Zombie Evolution

Chapter 665: trick

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"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Yang did not expect that this turn of events had occurred under the changing circumstances. . +? (. + bsp; \\ s * This is no doubt about mountains and rivers.

Just some fighting methods, Zhang Yang's mana consumption is extremely serious. He feels empty in his body and is surrounded by enemies. This is extremely dangerous.

Not much to say, turned out a lot of Yin Ningzhu, swallowed. Under the operation of "Swallowing" Gongfa, the strong Yinning power was quickly transformed into mana, slowly replenishing Zhang Yang's internal consumption.

Mu Yu was beheaded, and the monsters and raptors around him naturally blocked Zhang Yang.

After most of the mana was restored, Zhang Yang was not very polite. The Silver Moon Sacrifice was launched, and at the same time, the large cutting operation was launched. With the assistance of Tiekui and the Black Blood Serf, a mass slaughter began.

It was only in the time of fragrant incense that he killed the siege and saw that he was about to break out.

At a glance, Zhang Yang's consciousness was slightly delayed. I saw not far from Luo Fei's whole body wrapped in blue light, fluttering clothes, like a fairy in the world.

Although it is in the middle of a fight, it is still beautiful to lift your hands and raise your feet.

At this time, Luo Fei, the imperial presence of several petal-like existence, hands firmly pinch, those few petals turned into blue and blue light rotating around.

Everywhere a monster bird is rubbed, it is the end of a broken limb.

Theoretically speaking, this violent killing method is extremely mana-consuming, but in contrast, Luo Fei, like walking in a courtroom, has no sign of exhausting mana.

Under this efficient killing, he was almost out of business several times.

Whenever it came to a critical moment, it was the demon repairman with long horns on his head who came forward to stop and didn't fight with Luo Fei directly, but it was just such a hindrance that allowed the monsters behind to surround him again.

He laughed from time to time: "Hahaha. Little beauty, you have to go to Lord Dragon! Just stop fighting. Lord Dragon can plead with Lord Demon King. Definitely can save your life. What is in the human race OK? This time, our monsters and monsters are powerful, and the human race has become established. From then on, the resources on this continent are all our monsters. You have been from Lord Dragon. We are flying together and practicing resources. Mass supply. Make sure you build the avenue. "

Zhang Yang was really crying.

Obviously, this is how to get a dragon creature. Dragon **** this kinky. And Luo Fei is naturally beautiful, even if the stone meets, she will be tempted. Anyway, after seeing this. Of course, he was fascinated.

Shocked elsewhere, but here He He flirts and loves, this can be regarded as a superb monster repair.

Of course, this is not to say how idiotic He is. But because he was so confident, he was confident that under the traction of the beast tide field, it would be easy for the demon king to kill the old man.

As for Mu Yu?

Mu Yu's opponent is just a blackhead! He He didn't even mind. He was even a little worried that Mu Yu was moving too fast. In case it is bad to kill yourself after the black zombie is killed.

Therefore, He bitterly persuaded: "Little beauty. Make a decision quickly! Otherwise, Mu Yu will come over after the tigress resolves her opponent. In case the shot hurts you, Uncle Long, but It will be distressed. "

There was a rage on Luo Fei's face, and suddenly two lotus petals burst out, the blue light was extremely sharp.

Although He He is mouth-watering, his magic power is really not weak. Seeing Qing Mang coming, his body flickered, and she hid away, not forgetting to say, "Hey! Little lotus, this lotus petal is really powerful, Uncle Long dare not resist it!"


Although the cyan light failed to hit Ye Ho, it was a blood light in the flocks behind.

Zhang Yang sighed softly: "This girl has obviously retained her strength in the past killings. Otherwise, the monster material she can grab is definitely more than that."

"However, this time with this abominable little dragon, she is obviously unable to get rid of her body. For the sake of a companion, give her a hand!"

After a little hesitation, Zhang Yang realized what he was doing, and a teleportation came to him. The unicorn arm was activated, and the red arm, like a burning flame, jumped and stabbed into He's chest.

Anyway, the body is a dragon, extremely powerful, and is good at melee. When he was locked by the consciousness, he already had induction, and now he was suddenly attacked. Although he was a bit arrogant, he was not at a loss.

With a twist of his body, his hands instantly turned into dragon claws, and he grabbed at Zhang Yang's unicorn arm.


With a crash, the two claws were held together heavily.

Zhang Yang took the advantage of the active attack, and got out of the way. The muscle power of the whole body erupted instantly. He Ho's power is strong, but he hastily responded to the challenge and did not implement it at all.


Zhang Yang growled, her arms clenched, and threw He's body into the air.

At the same time, rubbing his hands into palms, a large cutting operation was launched, and a light blade chased it down.

puff! Although He He twisted his body hard to dodge, he still avoided it, and half of his right leg was cut off.


He He roared angrily, and the surrounding machines changed for a while.

Visible to the naked eye, He Ho's body quickly swelled and grew, and the features of the human body became less and less. Instead, it looked like a giant--a giant cock!


This is a real giant!

Painted with black scales, two deer-like sharp horns on the head, four claws ... if it is not without a whisker, and it is slightly worse in momentum, this is a dragon.

Of course, Hehe is just a tadpole, not a dragon. Although he has always called himself "Uncle Dragon", this fact cannot be changed.

However, seeing He He struggling to stretch the body, the sound of "嗬 嗬" in his mouth made him more and more powerful.

"Quick! Attack him! Don't let him transform! The monster's strength will increase greatly after changing into a body! We are in danger!"

Luo Fei said, apparently mobilizing some secret law, his breath was soaring, his arms were raised, the six petals of lotus turned into six green rays, crossed the arc, and attacked toward He Ho.

However, the monsters around them seemed to stop them.

Although Luo Fei's attack was sharp, after the killing of hundreds of monster birds and raptors, the momentum was weakened, and the light was dim, and he could only recover.

There is no need for Luo Fei to remind him, Zhang Yang understands this truth, and has been rushing forward with all his strength.

However, under the obstruction of a lot of monster birds, it is not easy to get through the surrounding circle!

"Don't worry about it! Let's go! As long as we rush out of the siege of monsters, at our speed, are we afraid that this big snake will not catch up?"

Zhang Yang sends a message to Luo Fei.


Love is just a word.

Coupled with Tiekui and the blood slaves, they immediately changed their directions and killed them side by side.

This is on the edge of the flock of birds, but just a little slaughter rushed out.

At this moment, the surrounding Qiqi field burst into a trance, and the two were squeezed instantly, as if trapped in a quagmire. Immediately afterwards, he just laughed behind his back and laughed: "Little beauty, do you want to run away without the permission of Uncle Long? Hahaha ... and that zombie, even dare to break the goodness of Uncle Long, it is really a crime Man! Hey! No! Isn't Mu Yu the tigress chasing you? You escaped, Mu Yu? "

Speaking of this, Zhe He's voice became extremely solemn and his face sank. Obviously, Mu Yu's relationship with him was quite shallow.

Zhang Yang snorted: "If you are talking about that tigress, you have already been drained of blood by Master Zombie, and have broken up Yuan Ying."

He's face changed continuously: "Impossible! This is impossible!"

Speaking, it seems to be sensing something. Did not feel Mu Yu's breath, immediately began to violently: "Okay! Uncle Dragon no matter what conspiracy and tricks you have used to kill Mu Yu, now, you have to smash your corpses and draw souls!"

Zhang Yang rolled his eyes: "It's just a loach, dare to say that!"


He Yangtian made a long howl, which turned out to be full of Long Yin's metallic texture.


The eyes of the surrounding monsters immediately turned red, losing their sense of reason, and launched a life-threatening attack.

Zhang Yang had a conscious command, and Tiekui and the Blood Slave both slain the monster bird. When confronted with these demon birds and raptors, these two men are absolutely strong. The claws are waving and the axe is shining. There is really a feeling of killing the Quartet.

Zhang Yang and Luo Fei killed the past in both directions.

With this transformed monster controlling the aura here, if the two do not kill it, it will be difficult to escape, and both will realize this.

With any wave of his claws, the two felt the surrounding air condensate at the same time, and the speed of the flying owl suddenly dropped.

Zhang Yang immediately flipped his palm and offered the town demon tower. Before the movement of consciousness, the billowing chaos poured out and rolled towards He He.

Zhe He's eyes flashed, his body meandered, and he got into a large group of monster birds.

Zhang Yang felt depressed for a while. This is too cunning, so cautious.


At the suggestion of Hehe ~ www.readwn.com ~ A large number of monster birds and raptors crashed into the air of chaos and disappeared quickly.

Anyhow, he was more cautious and stepped back.

Zhang Yangfa decided to close it and take back the chaos.

Winking with Roffey, his body exploded and he was about to walk away.

But when he saw that huge body twisting for a while, he even followed.

Zhang Yang and Luo Fei looked at each other, both of them looked worried. Obviously, after knowing that Mu Yu was in Zhang Yang's hands, he saw the power of the two again. It was decided that he would not fight the two directly.

Obviously, the other party wants to entangle the two, as long as the bone cheating demon king cleans up and kills Liao Lang, the two will have no choice but to die.

Zhang Yang did not dare to hope that Liao Lang could kill the Bone Demon King. That sly old guy was the idea of ​​running away from the beginning. !! .

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