Zombie Evolution

Chapter 603: disturb

"Um? It's them again! It's an undead fly!"

Just as a few people in the Tenglin rose to the sky and rushed towards Jinlong City, in the thick fog rolling above Jinlong City, Master Deqin, who was sitting with his eyes closed on his knees, suddenly opened his eyes. 【叶 * 子】 [悠 * 悠]

Hum! Hum! Hum!

The next few teleportation formations emitted a bright light, and several figures slowly flashed.

At the time, it was the maidens of Qinglian and Bundun, among others.

Tiandi lore burst into the big eyes, and the other eight major bases also formed. Each of these nine major formations, including the array of eyes, is composed of a series of tens of millions of small arrays of various sizes, among which there are naturally no shortage of teleportation arrays.

If it is under normal circumstances, don't say the power of titles such as Lady Qinglian, even ordinary Jinxian, will not use the teleportation array to hurry.

Because of the nature of the teleportation matrix, it is plainly a space tunnel, linking two space nodes, similar to the existence of a wormhole in the universe. It's just an artificial wormhole.

People enter the space tunnel. Once the transmission array on both sides of the node is destroyed, the people in the space tunnel will be lost in the turbulent space.

With the strength of the ordinary title of strong, once lost space turbulent, it will almost be a no doubt underground underground.

Therefore, no matter how advanced the matter is, the power above Jinxian almost never use a teleportation array to rush on.

Zhenxian and the monks below did not have so many worries.

Just because of their low strength, the teleportation matrix is ​​also very precious. In order to kill one or two true monks, destroy a teleportation formation. That is simply not worth the money.

No one will deal with Zhenxian through this method. If there is any resentment, give a resource and ask a Jinxian strongman to take a shot, and the cost is much lower than this.

However, the situation was different when walking through the teleportation affiliated with the Tiandi lore formation.

The battlefield of heaven and earth is the Kuangguqi array. Many of the mysteries of formations. In the fairyland today, no one can understand, only these powerful people. [] Only in accordance with the array passed down by the ancestors, can it be described in the same way, what is the specific principle. Even the dwarf Master Gu Laideng couldn't figure it out that year.

Everyone knows that these formations are amazing.

For example, the teleportation array, from the warrior town of the demon clan where one of the bases of the battlefield are located to the Jinlong city where the array eyes are located. If it is an ordinary teleportation array, the teleporter needs to walk through the space tunnel for an hour .

However, using the attached teleportation array in the Tiandi lore array, it only takes a blink of an eye to teleport over.

The short time has reduced the chance of lost space and chaos. Coupled with how solid the battlefield is, there are thousands of satellite formations to protect the teleportation array, so there is no need to worry about the danger.

because. Even if the savage ancestor is reborn, it is impossible to find the auxiliary formation to protect the teleportation formation in ten million formations in an instant and then destroy it.

This is another powerful place of Tiandi lore array. Between the nine major formations, they can teleport freely instantly.

The front was attacked. The monks guarding the other eight major formations will be able to arrive as soon as possible.

The Nine Great Titles got together, and everyone's face smiled easily.

They are not worried, they are not worried at all.

The battlefield of heaven and earth has been completed, and the formation of the eight major formations has been established.

Fujibayashi and others came to attack. It's just messing things up, in order to delay their time in setting up the formation of the basic array method. This is known by Fujinori and others, and these monks of the two races of the demon and the herd even know it.

"Are those nasty guys again?" Hu Xiao Dai Xian Chao Lu's voice rumbling.

"Huh!" Master Deqin nodded.

"It's an undead fly!" Bo Dun sighed, expressing everyone's aspirations.

"They won't be able to toss any longer. At most another ten years, we will be able to complete a few large bases. The whole battle of the heavens and the territories will be completed. By then, they will die. · Yu ~ Yu M) "

"Yes! These witches are wicked, and they will be able to jump for at most another ten years."

Everyone is optimistic.

They have no reason for not being optimistic. Those wretched evils, who can only watch with their eyes open, cannot prevent this from happening.

"This time, Master Deqin is in trouble, in case of accidents. Several of us joined forces to attack them, giving them a headache. It is better to be able to kill them alone. It is even more ideal!" Said Lady Qinglian.

"it is good!"

"that's it!"

"Although the four of them will not pose any threats, but the battlefield of the world and the lore, we still rely on the existence of war, and we must not lose anything. It is most appropriate for Master Deqin to sit in the town."

Several others agreed.

"Then there are a few laborers to fight. Unfortunately, those witches are not brave enough to dare to enter the battlefield. It is easy to defeat them. If you want to kill them, you can't do it." Master Deqin sighed Breath.

The nine major formations of Tiandi lore battle array are not yet in equilibrium. If they are forcibly started, they will cause great damage and fail to exert their due power. That's why Fujibayashi and others dare to provocatively.


In the moment when a few people talked, there was a loud noise and a shaking.

"Huh! These flies are attacking the formation, let's go! Stop them!"


Several people said, their bodies flashed and disappeared in place.

At the same time, in the sky outside Jinlong City, several people such as Tenglin stood upright. The first one was a burly man with a huge axe, and it was Tenglin himself.

There was chaos in Jinlong City, and hundreds of millions of people looked up at the tall figures in the sky, with fear on their faces.

"Look! It's those immortals again. They come to attack Jinlong City every so often, and they can always leave unharmed. Couldn't the Lord of the city man do anything to them?"

"Master, the Lord of the City? What a joke! You haven't watched them attack several times. Did the Lord of the Lord not even dare to come out?"

"There are even more powerful people in this world than the Lord of the City. I didn't expect it before ... Everyone talks about it, although he is scared, but no one has fled. Even more and more mortals are facing Jinlong Influx into the city.

The population of Jinlong City is increasing every day.

There is no other reason, just because of the invasion of Warcraft, the current immortal continent is not safe except for some big cities of the two races.

Every day, there are rumors that the entire family in a certain place, the entire fortress was breached, and the whole family was swallowed up by Warcraft.

In other words, a certain small town was broken by Warcraft, and all the people in the city became food of Warcraft.

Of these, although most of them are done by Warcraft, but there are quite a few of them. Some strong men are slaughtering a manor or even a city while taking advantage of troubled times, either for treasures or for revenge.

Then, push the charge on Warcraft.

Amidst chaos, the order collapsed, and no punishment was given to the evil ones, but this stroke became more and more popular.

This led to the great city of the demon and the two races becoming the most desirable place for mortals and lower monks.

However, in a troubled world, mortal lives are like ants. Even if you escape into a big city like Jinlong City, how can ordinary people's lives be in their own hands?

When the battle between the heavens and the earth is completed, a battle will be shaken, and the whole city will be turned into a fan powder.

Fujimori and others can't control that much.

Strong as they are, in the eyes of mortals, they are gods. Mortals are ants in their eyes.

Do humans care about ant nests on the battlefield when fighting?

Obviously that is impossible.

With his huge axe lifted by his hands, the forest axe shone brightly under the cohesion of strength, and a huge axe fell down in the air.


Light and shadow shake, a mask emerges, blocking the axe and shadow.

The mask waved like waves over the lake like a breeze.


With a few sounds, Saint Qinglian and others stepped out of the formation.

"Ha ha ha ha, tortoise shrinking, and finally willing to come out of the turtle shell!" Fujibayashi laughed, his eyes glanced at a few people, looking full of contempt, but including Fushicang Jiuying and others Mana is instantly elevated to the best state.

The strength of the two members, Fujimori Fujimoto, has been restored to the title status, and their superpowers are capable of overcoming the ordinary title strength.

However, if one-to-two, it would be a bit reluctant.

As for Fucang and Jiuying, the strength has finally recovered during the years of battle and training, and it is just that Da Luo Jinxian is complete, and the realm is still one step away from the title.

But ~ www.readwn.com ~ both are supernatural. Various supernatural powers are emerging one after another. Even if you can't win against the common title strong, you won't lose.

Now the four are fighting side by side, and the other party comes out of eight strong names at one time. Fujilin and others are at a disadvantage.

Fortunately, they did not want to die with the enemy, they just wanted to disrupt and interrupt the process of the enemy's layout. If they could wait for the opportunity to destroy some of the formation, it would be the best.

Eight demon heads from the two races appeared, and the process of arranging their formations must have been interrupted. The goal of Fujinori and others could be said to have been half achieved.

"Huh! Cowardly children! I just dare to buzz outside like a fly, and have the ability to enter a large array, we are happy to fight! 枉 You are the servants of the wicked ancestors, it ’s really not like your master. Domineering! "Hu Xiao Daxian Chao Lu snorted, his tone was also full of contempt.

"Hahaha!" Fujinlin laughed. "You pediatric radical method, you can deal with those hairy boys, it is delusional to want to inspire some of our old monsters! Who knows? The battle is terrible? If we go in, we will be impatient. "RQ

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