Zombie Evolution

Chapter 616: Escape


The body flashed, and the attack of the devil king with goat horns on his head had reached behind. //

The breath was suddenly locked, and there was no chance to dodge at all. Zhang Yang's body suddenly surged, and the strength of the blood veins obtained from the demon repair department was excited.


The shofar devil slammed **** the back of Zhang Yang.

call out!

Under the impact of great strength, Zhang Yang's body suddenly lost control, like a meteor, planted towards the ground.


Under the impact, the dust is transpiration, the rocks are flying across the ground, and the ground is vibrating violently.

Fortunately, the immortal continent has a strong interface and a wide geographical area, so it can withstand this level of battle. If the mainland is truly cultivated, their fighting at this level will probably cut off countless pulses in a moment.

call out!

Among the transpirational dust, a red streamer flew fast, but it was Zhang Yang's body that had just touched the ground and had sprung up.


With a roar, sharp claws were offered.


The light flashed and cut towards the shofar devil.

The horned devil's hoof-like forelegs slammed hard.


A loud noise blocked Zhang Yang's attack. Under the impact of the air wave, the space around "Beep Brumper" was cracked.

The black child and the Badruh Demon also rushed up, and the three surrounded Zhang Yang in the middle and launched a close fight.

Zhang Yang made a conscious move, sacrificing the white jade seal, blue ice flames beating, and Xuan Ling ice flames offering.


In a dull noise. The realm of the three demon kings was launched at the same time. The powerful aura was intimidating, and the blue ice flames froze.

The joint attack of the three demon kings was only in line with the coercion of Xuan Ling Bingyan.

Zhang Yang's consciousness controlled Xuan Ling Bingyan while his body kept flashing, and he shuttled back and forth under the attack of three demon kings.


The four strong players are fighting each other, and the fluctuations caused by them are powerful. The surrounding space was torn apart.

On the ground, it turned upside down, like the end of the world.

As long as the breath fluctuates slightly. Each mountain is cut into flats, each flat is squeezed into high mountains, and huge basins are formed out of thin air ...

Between the shadows. Millions of miles across have been ravaged.

Countless creatures, under these fluctuations, have no chance to escape, they are crushed into powder.

The powerful force even tore numerous souls directly, pity these beings, and even the chance of soul reincarnation is not available.

Even if it is some practitioners, don't talk about the immortals, even the true immortals, or even the golden immortals. Once involved, there is only one way to fall.

In the battle of the strong, all creatures are ants.

Just as human beings do not take into account the ant colony under their feet when fighting, the cultivators do not take into account mortals when fighting. even. High-level monks do not take care of low-level monks when fighting.

When a mighty man comes down in a battle, most of the interface is destroyed, and billions of lives are converted into powder, which is normal.

For people on this interface, this is the doomsday disaster.

Zhang Yang's consciousness is powerful. Disasters on the ground are naturally seen. However, his heart was extremely calm and unaffected, and he would not be fettered when attacking for fear of spreading to other beings.

In the battle between the strong, the difference between the first move is determined.

Besieged by the three strong men, Zhang Yang would have had many difficulties. If he was restrained again, it would be his own hands and feet to let the enemy slash. Zhang Yang went through countless calamities and finally reached the point where he is today. Naturally, he would not do such naive things.

The battle was so powerful that almost all monks in the fairyland continent were shocked.

The first reaction of people who are close to the fluctuation is to fly to the distance. In this level of battle, there are only a handful of people who are qualified to participate in the whole fairyland.

When Fujin et al. Felt this kind of fluctuation, they suddenly accelerated their speed to the extreme.


Everywhere you go, a powerful blast.

They were not far from where the battle was volatile, and they had already arrived in a moment.

Distant, I saw that Zhang Yang was one enemy and three, and still did not fall, it turned out to be a fairly good situation.

"Hahaha ..." Tenglin laughed immediately. "Devil children, three enemies, one is not ashamed? Look at me, Tenglin has done tricks with you."

While talking, between steps, the space under the foot suddenly shrank, a thousand miles away.

Within a few steps, it was near the battlefield, and the giant axe was offered. Fucang and Jiuying followed suit and shot.

Fujinoshi shook his body, reduced to a hundred feet in size, and chased and killed the Dels Demon watching beside him.

The demon kings had long seen Fucang and others coming. One Zhang Yang, they have been completely unable to clean up, and now seeing Fujin and others coming, where is the courage to continue fighting?

They flickered and darted away.


The vine forest naturally would not let them go easily. The sharp axe waved, and the huge light blade almost tore through the sky and chopped it down.

"Hurry! Realm! Realm!"

Dels growled loudly in horror.

Several demon kings each worked out strange tricks.


In the strange rhythmic fluctuations, the space in front of several demon kings was strangely fluctuated.


The huge light blade of Fujilin's axe cut down, and there was a feeling of powerlessness, like a defeated leather.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that the undulating space was rolled up, turned into a dark curtain, and swept towards the forest and others.

The horrible atmosphere made a powerful person feel a few heart palpitations.


While recovering the sharp axe, Fujibayashi walked towards the distance.

Several people, such as Fujimoto, have been running away for a long time. The speed of several people was extremely fast, and the speed of the black curtain was quite slow. They locked the breath of several people and chased hundreds of thousands of miles in a blink of an eye.

Within the range ~ www.readwn.com ~ all the spaces are hidden under the shadow, the strange space fluctuates and disappears.

Zhang Yang can sense that the strange evil atmosphere on this shady scene is exactly the same as the realm he seized, but it is more than ten times stronger.

After a million miles, the momentum of the black world curtain gradually became tired and slowly stagnated.

Immediately afterwards, it turned into a black light and disappeared.

Looking at those demon kings, they have disappeared, and I don't know where I have gone.

Fujimura and others breathed a sigh of relief, all of them a little shocked.

The situation just now is really too dangerous. If the black world curtain continues to chase down, it is better than a few people, and there is a danger of being swept into it.

"What's that? That evil atmosphere, powerful and strange, but very strange." Fujin's brows frowned.

. (Welcome your support, it is my greatest motivation.)

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