Zombie Evolution

Chapter 694: 1 sand 1 world

Two years later.

"This is the eighteenth! Three short! Only three short, I can go back to fairyland!"

Zhang Yang grabbed a flesh wreck floating in the turbulent space in front.

Three years have passed since coming out of the fairyland. In three years, he flew at full speed in the turbulence of space, his sense of consciousness, clear eyes, and the sense of flesh and wreckage ... Three of them have found eighteen of twenty-one. ",

However, even if there is only one missing piece of flesh and blood, Zhang Yang can't return to the original peak period. Therefore, he can only keep searching.

"According to the route where these few were found not long ago, the remaining three should be in that direction. In this way, it is getting farther and farther from the fairyland. Even after I find it, I am afraid that I will fly at the fastest speed, it will take two years. Time can fly back. "

Zhang Yang sighed and looked back at the fairyland.

At this distance, the outline of the fairyland can already be seen, showing oval-shaped bubbles, which looks very spectacular.

Wow look

Without much hesitation, Zhang Yang broke through the turbulent space and continued to walk forward.

Time is passing by a little bit. In the turbulence of space, if it is not Zhang Yang who knows the laws of space and time, he will soon lose the concept of time.

In the past three months or so, Zhang Yang's speed soared to the extreme, but he never felt any call. Just as he was about to lose hope, suddenly, the presence of a meteorite in front of him caught his attention.

"Meteorite? How is this possible?"

"In the turbulence of space, even the defensive magic weapon will be cut into fragments by the turbulence of energy ... This meteorite can float here, which is definitely not an ordinary product.

In the turbulence of space, apart from the violent energy flow, there are some collapsed cracks, and then. It's nothing. Because, even the artifact of creation, under the scouring and cutting of countless years in space. It will also turn into powder, which is just like the effect of dripping stones.

Zhang Yang didn't think much about it, and immediately began to catch a large catch, a huge palm. I will take that piece of meteorite in my hand.


Starting with the meteorite, Zhang Yang immediately made a flick and felt wrong.

"Why is it so heavy?"

Zhang Yang now. The strength is powerful, although it is not as good as the wicked ancestors of the peak period, but it is already a top-level existence among the powerful titles. This fishing power seems simple, in fact, even a planet the size of the earth. Can also be fished in hands.

You know, the perimeter of the earth is only 40,000 kilometers. For the span of millions of miles on the continent, it is too small.

However, this small meteorite looks only about one kilometer in diameter. Zhang Yang failed to pick up under the gimmick. Moreover, the feeling to Zhang Yang turned out to be unshakable.

"Weird! There must be weird!"


Zhang Yang's figure flickered, and she was already next to the meteorite. Divine consciousness overwhelmed the past and immediately felt like a mud ox entering the sea.

"this is……"

Just when Zhang Yang was going to use other means, at a close distance, he felt a weak law wave on the meteorite.

"The laws of time and space fluctuate. This breath ..."

Zhang Yang looked at this meteorite, and then looked back at the distant, elliptical fairyland bubble. Suddenly, he felt that there was a very similar atmosphere between the two.

"Can it be said that this is Xiao Qian World, a party attached to the fairyland?"

"Just, how could Xiao Qian World, who is attached to the fairyland, be separated from the fairyland?"

Zhang Yang was a little confused.

Because the small world attached to the large world is generally glued to the large world. There is just a thin space barrier in the middle.

Therefore, in the large thousand world, as long as you cut through the barriers, you can enter the small thousand world.

In fairyland, these billions of small worlds are of different sizes. Just because the immortal world is too big, even if there are hundreds of millions of small worlds, Zhang Yang now looks at it from this distance, it is difficult to see the existence of some small worlds.

Of course, if Zhang Yang is willing, with some effort to find, it is easy to find some.

When you are in fairyland, every time you find a small world, it is a great opportunity.

However, in the cosmic sea, there is no barrier of space. It is too easy to find a small world, it just takes some time.

"If it is an ordinary Xiaoqian world, for me, there is no need to explore. However, now this Xiaoqian world is a bit weird."

"Now that you have encountered it, you might as well go in and see, this is a big opportunity and maybe not."

Now that he had made up his mind, Zhang Yang didn't hesitate, and his body became a normal person in a flash. Meteorites, about one kilometer in diameter, suddenly seem extremely towering.

Zhang Yang's right arm was held high, and while the consciousness was moving, the big cutting operation was unfolded, and a bright light blade flickered.


The light blade cut off, and immediately opened a gap on the meteorite directly opposite it, like a beating silver snake lightning.

Space crack!

It really is a crack in space!

Being cut apart, it is not ordinary material, but a space crack, which shows that Zhang Yang's guess is correct. This piece of meteorite is actually a small thousand world.

There is nothing to hesitate to take advantage of the moment when this space crack is broken, Zhang Yang's figure flickered, and he had already penetrated.


Behind that, the space crack recovered and closed at the speed visible to the naked eye just in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Yang's look flashed in surprise.

The speed at which space barriers heal represents the vitality of one interface. The speed of healing of this crack just now is probably not even that fast.

Could it be said that this seemingly small world, originally attached to the fairyland, is even more powerful than the fairyland?

Unexpectedly, the aura in this Xiaoqian world was very abundant, and the rich aura had a sticky feeling. Zhang Yang just stood here, and did n’t practice the exercises, he could feel that those auras poured into the body frantically, nourishing the body.

Of course, for his strong class, such a strong aura can at least make him feel more comfortable, and there is no immediate effect on the improvement of cultivation.

Looking at the surrounding scenes, the mountains and rivers are beautiful. A powerful creature lives in it.

The aura is rich, the scenery is more beautiful, and the species is more powerful. Zhang Yang is very clear about this.

After Zhang Yang's consciousness was released, a large number of creatures within the range that can be sensed are all of low descent.

These biological species also exist on the fairyland continent, among which the more powerful ones, such as unicorns, black panthers, etc., are only four or five-level monsters when they reach adulthood on the fairyland continent. All of them exude the prestige of the robbery period, but they have not changed.

Zhang Yang can see that these monsters have absolutely no self-cultivation, but only by passively absorbing the aura here, countless years ago, they have such powerful strength.


A rabbit ran quickly across the ground.

If measured by the eyes of ordinary people, this rabbit is a bit too big, full of the size of a sika deer, running fast and flying.


Behind him, a coyote is chasing if this creature the size of an elephant can still be called a coyote.

Similar predatory pictures are playing in more than one place in this small thousand world.

Zhang Yang was unfamiliar with the environment here, so after deliberately suppressing his coercion, he did not disturb the beings here.

The creatures here are powerful and relatively speaking. Compared with the existence of this class of Zhang Yang, it is naturally incomparable.

Rao is so, the shock in Zhang Yang's mind is already very difficult to say.

Divine consciousness was released to the extreme, and Zhang Yang found out that after several years of practice, his range of consciousness had reached five million miles, which was five times as much as when he stepped out of the immortal realm.

For more than three years, Zhang Yang was very pleased with the continuous gains in the turbulent flow of space.

However, now Zhang Yang can't take comfort, because within the five million mile range he senses, there are no barriers in this small world!

Meteorites with a diameter of only one kilometer appear from the outside, and the internal space is far beyond five million miles ... What kind of concept is this?

This is supported by strong space laws. The so-called one sand, one world, one flower and one heaven.

When Zhang Yang was in the realm of cultivation, he had encountered some old babies in the Yuan Dynasty. He was able to use the Buddha in his palm and other means. In the palm of his hand was a small thousand world, or he hid a small thousand world in a sand ~ www.readwn.com ~ However, that method can only fool the little monk. Zhang Yang now knows this state clearly. At that time, the state of the Buddha in the palm was just setting the opening of a small world in a palm, or setting the opening of a small world in a grain of sand.

As for the real small thousand world, it is in the turbulent space of the cosmic sea, anchored on the interface barriers of the spiritual world. The real volume is definitely very large.

For monk Yuan Ying, that is already a good method. But in the eyes of Zhang Yang now, that's basically child play.

This side of the meteorite is different. This side of the meteorite looks only one kilometer in size from the outside, and this is in a turbulent space, not in a large world.

Zhang Yang's strength can also be seen clearly. This is not a kind of childlike means of a plane channel, but a truly different law of space. This is the true one sand and one world!

Powerful rules of space, rich aura, vast space ... Zhang Yang was suddenly skeptical. Is it too rash for him to enter this small world? (To be continued ...)

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