Zombie Evolution

Chapter 640: Realm offering

Chapter 640: The Boundary Sacrifice


Over the distant seas, the magic gas rolled. //


Several figures flickered and gathered together, which were the great demon kings such as Dels and Labuya. The change of the world and the lore, naturally they were aware of it the first time, and all of them had horrified expressions on their faces.

"The breath of heaven and earth in the big battle ... seems to be weaker?" On the huge skull of Dels, a pair of eyes seemed extremely small, turning slowly.

"Yes, it's weaker. Especially that direction is more obvious." Rabuya said, his little round finger pointing in the front direction.

"That direction seems to be the Tianxiong City of the human race? Now you can clearly feel the strange and violent fluctuations. Unfortunately, my Quedak has fallen, and the Quedak people have suffered heavy losses. No one else. Otherwise, you can know what is happening now. "Badrude's tone was regretful.

"Hmm!" Rabuya Devil snorted, "The situation is not obvious now. Tiandi lore nine large bases, one of which is just above Tianxiong City. If I expected it to be good, it must be That base was destroyed and destroyed. "

The other demon kings heard that their faces were all clear gods, apparently thinking the same way.

"The wastes of the two demons are really not as good as the next generation." The voice of the demon King Yarman sounded loudly, and a pair of fluttering wings flew behind him. The world left behind by the people, but they can't even defend Chengdu. "

"Then what do we do? The formation base of the Heaven and Earth Battles is destroyed and the power is even weaker. We have sacrificed so much magic. Isn't our plan to grow stronger?" Suddenly spoke.

"The immortal continent who has the power to destroy the Heaven and Earth lore formations must be the evil man. It is not clear how the battle situation is now. However, in theory, since the evil man evil can destroy an army, Will be able to destroy the second and even more formations. Even if their defeat is eliminated, the world and the battlefield will become damaged. Whether the two monsters have repaired the formation, it is uncertain. So In any case, we cannot take risks. If the battlefield of heaven and earth continues to decline and the energy is even insufficient, even if our realm is devoured, it will not be enough to grow to the mature stage, then our dream of stepping out of the immortal realm to achieve immortality can be completely destroyed Now, I suggest that we take a shot immediately and sacrifice out of the curtain. "Rabuya Devil said.

"His Highness Labbuya makes sense, and now is indeed the best opportunity." The Lord of Deers swung around on four hoofs, causing the surrounding space to fluctuate, his eyes red, and a little irritable.

Apparently, he was almost destroyed by Zhang Yang's Silver Winged Demon, and now he remembers his old hatred.

"Shot! Shoot now!"

"Yes! Now is the best time to shoot!"

Several other demon kings are also clamoring.

Several people reached a decision instantly, without hesitation, immediately shot.

There was a movement of consciousness, but there was a black soft whip-like existence coming out of each foot.


These soft whips are extremely soft. As soon as they appear, they immediately turn into black screens, which instantly enlarge, almost covering the front sky.


When they touch each other, the moment these black screens are handed over, they are linked together, making a thunderous sound.


Several black screens finally linked to a huge black screen.

This is just the beginning.

The faces of several demon kings began to become solemn and solemn like never before, one by one holding strange tricks in their hands, or having words in their mouths, or the claws running through the air with strange claws.


In a strange and strange rhythmic wave, the black curtain in the sky began to slowly rotate and turned into a huge black hole.

This black hole generally has a diameter of tens of thousands of miles and has a very powerful attraction, which has swallowed all the mighty magic around it.

When the major demon kings saw this, their faces flashed with joy, looking at each other, or with their arms or claws pointing forward.


The black hole-like curtain began to move slowly, overwhelming towards the direction of Xianyuan continent.

All the way through, the magical energy was swallowed up, and soon arrived where the magical gas and Xiaguang met.


Xia Guang was tumbling and rolled towards the curtain.


Just a slight bubble burst sound, these glows just disappear into the black hole.

There is no explosion wave, no violent reaction ... Not only is the black hole not damaged, but it becomes bigger.

In this way, like an open Pandora's box, the black hole continues to grow in the process of engulfing, and as it grows, the ability to engulf is more powerful, and it continues to cycle.


Above Tianxiong City.


Several streams of light flickered, but it was felt by Fujinori and others.

Zhang Yangshen unknowingly entered the defensive mask, and obtained more than 1,000 mature silver-winged demon ants. Now, coupled with the arrival of Fujinori and others, Agaly had no sense of resistance at all, and had a pinch of law in his hands.


The surrounding area swept away and wrapped itself up, like an ocean of glowing rays. The magnificent rays of light separated Agaly from Zhang Yang.

At the same time, Agaly's body has exploded rapidly, leaping into a teleportation array not far away.


The flash of light flashed away, and the joy on Agalud's face flashed away, becoming frightened.

"Huh? What is this ...?"


Then, his body flashed, and he changed to another place.


The light flashed again, but Agaly's body stood still.

"Here ... the teleportation method here is intact ~ www.readwn.com ~ Do you mean ... Deqin! You turned off the teleportation method?"

The insight of Agaly immediately wanted to understand what was going on, and God in his eyes became frightened.

He was abandoned!

He was abandoned by Deqin!

"Oh! It's a pity! I didn't expect Deqin to really know how to cut his arm to save his life! I originally planned to teleport with you. Even if I can't get in, I can destroy one more base! It's a pity!"

In the snore, Zhang Yang's figure slowly emerged.

Then the fierce conflict between Xia Guang and the explosion wave, and the surrounding waves were extremely violent. Zhang Yang didn't know when it had quietly lurked beside Agalyu.

"Do not--"

Acarut yelled. At this time, even if he didn't have the courage to confront Zhang Yang, his body flashed and he was about to walk away. (To be continued.

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