Zombie Evolution

Chapter 582: shackles

> The three-parody infantry banner was launched, and all the dark clouds and countless spirits were collected, leaving only the body of a four-tailed demon fox. (M_ 彩 & 虹 & 文 & 学)

"Hahaha, it worked!"

"We succeeded! The four-tailed demon fox was killed by us!"

The three smiles on Bu Fong's faces were excited.

The four-tailed demon fox, the half-step Jinxian fierce beast, with its strong blood, is not weak compared to the general Jinxian realm.

Such a powerful enemy was killed by the three of them.

"What about this corpse?"

"The essence blood is extracted, and the body materials are separated and sent to Yechen, and another artifact can be created!"

"Well! It's just a pity that it doesn't seem to find any strange talents for this fox. Does it mean that when he was promoted to the fourth tail and had his fourth life, he didn't have the awakening talent?

"Doesn't that kind of powerful sound wave with soul attack?"

"Well, it doesn't seem to be a gift of supernatural power? Let him do it! The essence and blood are taken back to the Lord Lord, and everything is naturally clear."

The three discussed and divided the body of the four-tailed demon fox, and collected all the materials such as blood, fur, and bones.

This is the most powerful enemy they have killed together, and everything is so exciting.

Unknowingly, the twelve disciples of Zhang Yang's men have also grown up to be strong players on their own.


Demon Blood City.

The tall walls stretch for thousands of miles, even with the knowledge of Fucang. It is also difficult to explore the margins.

Looking from a distance, the buildings are continuous and row after row. Under the protection of the city walls, the entire ancient city is like a giant monster lying on the mainland for countless years.

On a mountain peak outside the city, Fucang stood proudly, as if a stone sculpture was motionless.

He keeps this movement. It's been a few days and I'm just motionless. However, the rules of the whole body are slightly fluctuated. The dust is hard to access, and the body is still clean.

As for the most common vultures on other peaks, there are none. As if there were the most terrible things here. No beast dares to approach.

Occasionally one or two monks walked through the sky and felt the Fukang on the ground. The light hovered a little and accelerated away.

In order to avoid trouble, Fucang did not deliberately converge, as strong as him, few people dare to provoke.

Suddenly, his eyes turned and "Hoo!" Fucang exhaled.

"I observed for a few days, and there was no abnormal fluctuation above the Demon Blood City. It seems that this is not the base of the Tiandi lore battle array. Although the Tiandi lore battle array is sharp and truly arranged, there will be no breath. However, with the means of these people in the fairyland. I am afraid that this is not possible. I have observed for a few days and there are no strange fluctuations in the rules. It can only explain that this is not the formation base! "

It was concluded that Fu Cang was not delayed, and his body was in a vertical direction. Turned into a ray of light, towards another city that may be the target.

For Zhang Yang and others, time is extremely hasty.

Even if Wanlei Mountain was destroyed, Lei Zun Agalu did not react at all. This shows that the Terrans have fully pinned their hopes on the Tiandi lore.

How much forbearance they have done now, and how crazy they will retaliate once the battle is successful.

Zhang Yang, Tenglin, Fucang, and others are the immortal powers of the immortal world who want to get rid of them and then quickly exist. The only chance for them to survive is to strengthen their own strengths, to find the place where the world and the lore will be destroyed, and before the big group is fully started, destroy the nine major groups.

Even if only a few of them are destroyed, the power of Tiandi lore can be greatly reduced. Their chances of survival will also greatly increase.

Looking for formation base! Before the start of the big team, find the base of the team ... Feng Yuan, Fu Cang, Jiu Ying, etc. are all chasing time.


The huge tomahawk plunged into the ground, the light and shadow of the blue axe circulated, and the rules around it fluctuated.

Beside the giant axe, the vine forest was suspended in the air, her legs were crossed with her knees, her disheveled long hair was scattered, her burly body looked like a knife, and she was very masculine.

However, at this moment Fujin's brows were frowned, and his eyes were fixed on Zhang Yang, not far away.

"Huh? What's going on? The four wrecks have been merged, and there is no sign of breaking through to the peak of Gully."

"Also, this last wreck seems to have melted and absorbed into the body a month ago. Why hasn't it been refined yet?"

Fujimori's face was in doubt.

"Is there anything wrong?"

"Forget it! Just wait! Anyway, look at Zhang Yang's breath, although there are some slight fluctuations, there is nothing abnormal, there should be no danger."

In this way, Fujilin quickly decided to sit and wait.

However, every day passed, although Zhang Yang did not appear to be wrong, there was no improvement. At this time, Fujin was almost certain that Zhang Yang must be out of order.

However, Zhang Yang didn't ask for help, so he didn't step forward either.

Indeed, Zhang Yang's mood has become increasingly irritable.

Originally, with the increasing number of mysterious gray irons, the process of smelting and fusing mysterious gray irons became more and more skilled, and the speed of fusion increased.

Even before, it only took one or two days to successfully merge one.

However, this time after the fusion of three mysterious gray irons, the fourth one cannot be merged anyway. He can clearly feel that after the mysterious gray iron is smelted into a liquid, it enters the body under the action of the Devouring Gong Fa, and is then guided by the consciousness throughout the body.

But that's it. At this point, the liquids of the mysterious gray iron cannot be fused with the cells.

It's as if the body has reached saturation level ~ www.readwn.com ~ can no longer flourish.

"What's going on? I have a hunch that my body has reached a critical point. As long as this mysterious gray iron is incorporated, it can break the maggot and advance to the peak of the ancient maggot."

"However, my body seems to be saturated and can't accommodate the next drop of blood ... Why hasn't this happened before?"

Zhang Yang felt unprecedented irritability.

Can not be promoted, the capacity of the body seems to reach the limit, this mysterious gray iron cannot be fused.

It just happens that only by blending this mysterious gray iron can it be successfully promoted.

This is like a vicious circle problem, which is completely unsolvable.

Zhang Yang is working hard, with strong perseverance, he refuses to give up.

But it's useless! No matter how hard he tried, the melted mysterious gray iron, silver-gray liquid, and the blood power of the witch's ancestors flowed in the body, just like the river flowing in the river, just passing by, but not integrating. RQ

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