Zombie Evolution

Chapter 598: Implicate

The enchantment around was turbulent, and the black sea water was rolling. In the sky, an island was suspended in the sky. Under the shadow of the black enchantment, it appeared faint and strange. //

Kuidak was standing on the edge of the island, his eyes were looking in the direction of the Wan Yao Valley, the two antennae on his head were slowly rotating, his face was full of puzzled look.

"What's going on? Although it's not too close to Wanyao Valley here, it should be completely within my control!"

"Just before Ayaka time, it completely disappeared from my induction ... What's going on? Could it be said that it's Sergey's array?"

Quiddaco wondered secretly, but quickly overturned his own idea, "Impossible! The most precious thing about the array of formations that Sergey got from the monks is the speed of the formation, and, It can stop me from waiting for the monks at this level. If you can say more power, there is no more. "

"With that array of methods, it would be impossible to shield my induction."

"So what happened?"

"It must have something to do with that ancient urn! That strange ancient urn!"

"Hmm! First Kiki and Hasson are two Mo Wu warriors. Now even the three of them are gone ... hiss!"

Quiddaco took a breath of air.

Kiki and Hasson are the demonic warriors trained by the Quetta family, and they are treasures in the family. The fall of these two people made Qudak very distressed. For this reason, he even paid a huge price, and invited three sergeants such as Sige to kill the killers and avenge them.

but. In the final analysis, Kiki and Hasson belong to the Quetta family, and their loss is only to make Quidako feel bad, not to be too passive or to be implicated.

But the three of them were different. Although they belong to the demons. But they belong to other branches.

Under the Mozu, it is also divided into a large number of branches, and the relationship between each branch. It is nominally closer than the two demon races, but once it is related to its own fundamental interests. Competition among them is also fierce.

Battles between the branches often occur on the Devil's Continent, and sometimes there are several major Devil Wars that can cause the entire continent to be hit hard.

Now, Quidaco has invited the three of them to work for themselves. If they fall in the process, it is conceivable that the race of the three of them will definitely confess their crimes to Quidaco.

The magi, no matter what race they are in, belong to the apex. Even in the eyes of Lord Demon. If you lose a magic general, it will be very distressing.

The three demons will fall because of Quedak, and even with the special status of the Quedak tribe among the demons, I am afraid they cannot afford this terrible consequence.

With the passage of time, I still couldn't feel the breath of even a trace of Sergeant. Now, Quiddaco is scared! Quiddaco is really scared!

That's three magicians!

Looking at the entire demons, even if those hidden monsters are counted, the number of all demons will not exceed two hundred. It is not known how many thousands of years of accumulation have reached this scale.

Now, because of myself. There were actually three demons going down ... How did Qudakow explain to the Demon Lord?

Quiddaco felt only that his body was starting to feel a little embarrassed.


This will definitely be a disaster!

Regardless of how Lord Lord Baderu valued himself, no matter how badly he possessed the ability to explore the sky ... If the death of the three Skogs became a reality, then the final fate of Quedako would be regarded as an abandoned soldier .

Special care and careful protection due to talent will no longer exist. In the future, when fighting with the two demon races, what fierce battles will occur, and the most dangerous places will definitely let you go.

The jihad against the Immortal Continent has just begun. If this status is achieved, chances are that it will fall and die, and this war will not end.


In any case, you should check it out clearly.

Find out even if you take risks.

Kuidak no longer cares about anything, his hand shakes, a black light flashes, and disappears.

A moment later, I saw a distant sky, a dark shadow approaching rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, it was near.



A huge black dragon with a fat body like a lizard, a pair of huge wings flapping, and a long tail full of spikes ... This is a western dragon.


A circle passed in the air, and "Boom!" With a sound, his feet fell heavily on the ground, huge body, huge weight, the whole island seemed to shake slightly, and countless rubble fell.

"Master, the dark dragon Drews is at your service!" A humming voice echoed in the air, and the dragon lowered its noble head toward Quedak.

Quiddack reached out and patted Druss's huge nose, his feet leaping, his body leaped up, "snapped" and landed on Druss's back. Reaching out and pointing in the direction of Wan Yao Valley:

"Now, my loyal slave, Drews, look in the direction of the Valley of the Many Monsters and go forward!"

"Observe, my master!"

Drew promised, and with his huge wings waving, his fat body had risen into the air.

After another wave, "咻!" Turned into a streamer and disappeared into the sky.


Wan Yao Valley.

Zhang Yang shook his sleeves, and collected Danbart's body.


The group of silver-winged demon ants flying around Zhang Yang, shaking their wings.

Zhang Yang grinned, "This body is very useful to me, but I can't let you swallow it casually."

He could sense the desire of these silver-winged ants, and a strong desire to devour Danbart's body.

This is not from a single silver-winged ant, but from a group of silver-winged ants.

However, Zhang Yang couldn't meet their desire. On the one hand, because he really needs the body, on the other hand, it is also a knock on the silver winged ant colony ~ www.readwn.com ~ Let them know who the master is, whether the master is right or wrong Cannot be violated. If the facts satisfy them, these silver-winged demon ants will produce human-like pride, which is not conducive to controlling them in the future.

Sure enough, the group of silver-winged ants smashed into rejection and immediately exuded disappointment.

However, Zhang Yang shook his sleeves and closed them all.

Anyway, with the strength of Zhang Yang's present consciousness, there is no pressure to control these three thousand silver-winged ants.

Then, the law in his hands was a pinch.

call out!

The sky-blue ice flames instantly shrank into the white jade seal.


The white jade seal shrank to become the size of a thumb, fell into the palm of Zhang Yang's palm, was crystal clear, and a splash of blue ice flame in the center looked extremely beautiful. (Welcome your support, it is my greatest motivation.)

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