Zombie Evolution

Chapter 610: 2 strong

Fujimoto's words changed dramatically next to Fucang and Jiuying. (From the novel to Ye · Yu ~ Yu M)

These bugs are terrible, they have seen them with their own eyes. Not only are individuals strong, but most of them have the power of deification or above, and some of them are more powerful. It is also not uncommon for individuals to be able to face Jinxian or even Luo Jinxian.

What's even more terrible is their desperate number. Once an attack is launched, it will cover the sky, and it will be boundless and let people escape.

Fortunately, among these bugs, there seems to be a worm mother, which is the center of the entire swarm.

At the beginning, it was the savage ancestor who struck the worm mother with great strength, and planted a brand in its soul to frighten him.

However, the zombie mother is also a very terrible existence. Although it is sown in the soul, it can not be controlled by the witch ancestor.

The savage ancestors did their best to confine them to this mountain range.

And because these bugs multiply here for a long time, they even sucked up the aura here and became extremely barren. It can also be seen that these bugs are absolute destroyers.

At this moment, in the distant direction, there was a strange rhythmic fluctuation, and the four were immediately surprised and looked up.

"Does this rhythm fluctuate, is someone promoted to the title? Or, is there a creature artifact born?" Fujimoto frowned.

At this critical moment, he also did not want any unpredictable factors.

Tenglin's eyebrows flashed with joy, "Promotion of the title? Or maybe someone will surprise us!"

"Do you mean ... boy Zhang Yang?" Fujimoto asked in a somewhat uncertain tone. 【叶 * 子】 [悠 * 悠]

Fujibay nodded.

"No, right? This kind of breath fluctuation is clearly only for those with strong titles. Although Zhang Yang's boy is powerful. It seems to be only the peak of the ancients, right? He hasn't seen for decades, and he can be promoted to the ancients. It's against the sky. Not to mention there is a truth in the middle, and it's not just a step away from the title. "Fujimoto obviously didn't believe it.

"Hahaha, have you ever seen Zhang Yang's promotion?" Fujin laughed.

"what do you mean……"

"Good!" Tenglin's tone affirmed, "In the beginning, he was promoted to the peak of Gu Xi. I saw it with my own eyes, and the scene at that time is now vivid. The weather. Even better than the general Dajin Jinxian strong. It ’s also possible that the chance to get a chance to be promoted to the true meaning. It can have such a weather. It makes perfect sense. "

Everyone naturally had no doubts about the words of Fujin, and immediately became excited.

"Haha, isn't that saying that the boy Zhang Yang is going to surprise us again?" Fujimoto nodded with a smile. "However, this is not surprising. The boy Zhang Yang gave us a lot of surprises."

"If Zhang Yang was promoted, and the momentum was so great, wouldn't it say that it would alarm a lot of people? Should we hurry to support him now?" Fu Cang wore on his face. A little more anxious.

"That's right! Whether Zhang Yang is promoted or not, we have to make up for this lively event! Go!"

The Fujin greeted, and set off first, rising into the air. [WWw.YZUU 点 m]

Fujimoto, Fucang and Jiuying followed closely. They drove each other out of the air.


Besides Zhang Yang, in the fluctuation of the laws of heaven and earth, the body is undergoing slow changes.

The original height of the body was still growing, and gradually. Became almost ten feet high.

The appearance has not changed much. Still humanoid, slender and erect body, fiery red skin; the two bone fins on the head have changed into tentacles, have been combined into one, long, bent from the top of the head; the muscles are not the exaggeration of the bodybuilder, But no one doubts that it is full of shapely beauty, which must contain explosive power; long fangs, ruthless faces, sharp claws ... are all zombie characteristics.

The fiery red zombie is the first step of Shinji.

Zhang Yang looked down at her body, and punched hard. Between the forces, the surrounding space was faint.

When the body moved, the red light flashed.


There was a faint sound of thunder and lightning, and Zhang Yang had appeared thousands of miles away.


Behind the golden wings burst out.

Zhang Yang turned his head to look at the golden-colored feathers. With a sense of consciousness, the golden-yellow color gradually disappeared, turning into a fiery red color, in harmony with the overall color of the body.

Zhang Yang nodded, showing a satisfied expression.

The wings fluttered behind.


The whole person disappeared in situ, and the next moment, it appeared to be 45,000 miles away.

With a strong swipe of the wing, 45 thousand miles were swept away. This is enough to make many strong names shameless.

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Yang laughed happily.

"Although I haven't been promoted to the title Shinji, but since then, I have been on both sides of Xianfan to see who else can get me!"

Since crossing, Zhang Yang has never been so happy.

He even felt that even if he met the Lady Qinglian again, she would never lose her face to face.

This is a sense of security that has never been seen before. There is no need to worry about any threat from the enemy. No one can threaten his life.

Even if he fell into the battlefield of heaven and earth, Zhang Yang was confident that he could escape by virtue of the great cutting technique and the speed of his metamorphosis.



The wings fluttered one after another. Every time he swiped, he ran out 45,000 miles.

Zhang Yang galloped across the land of Xianyuan, without any worries, and didn't hide his trace.

At such a fast speed, a person who has not cultivated enough can hardly sense his existence.


When Zhang Yang was flying happily, he suddenly became stagnant.

He sensed that a strong breath was approaching quickly, hundreds of thousands of miles away. The other side did not hide their breath, and the mana was full of force and quickly hurried.

That powerful breath apparently felt his presence as well. After a little lag, he flew towards Zhang Yang.

The opponent's speed is very fast. In a moment, it has reached less than 100,000 miles, which is within the range of the sense of the two sides. For two strong men, this distance is like two mortals facing each other several meters apart.

Zhang Yang can see clearly ~ www.readwn.com ~ The other person is about ten feet tall, with a thick black battle armor covering his whole body. The exposed skin is black scales, and the demonic features are extremely obvious.

When Zhang Yang looked at this Demon Monk, the Demon Monk was also looking at Zhang Yang.



The two spoke at almost the same time. Then, at the same time, they closed their mouths and did not speak.

A moment later, the demon monk's face looked puzzled:

"The unfamiliar and powerful title is true. It has a strange smell and seems familiar. But, I'm pretty sure. I must have never seen you. What is going on?"

. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.) ^-^ No pop-up window reading ^ _ ^

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