Zombie Evolution

Chapter 117: Capture, miserable luck

’, One huā one world, one leaf and one bodhi. Mustard mustard. The wicked monster, the little monk ...

Thousand worlds are not bad? Hahaha "Misha laughed loudly.

"A thief and a monk! Uncle Zombie will not make you happy if he turns into a ghost."

Zhang Yang hissed, his wings fluttered hard, his body turned into a yellow light, and he flew forward quickly.

The trees at the foot of the mountain receded quickly, and every time they fluttered their wings, they could fly out of miles.

However, when looking up, the head of the monk was always in the same position, as if he had never changed.

"Hahaha, the great monk said, this little thousand world is the little thousand world of the great monk. The magic in his sleeve is magical, can you see through your little one? Mishahaha laughed and stretched out her hand.

Zhang Yang only felt the sky dark for a moment. When he looked up, he saw a huge palm covering the sky and falling from the sky.

Even if Zhang Yang pushes the speed to the extreme, he cannot escape the scope of this big hand.

Ah Yang screamed in horror, and was pinched in his hands at once, under tremendous pressure, Zhang Yang's body was stunned instantly and could not move any more.

"Hahaha, go with the monk!"

Misha laughed, and just walked back with Zhang Yang in her hand.

When Luo Fei arrived, the surroundings had been calm for a long time.

As soon as Misha shot, he was in his sleeve, so Zhang Yang didn't even have time to fight back. Therefore, there is no trace of damage to the surrounding environment.

However, that demon evil has disappeared.

Inexplicably, Luo Fei felt a sense of loss.

Is that all? The evil spirit that he wanted to get rid of was taken away by Master Misha, and the ending must be fierce.

Shouldn't my heart be happy?

But no! Why is my heart so lost and depressed?

Is it because of the loss of those treasures?

Heavenly gate orders, golden wings, and yīn spring spirits are all enough to make Jianling Zong and Tian Yuzong beasts.

However, Luo Fei knew very well that although these treasures had been taken away by the monk, they would eventually return to the hands of Jian Lingzong and Tian Yuzong.

Because Luo Fei failed to finally catch the evil in this operation, he may suffer when he divided up the treasures. However, these are no longer what Luo Fei can care about.

She did her best.

A voice in Roffe's heart kept ringing.

"According to you, they took the initiative to fight against the demon guards: I killed them out of self-defense, but they were bloodthirsty xìng? Gaga! You must be a mule, and you must also establish a torii! You so-called famous men It really made me feel sick from the bottom of my heart! "The hoarse voice was slightly desolate, and continued to dàng in Luo Fei's heart, impacting her outlook on life formed over decades.

"No! Go away! Go away!" Luo Fei held his head in both hands, lù with an extremely painful expression.

The loss of the soul, the power of the six-leaf creature Qinglian's majestic energy began to wantonly destroy Luo Fei's body: making her already seriously injured worse.

nose! Huh! Huh!

A series of slight explosions exploded into the mist of blood on Loffie's body.

With this slight explosion, the six-leaf natural green lotus contracted instantly, and changed back to the three-leaf natural green lotus: immediately afterwards, the three-leaf natural green lotus continued to shrink and immediately recovered into Luo Fei's body and disappeared.


Luo Fei's body is like flying huā petals, fluttering and declining the ground.

Her teeth were clenched, her face was pale, and her breath was weak.

"Ah!" With a sigh, a figure appeared next to him, and the robe and robes were full of kindness and brows, who wasn't the endless old way?

"You have to be saved, otherwise, Ouyang Manxi Daoyou's face must not look good." As he said, he stretched out his hand and glared rolled up Luo Fei, turned into a streamer, and fled away.

Luofu cave days, a fairyland on earth.

Two silhouettes slowly emerged.

As the endless old road landed, behind him, a beautiful figure landed.

Wujiaodao reached out and took out a yellow fat-like pill and put it in Luo Fei's mouth.

When this elixir was taken out, there was a scent of savory fragrance coming out of the face and the mouth melted. It was very magical.

But the effect is not obvious. Luo Fei still had her teeth closed, her face yellow, her breathing extremely weak, and her vitality was about to disappear.

The boundless old road frowned immediately.

"Hahaha, Woundless Friends are kind!" Beside, Misha seemed extremely good.

The endless old road sighed.

"This Luo Fei is a lover of Ouyang Manxi. If she falls in front of us and satisfies the poor, she will always look bad. However, now that the poor has done her best, this is still used by Hun No one can say anything more. But this little girl's vitality was cut off, Ran's body was raged by violent forces, and her destruction was ruined ... No way, no way! "

Wuyao Road sighed and shook his head.

Zhang Yang was pinched in his hands by the monk, but his intellect was clear. At this time, I heard that the cheap woman may also fall, naturally I do n’t care about pity and jealousy: just a sharp brain. Seeking a way out is a mystery. In the hands of these two great babies, especially the monk who is good at shrinking the ground, he has no chance at all.

"Child, drove a thousand miles, and quickly sent this female nun to Jianling Zongbei Peak. You must hand it in to Ouyang Manxi. Speed! Speed!" Wuyaodao said to the child.

"Yes, Master!"

The child promised.

Soon, came out of Dongfu, with a smile on his face, a wave of purple blossoms, it was beautiful.

"Master, go here."

The child sang a promise, and purple Xia Xiaguang rolled up Luo Fei: Wuyao Old Road reached out a little, and the two disappeared in place.

At the next moment, the child and Luo Fei, who was unconscious, appeared among the mountains and clear waters.

Luo Fei Shenmí doesn't wake up, the shameless face is still beautiful and thrilling, it is inviolable.

"Hee hee! Such a beautiful girl, unfortunately!" The child smiled, sulking. However, he did not dare to raise a blasphemy.

Ouyang Manxi's so famous name, even the boundless old man must feel a little daunted, not to mention this child.

The purple light rolled up, and the child even wrapped in the faint Lofi, and both turned into purple light and fled towards the distance.

"Hahaha, the friends of the boundless world, you will be a good person, and you will return a good hún Dan, and it will be so bad for a dead person." The monk Misha laughed.

"Hehe, Dan hún was fed to the dead, but it was not for the dead, but for the living. The sword spirit Zongbei peak Ouyang Manxi, Lao Dao had no interest in dealing with her. In case she was in love The death of the apprentice involved the poor road, but the poor road can't bear it! I am afraid that I will be uprooted by her in Luofudongtian. "The boundless old road waved his hands with a smile and a helpless look.

"Hahaha, one is still hún Dan, another clean. Yeah, Yeah! But it ’s okay for the friends of Endless Road to do something for the monk! Otherwise, do n’t let Ouyang Manxi come to your Luofudongtian to make trouble, I am here to make trouble now! "The monk always laughed before he said anything about the characteristics of the monk.

"Oh? I don't know what Taishi has done in this way, what else can't I do? I have to do it well?" The endless old road dare not take it easy.

After all, it is definitely not a child's play to be able to suffocate such a master monk.

"Hahaha, how boundless it is to help that Ouyang Manxi come here! The monk begs you for one thing, you have to push back three obstacles. Rest assured, there is absolutely no rude request for the monk, just to borrow you The Sanwei Dan furnace is used. "The monk smiled at the endless old road with a smile.

"Oh? Sanwei Danlu? Is the master trying to refine the bone-wing of the Dapeng golden-winged bird?" Wuyao old Dodge asked.

"Hahaha, the poor monk is going to refine the bone wing, but more importantly, the monk is going to refine the purple stiff.

"The shaky monk smiled.

"Refining the purple stiff? Master means, the essence and blood of Dapeng Golden-winged Bird?" Wuyao Laodao's eyes were also bright.

"Hahaha, there is nothing to conceal the friends of the boundless world. I can be sure that the monk is not only a bone-wing of the Dapeng golden-winged bird, but more importantly ~ www.readwn.com ~ The essence and blood of the penguin bird. Although it is only a trace of the essence of blood, this is already very precious. The Dapeng bird of the golden wing, is an ancient flood monster, and even the Buddha can hardly exist. What is this? Powerful, unfortunately, he is just a little purple stiff, even if he is promoted to black stiff, I am afraid I ca n’t get what I can do. ”With a smile on his face, the monk continued to say: The ring rule Xu Mi, shrinking into a rule of space and other such space laws, the pursuit of is the ultimate speed. Dapeng golden-winged bird, the best kind of wind. Real Dapeng golden-winged bird, with its wings in a wave, 抟The monk who is up and down 90,000 miles now has reached a limit of tens of miles in one step. Compared with the Dapeng Golden-winged bird, what kind of child show is it? The monk feels that only this Dapeng Golden-winged Bird is integrated. Can be further promoted. "" Hahaha, in Jin On points, so that the first encounter monk evildoer give Garuda and blood. This monk on atmospheric transport, but also look infinite fellow can be fulfilled. "

The monk smiled proudly and talked.

Wuyao Loudao heard the words and his eyes were brightened: "So, this is indeed the great luck of the master. Those who can achieve the avenue, in addition to the supply of talents and various elixir, are the most important. Only Only those who have great luck can finally achieve the avenue. Since the master has this luck, the old way naturally has no reason to be incomplete. "" Hahaha "The endless old road laughed. "When the monk refining this purple stiff, get Dapeng golden-winged bird essence blood, after promotion, he will certainly not forget the great grace of the boundless friends."! .

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