Zombie Evolution

Chapter 630: Human avatars in crisis

> Above Sky City.

Deqin is dressed in a beautiful robe, surrounded by gorgeous rays of light, and looks quite immortal.

The ambassador of the emperor walked in the land of Xianyuan.


As the consciousness passed over the mustard hut, Dechen felt a little stunned and felt a strange wave.

"This is ... the power of space? This fluctuation of the power of space is an ancient ruin? Two ancient ruins connected?"

Deqin thought, waving with a flash of light, and blasted at the ordinary mustard hut.


Falling from the sky, the moment of hitting the mustard hut, the violent power burst out.


A loud noise.


Flying sand and rocks, earth and rocks flying, the force of space fluctuated.


A huge opening suddenly opened, like countless silver snakes dancing.

"not good!"

Zhang Yang opened his eyes for the first time, his sleeves shook, and a streamer rolled up the new mustard hut. Mana everywhere, Yechen and Shi Kailai were taken into the new mustard hut.

The whole process was smooth and extremely fast. Then, the talented supernatural power controlled the electric power, and the whole person turned into an electric light. In a flash, it had appeared tens of thousands of miles away.

After several flashes, it was hundreds of thousands of miles away.

This swiftness is enough to stun the powerful title. However, Deqin controlled the battlefield of heaven and earth, and his consciousness was expanded a hundredfold, as if he was looking down at the continent. Everything looked softly.

"It turned out to be a monk's cave!"

"Monk Jinxian, is there such a quick speed? Rare! Rare!"

"However, why does this monk feel a little familiar?"

Deqin's eyes moved.

Zhang Yang has two avatars, and his soul is completely the same. If it is a zombie clone, Deqin can feel the breath of the witch ancestors instantly because of the power of blood.

It's a human clone now. Deqin just felt a little familiar, but he couldn't tell the difference.

"No matter how much it is, I want to take him down."

Thinking in my heart. Deqin shot without hesitation. Anyway, in his eyes, this is just a Jinxian monk, even in ordinary times. With his title strength, it is easy to win a Jinxian monk.

What's more, now that I have control of the entire battlefield, with the help of the battlefield, I don't have to waste any effort.


A ray of light fell from the sky, and in a flash, rolled towards the human Zhang Yang. This Xiaguang has a very wide range, and there is a tendency to overwhelm it.

Zhang Yang frowned, turning over with five fingers. Talent supernatural powers spread slowly.

Beep Boom!

The rule of time flow slows down when it touches the glow. Xia Guang's powerful power, such as crushing, usually shattered the talents, but the speed also lags slightly.

It is to use this lag time. Zhang Yang successively displayed the magical power of Yudian, turning it into a flash of lightning, and flashing out, the enveloped area of ​​the glow.

"It's a slow flow of talented magical power again? How could it be so coincident? Such rare talented magical powers have been met by this deity one after another?"

Deqin seemed a bit wrong, but. Some wondered.

"Forget it, take him down, everything is naturally clear."

Think of it this way, a wave of your hand is another glow, like a long river waterfall pouring down from the sky and chasing towards the human Zhang Yang.


At the same time, Chihkan's underground space.

The zombie Zhang Yang suddenly opened his eyes, and the spirit of fortune in his body whirled and retracted into the white jade seal in front of him.


His body flashed, and Zhang Yang had already appeared outside Dongfu.


With a flash of light, several people, including Fujibayashi, Fujimoto, and Akagi, appeared beside them.

"What's going on?" Looking at Zhang Yang's expression, everyone was a little stunned. Rattan asked with a dull expression.

"My human avatar is being chased down by the Battlefield of Heaven and Earth, and I must rush over." Said Zhang Yang, a zombie.


When Fujimori and others heard the words, they all took a breath.

"You are being hunted down by the Battlefield of Heaven and Earth? Isn't this extremely dangerous?"

Tenglin's tone was euphemistic, but the meaning was clear. Zhang Yang's current realm is just the true truth, and the realm of human avatar is Jinxian.

Zombie avatars can kill the powerful ones in a higher order by virtue of many methods such as Xuan Lingzhu and the power of powerful bloodlines. However, human avatars are not necessarily enough.

Although the power of this world battle is far from comparable to that of ancient times, it is still very easy to crush the general title strong.

Therefore, when everyone heard that Zhang Yang ’s human avatar was being chased by the world ’s lore, the first reaction was that he was more ferocious.

"Rest assured. My human avatar also has some means. Although it can't compete with the battlefield of heaven and earth, there is no problem in protecting myself in a short period of time. I am rushing over now, and the chance of being able to rescue is not small." Knowing what everyone meant, he nodded.

"Okay, that's the case, we set off right away. Hahaha, I thought that the Battlefield of Heaven and Earth would first conflict with the demons of the demons, and we could take advantage of the fishermen. I didn't expect that in the end, we had to shoot Oh, God! God! Go! Let ’s go and we will meet in this world! "

Tenglin laughed, holding up the axe of the barbarian, taking the lead in streamer, drilling out the earth and stone layer, and plunging into the sky.

"Go! Boy Zhang Yang rest assured, as long as your human clone can persist for a while, when we shot, the guys of the two races of the demon will definitely take us as the main target, your clone will be safe.

Fujimoto said, then scooped out.



Fucang, Jiuying, and Chihu all followed without hesitation.

There was a warmth in Zhang Yang's heart. In the face of the dangers of the world battle, we all know. However, at this time, the four people in Fujilin and even Chiba did not hesitate at all. Just this, it was enough for Zhang Yang to be moved ~ www.readwn.com ~ 唰!

His body flickered and appeared in the air.

The vine forest had already raised the barbarian axe, and his whole body was violently agitated.

"Let me first test how powerful this birdie was in the past!"

As he said, the brute force aroused, and the barbarian axe brought a light and shadow, and split into the sky.


The huge axe reached the sky directly from the ground and fell into the sky's rays.


In the huge crackling sound, the sky was full of glow, as if torn instantly, opening a huge opening.


Deqin, who was originally hunting down human Zhang Yang, was delayed. RQ

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