red. With a strong wave, the whole scene turned into a streamer. Outside, and then waved again, hurried away to the distance.

As for what Zhang Yang and disciples of disciples did not care about.

The little zombie's skills made the White Witch King very interested, but all things are dregs compared with the long life of xìng.

Weng Qingyu withdrew the Xianxian circle and had no time to make a second shot. The White Witch King had fled dozens of miles away, leaving only one back.

"Escape fast! It's a shame I couldn't kill you!"

Weng Qingyu shook his head with regret.

When other disciples around the gate saw Elder Yan face to face, he was beheaded and killed. Even the powerful left-handed guardian who is invincible in the eyes of the disciples is generally cut off an arm, and then flees ... At this time, they still had no thoughts of resistance.

In the first-line gorge, dozens of streamers scattered, and some monks raging on the ground during the gas refining period, but the disciples who stayed behind got the news and began to flee.

Weng Qingyu snorted coldly. Only he entered it and didn't bother to hunt.

More importantly, his consciousness spread out, and he immediately felt that in the direction of the Horseshoe Valley corner, a fierce madness was extremely violent, which should be the culprit that caused the surrounding breath to leak.

In other words, if it is an artifact, it has not been meaningless to hunt down the ordinary disciples before it has been transferred by the mortal gate.

Weng Qingyu nodded with satisfaction, and turned to the next old Qiu Qiu and other Jin Danqi monks and asked, "Why? Do you want to compete with Weng and fight for the ownership of the following thing?"

Qiu Laowei was surprised, with a smile on his face: "Weng Daoyou said and laughed. Treasures were born, and they have always been virtuous. It is no better to belong to Daoyou. In the next few days, you have some experience in understanding the remains of the immortal war. Go back to the retreat. Take a step first, Daoyou don't have to send it! "

After speaking, without waiting for Weng Qingyu's answer, he set up Jiguang and left immediately.

I do n’t know how to do this for other Jindan period monks? One by one, the fugitives usually left.

In a blink of an eye, the entire U-shaped valley and above became empty, leaving only a small black spot in the sky, which was exactly where Weng Qingyu entered.

"Hahaha ..."

Weng Qingyu suddenly laughed.

Think of the majesty just now, with the power of an invasion, to kill Mao Zongjiang Yan, and rebuild the famous White Witch King of the real world, making the corpse gate a rudder to escape from the rudder ... Facing the treasure, let Weng Old monks and many other monks at the same level did not even dare to wrestle with their own minds ... All of this is simply to let the fun go.

"The White Witch Corpse King ran away, and will definitely go to the mortuary gate for help. Fortunately, I have already reported to the division door, but I will not be afraid of him."

"Furthermore, I have a circle of immortals, and there are invincible players below the Yuanying period. Even if the weaker demonization period is strange, I am not without power."

Weng Qingyu only felt energetic. With the Xianxian circle, he didn't put the world in his eyes.

Ang—Suddenly, there was a melodious howling in the cave on the ground.

Boom-a bang.

Wow—the mountain rocked violently and countless rubble fell.

Weng Qingyu frowned.

"Huh? Isn't it an artifact, but what monster can't do it?"

"How powerful a monster can it be to escape such a powerful source of coldness?"

Weng Qingyu looked at the gray fog floating in the sky, and with a little thought, turned into a ray of light toward the cave where the howling came.

He personally saw countless disciples from the cave escaping from the cave. Even if there were monsters here, they were trapped monsters and would not cause harm to himself.

He was confident of this.

... a few hundred miles away.

The White Witch King was covered in blood, and the green fluff was stuck together, and he was seriously injured. More importantly, his breath was weak, and the last time he used the secret method to escape, the damage to him was far above the broken arm.

Looking down at the wound, thick purple blood was still flowing out.

The White Witch King frowned.

"Zhenxianhuan is indeed a trivial matter. If there is a normal injury, the wound will heal automatically and the new meat should grow out."

"But looking at the wound cut by the Xianxian circle, it is difficult to heal."

With that said, he took out an elixir from the ring.

Starting with the elixir, a yīn cold breath spread out, and it was dripping and spinning in the palm of the hand, and it looked extremely pure.

Put your head up and take it down.

Soon, a strange energy, full of rich yīn cold power, began to approach the wound, and slowly, slowly, the wound began to heal.

Seeing this, the white witch corpse king Changshu breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the direction of the U-shaped valley and hated: "Tian Yuzong!"

"Weng Qingyu!"

"I will definitely report this revenge!"

Think of the lost yīn spring spirit, think of the little zombies that might help you advance ... The White Witch King is almost going crazy.

Strongly propped up, waved the wings behind, and darted toward the mortuary door.

He, go back and find his boss to move the soldiers!

... the thirty-sixth practice room.

The stone door was locked from the inside. Although the protective magic circle was mostly damaged, it was impossible for the little monk to build it from the outside.

Therefore, when the refining corpse door retreated, Zhou Xingwen and others wanted to inform Zhang Yang that they could not do it.

In the end, the situation was urgent and he could only escape on his own.

Now, Zhang Yang is in this forgotten corner, sitting cross-legged on the stone chuáng, his fingers stretched out, and a pale blue flame of ice continues to spray, tempering the bone wings in front of him.

He has been doing this for several hours.

The vibration of the mountain and the rolling of the stone failed to disturb him.

Although it is the first time to refine, but there is "Taiyin? Zhang Yang's superb guidance method, "Refined Articles", did exactly the same.

More importantly, the refined objects, the pair of bone wings, have a very close relationship with Zhang Yang. From the spirit hún, they are all flesh and blood, without a trace of resistance.

As long as Zhang Yang had a thought, Bone Wings would be released, wantonly accepting the tempering of this ice flame.

Otherwise, with the strength of Zhang Yangzi's initial level, refining the lowest-level instruments is a problem, let alone these two wings.

Of course, Zhang Yang doesn't care.

All he knew was that with the quenching, there was a trace of dead gasification that escaped into the mist and escaped from the bone wings, while some other impurities were also quenched.

This process is slow, but it is ongoing.

Just this point ~ www.readwn.com ~ makes Zhang Yang very pleased.



Those gold feathers are all fused in.

Occasionally, some unknown impurities in the bone wing of the goat fat white jade dropped, and the body became more and more pure, as if it began to appear transparent.

The volume is also gradually shrinking during the quenching ... due to external changes, the spirit of spring yīn is close to getting out of sleep. In the surrounding air, the force of cold yīn seems to be more and more dense, as if it is sticky as it is. The skin was absorbed insanely, transformed into mana, and then converged on the fingers, turning into the cold ice flame.

This kind of ice flame is the existence of a contradiction body, extremely cold and extremely hot.

If it is not in this environment, even Zhang Yang's mastery of the refining technique is not enough to support such a long time of tempering.

All things happening coincidentally, Zhang Yang's first masterpiece was made step by step ...! .

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