Zombie Evolution

Chapter 559: Mountain Guardian Beast (Middle)

The powerful momentum gradually rose from the back of the mountain, and the sky was soaring. //


The coercive bursts rushed towards the face as they were, and drove the surrounding air and air machines to generate a burst of thunderous sounds.

A flash of light flashed, Zhang Yang's consciousness sensed a powerful crisis, but the speed of the light was so fast that Zhang Yang Ming sensed it, and the consciousness of evasion had just emerged. The body felt that it had not had time to act. To the powerful impact force came straight.


The whole body seemed to be hit by a meteor, slamming hard behind him.


Zizi it!

The body ran out of control and hit the enchantment behind him. A flash of thunder and lightning instantly coiled around Zhang Yang's body, tangling and strong.

If they were replaced by ordinary ancient magpies, the power of these thunder and lightning alone would cause a lot of trouble.

However, for Zhang Yang, these injuries are simply negligible.

The golden wings behind him flickered, and they had shaken off the shackles of thunder and lightning, appearing not far away, floating in the air.

Opposite in front of it is a four-hoofed beast covered with golden yellow scale armor, similar in shape to a unicorn, a majestic four-hoof, a horse-faced dragon whisker, two sharp-angled electric discs around his head, and a tail behind him showing lightning shape.

Thunder beast!

Turned out to be the legendary thunder beast!

Zhang Yang expected that the four King Kong did not appear, but a thunder beast appeared.

Of course, the strength of this Thunder Beast is judged based on coercion. Although the realm is also a big Luo Jinxian, but the strength is definitely above the ordinary monks or monks of the same rank.

What particularly surprised Zhang Yang's heart was the abnormal speed of Thunder Beast.

Zhang Yang thinks that the speed is already very fast, but compared with this thunder beast, it is just a big witch and a little witch.

Zhang Yang has some confidence, if it is a long-distance raid. Maybe I can still compete with this strange beast, but in this small range, the blow just now has perfectly proved that Zhang Yang is not an opponent at all in terms of speed.

Fortunately, although the beast's offensive power is sharp, it can't break the defense of Zhang Yang at all.

Just hit Zhang Yang. It is the sharp corner on Thunderhead. Zhang Yang has every reason to believe that, even if it is not its strongest attack. It's not far off.

With this confidence. Zhang Yang waved his arm, his eyes began to glow.

The strength of this thunder beast, even under Agaly, is believed to be very cherished. It is estimated that the existence of the guardian **** beast, if this strange beast is killed, let alone the various precious materials that he obtained. I believe it will absolutely shock Agaly.

Zhang Yang shot.

In a flash of consciousness, the magical power of magical foxes spread out.

Speed ​​is not as good as the opponent. Then let the other party fall into a fantasy.


When the rhythm was about to be released, Zhang Yang felt only a flower in front of him. The Thunder Beast has disappeared.

Sky fox hit with a blow, but it failed.

This shock is really trivial.

This kind of illusion-like soul attack can be sent out instantly, most quickly. Since Zhang Yang obtained the magical power of the Sky Fox, as long as Shi unfolds, it is a hit.

This is the first time that I have missed.

At the moment when he was hit in the air, Zhang Yang felt uncomfortable, and when his consciousness moved, the talent supernatural power teleportation spread out, the afterimage flashed, and it disappeared in place.

Thousands of miles away, when Zhang Yangfu appeared, he heard a "click!" There was a loud noise, like lightning, but the Thunder Beast had followed him.

Thunder beast, Thunder beast. Thunder and lightning accompany the action, the speed is the same as the lightning in a short distance, and there is the sound of thunder and lightning between the lines.

But seeing that the thunder beast's huge mouth opened, the saliva dripping on the sharp teeth dropped, and it was extremely biting, and he bit it down directly. It was actually Zhang Yang's intention to stop his waist and bite.

Zhang Yang couldn't get over it, only a flash of his body.


The two rows of sharp teeth clenched, biting Zhang Yang's thighs.

The most powerful force is the strength of the teeth, coupled with the strength of the thunder beast, Luo Jinxian, the fierce beast, Zhang Yang only felt a sudden pain, the teeth had broken open flesh and bite into it, and struck directly on the bone.

Fortunately, the strength of Zhang Yangwu's wild blood is incomparable, otherwise, his legs will be completely lost.

Blood ran down the teeth into the throat. How powerful was the blood of the ancestor of the Witch Man, Thunder Monster's eyes were immediately red, and he felt that the blood of the enemy in front of him was of great benefit to himself. If he could devour it, it would be possible to upgrade .

For a beast, the temptation is simply too great.

These things are troublesome to narrate, but they actually happened before the lightning flash.

Zhang Yang's legs were restrained, so naturally he wouldn't sit still, his fists clenched, and he slammed hard at Thunder Beast.

The strength of the muscles is simply unimaginable.


With a heavy punch, the golden scale armor splattered with blood.

Almost all of Leiju's eyes popped out, apparently did not expect this little creature to have such a powerful attack power.

Waiting for Zhang Yang's second attack, "click!" Accompanying the loud noise of lightning, his body has disappeared.

Zhang Yang's consciousness worked hard to release it. At the same time, Lanman's eyes flickered, and he tried to detect the surrounding atmosphere, but he could not capture the figure of the Thunder Beast.


It's too fast!

Not even weaker than the speed of consciousness.

If you change to other places, Zhang Yang may not be so passive. However, on this Wanlei Mountain, the entire peak is shrouded by the enchantment formed by thousands of thunder and lightning.

Between the action, the thunder beast itself turned into a lightning, and it was also an opportunity to spur the lightning around. Thousands of lightning thunder and silver snakes danced overhead. As if the thunder came, it was impossible to distinguish between lightning and thunder beast .

Zhang Yang thought he seemed to be a little careless ~ www.readwn.com ~ In the best place for Thunder beast, he actually played against a Thunder beast with a big Luo Jinxian realm.

However, there was no fear.

The part of the leg that was just bitten, several large tooth marks and bones. Now that the granulation has begun to grow, it only takes a moment to recover.

At the same time, Zhang Yang has begun to plan for the next step.

He just saw that the Thunder Beast was abnormally fast. Moreover, the senses are extremely sensitive. Often, when the attack is just brewing, it is already detected by the other party, so that it can be avoided in advance, making it difficult for even a soul attack-type talent such as Sky Fox Magic to work.

However, its weakness is also very obvious: defense.

In a blow just now, Zhang Yang didn't even use the power of the artifact. A single punch that broke out of the power could cause damage to it.

In other words, as long as you find a way to break the speed of the Thunder Beast, everything will be simple. (m Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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