Zombie Evolution

Chapter 634: Break up

"This is a small combo formation! With the help of this small formation, the powers of these shamans seem to be able to unite and grow together ... but do n’t worry, this level of counterattack power will cause The power of counterattack is completely within the tolerance of the deity. \\ The net deities do not believe it. Their matrix, with the help of several people, can they not compete with the power of heaven and earth? "

Deqin's mood was obviously a little excited, and the sky was tumbling with curls, like a raging ocean wave.

"Yes! Fight with them! I don't believe it, we have worked hard to create a battlefield of heaven and earth, and we will not be able to clean up even these witches and evils!"

Agaly first watched Zhang Yang flee from his own hands, and now he watched that these witches were not only safe and sound from the attack of Deqin, but also could fight back from time to time, and he was also anxious.

At the same time, the two were aware of each other and mobilized the power of heaven and earth.


Xia Guang rolled it up, and rolled it toward Fujilin and others again.


call out!

The red streamer flashed, and the zombie Zhang Yang volleyed, floating in the air.

Not far away, a tall and ancient city, like a huge monster, entangled on the ground.


Looking at the calm city in the distance and the gentle glow above the city, Zhang Yang's face flashed with surprise.

"I approached this distance and the other side didn't respond. Didn't the people sitting in the city pool not be here?"

"Well, it's not far from where Brother Fujin and others fought Deqin. It seems that the fluctuations in the battle attracted him in the past."

Just a little thought, Zhang Yang understood the reason.

Wanting to understand this, Zhang Yang did not dare to act lightly. Because he knew that, as the base of the battlefield, he was absolutely extremely sensitive. As long as he touched the defensive mask a little, Agaly defending the place would rush back immediately.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Three silhouettes flashed and appeared in front of them.

But it is the human Zhang Yang, Ye Chen and Shi Kailai.

"Have seen the master!" Ye Chen and Shi Kailai both salute Zhang Zang with a little excitement.

Although it is clear that human Zhang Yang is the same as Zhang Yang. However, because the two were initially subjugated by the zombie Zhang Yang, they have always been dominated by the zombie Zhang Yang. When you see the zombie Zhang Yang, the psychological feelings are inevitably different.

"Well! Look at this big array, but is there a good way to get rid of it?" Zhang Yang nodded, and reached out and pointed towards Tianxiong City, asking.

"Yes. Master!"

Ye Chen and Shi Kailai both agreed and turned to face the Tianxiong City. Immediate expression of solemn expression. Gaze carefully, becoming more and more focused.

Zhang Yang was not in a hurry, waiting quietly aside.

Just a quarter of an hour later, Ye Chen and Shi Kailai's faces gradually began to turn red, their eyes were dull, and they even became mad.

When Zhang Yang saw the situation, he knew it was not good, and immediately he was conscious of the situation. A big mouth.


Growled. In this roar, secretly used the attack power of talented magic fox fantasy. Instantly pulled Ye Chen two back from madness.


Ye Chen and the two were spitting blood, and their faces were slightly white.


Changshu breathed a sigh of relief. This slowed down God and gave a gift to Zhang Yang.

"Thank you for your help!"

"No need to be polite! What happened just now?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Return to the master, this world is extremely esoteric, and there is also a phantom array that is peep-proof. The subordinates and others just have some intentions and directly mobilized the awareness of the laws to explore the large array. The mystery of the battle array. I did not expect that it would be a direct strike and plunged into a fantasy array. If it were not for the master's shot, it would be inevitable for the two of us to annihilate the soul. "

Ye Chen said, he still had some fear.

"This world battle is the first strong battle between the heavens and the earth passed down from the ancient times. It can mobilize the power of the immortal world to use it. The formation method is esoteric. I just hold out the mood of trying. Seeing this big array, as a reference to learn, it is also good for your formation practice. I did not expect that it almost put you in danger, which is my negligence. "Zhang Yang blame himself.

"Master's words are heavy." Ye Chen naturally said quickly.

After a short meal, Ye Chen and Shi Kailai discussed the two sentences and said to Zhang Yang:

"Master, although the two of us can't see through this big team, if the master wants to break the team, we can do a little bit of effort."

"Oh? Tell me." Zhang Yang's eyes lightened.

"Go back to the master and break the big team. If you can't see through the formation structure, then the best way is to break the team with force and break the team. Looking at the master's idea, you want to break the team with force. Before, the two of us could break through the front line and fight for the vanguard. "Ye Chen said with an arched hand.

"Break through! Is it dangerous for you two?" Zhang Yang asked first.

This approach of focusing on the safety of the two people regardless of the effects of the attack obviously moved the Yechen two.

"The master rest assured that the two of us just set up a large array, we can start the large array and step back and let a few puppets control the large array. We will not be in danger. However, in order to attack the effect, we need to borrow the master's infantile main array Use the flag! "

"Baby-infantry flag?" Zhang Yang hesitated a little, weighing the pros and cons, shaking his sleeves, and a black flag was already in front of him.

Yechen took it with both hands. "The master rest assured that we will break through the battle. This main infant-infant flag may be damaged, but we must do our best to repair it afterwards."

"Well, it is good to keep the banner, and it doesn't matter if you can't keep it. Personal safety comes first." Zhang Yang urged.

"Yes, master!"

Ye Chen agreed, and his body flickered towards Xia Guang, and they began to form a line.

The human Zhang Yang glanced at the zombie Zhang Yang and waved his sleeve robe.


In the buzzing of wings ~ www.readwn.com ~ A black cloud rose above his head.


The sound of flapping wings continued, and the dark cloud rolled, and the range became larger and larger.

Silver Winged Ant!

These silver-winged demon ants are only the size of a fist. They are only half the size of those silver-winged demon ants trapped in the base mask above Tianxiong City. They are all black and have no lightning-like wave text. There was a slight coercion of the title strong.

However, their number is huge, a dark cloud is two acres in size, and the number exceeds one million.

These silver-winged demon ants have been cultivated by human Zhang Yang for thousands of years.

The zombie Zhang Yang originally carried a part of the faster-evolving silver-winged demon ant, but left most of it in the new mustard hut, and handed it to human Zhang Yang to cultivate and reproduce. (To be continued)

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