Zombie Evolution

Chapter 700: Anti-Life Liquid

The Lord of Xianyuan said very simply, but Zhang Yang was able to guess that it would have been hard to imagine the cost it had spent in order to leave this meteorite and not let it fly away.

"Then, my ontology has since given up cultivation, and in this world, I have learned to amend the laws to make it more harmonious with myself ... and more importantly, conquer this tree of life."

Speaking of which, the eyes of the Lord of the Immortals came with a strong bitterness.

"The tree of the world, but it can give birth to countless powerful races. Although this seems to be just a branch, where can a lord master conquer it? Poor my body, entangled by greed, exhausted countless Years, exhausted countless resources ... In the end, nothing was achieved, and I still refused to give up. "

Zhang Yang nodded and understood this mood very well.

You know, this is the tree of life! Zhang Yang knows the difficulties of cultivation. I want the barbaric king to get stuck in the realm of great title at that time.

This is already the case, let alone the Lord of God, of course it is more difficult.

Conquering the tree of life is undoubtedly a shortcut to promotion. Anyone who breaks through the door and suddenly finds a shortcut will also become crazy.

"Later, at an accidental opportunity, my ontology heard an ancient rumor that there was a mystery of the tree of life in the ancient ancient market, one of the three dangerous places in the universe. After the ontology heard this rumor, it turned out I was so impressed that I went out and ventured in desperation ... at the ancient ancient market in one of the three dangerous places in the universe! Do n’t say that there is a little god, even the **** king, even a more powerful being, is also one of them. It's going to fall out if you are not careful. Unfortunately, at that time, I was already stunned by the tree of life. Where else can I care so much? "

One of the three dangerous places in the universe. Xuanguxu, named after the "Zhu" character of Ascaris, is this dangerously related to the Zerg?

Gu Feng is listening. While secretly guessing.

"So, when the ontology loses contact, I know that ten times have fallen. Sure enough. Until now, I haven't sensed the essence of the ontology."

The Lord of Immortals felt a sigh and did not feel happy because he became an independent living body.

Think about it is normal. The detached body of a mighty man has the same feeling as the left and right hands of the body, the same soul and the same mind. Whoever loses a thigh and an arm will not be happy.

"So, you haven't controlled that tree of life yet?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Nice! Back then. With the power of the little girl's body, she couldn't control it. If she hadn't tried desperately, she wouldn't have gone to the ancient ancient market. Later, there was only this avatar, and where could she control it? Come? Okay. Although the tree of life is very powerful, it does not seem to have a complete sense of autonomy and does not know how to actively attack people. Otherwise, the young girl repeatedly provokes it, and as long as it fights back, the young girl will lose her spirit. The Lord of Xianyuan shook his head again with a bitter smile.

Zhang Yang nodded without doubt. The power of the tree of life, he also has a deep understanding, a wave from afar, almost made Zhang Yang unconscious, its strength is evident.

If the Lord of Xianyuan really has control of this giant tree, where can he stand here intact?

Zhang Yang had a fluke in secret first, feeling frightened that he had entered the world of the other side recklessly. Then came another ecstasy.

Inside this meteorite is a large world; the center of the large world is a tree of life that stands out from the sky; more importantly, this tree of life has not been controlled by anyone ...

Doesn't it mean that all these treasures have become their own? As long as you refine the world by yourself and control the tree of life, you can have unlimited potential for promotion?

Understanding Zhang Yang's mood, the Lord of Xianyuan immediately said with interest:

"My little sister is willing to dedicate this great world and the tree of life to His Royal Highness the Savage King!"

The resources of the Lord of the Immortals dedicated all things, without mentioning the slightest conditions, which made Zhang Yang very satisfied.

"Well, you can now make a vow of heaven, and later you will know that following the deity is definitely the most correct choice."


The life of the master of Xianyuan is in Zhang Yang's hands. In the turbulence of this space, there is no strength to resist at all. Therefore, he has no daring to play tricks and honestly issued a vow of heaven.

Zhang Yang listened earnestly, correcting one or two improper wordings in the oath, and did not allow the Lord of Immortals to have any tricks.

As soon as the vow of Tiandao was spoken, the power of a law immediately dropped. A strange wave in space turbulence.

Zhang Yang nodded and breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the Tiandao vow has come into effect. Since then, the Lord of Xianyuan has been his slave.

The Lord of Xianyuan's face was slightly darkened. At first, she was the **** of the side. Now that the body has lost the news, it is likely that it has fallen. This avatar has become a slave to a monk ... this difference can be imagined.

Zhang Yang had turned his hand and took out the scepter, and found out that he had been bounced off quickly. So he asked:

"The breath of this scepter seems to be very close to that tree of life. Is it broken from the tree of life?"

"Yes, Your Highness! This was the little girl ’s body that took the effort to fold it from the tree of life. In the year, two folds were made, and after the sacrifice, it became a scepter. Root, the remaining one is left. The younger girl is now willing to give to His Highness. "

A vow of heaven has been issued, and the Lord of the Immortal Yuan's heart has also relaxed a bit, at least not to worry about Zhang Yang killing himself.

Zhang Yang originally wanted to return it to the Lord of Xianyuan. After all, the current Lord of Xianyuan is his subordinate, and his subordinates are powerful and good for himself.

However, upon hearing what the Lord of Immortals said, the hand that was about to be lifted was immediately withdrawn.

"Your body is a god, is it so difficult to break a branch from the tree of life?"

"Yes, Your Highness! The branches of life are extremely hard and extremely difficult to destroy. Moreover, although the tree of life does not have a complete sense of autonomy, once it is attacked, it will emit that weird wave. At close range, strong Such as the Lord of God, there is also the danger of flying away. Therefore, the little girl's body at that time also took great danger. "

Speaking of a little meal here, the Lord of the Celestial Yuan reached out and took off a thing on his finger, and in a moment of consciousness, wiped out the imprint of the soul and turned it into a thing without a subject. , Then only hands to Zhang Yang.

"In addition, every 10,000 years in the tree of life, some liquid is called life fluid, and each drop has extremely powerful vitality and energy. For me and other monks, it is an extremely rare treasure, younger sister. Collected these, willing to dedicate to His Highness. "

"Oh? Life fluid?"

As soon as Zhang Yang's eyes lighted, just listening to this narrative knew that it was something extraordinary.

The dedication of his subordinates was naturally not polite, and reached out to take over. With a sense of consciousness, a green bottle appeared in his hand.

With a flick of your finger, a "Beep!" Sounded a light, accompanied by the flashing of light, the inscription on the seal was broken, and the cap was opened.

Immediately, a tremendous vitality began to pervade. Even in the turbulent space, you can feel that the surrounding area is full of comfortable and fresh breath immediately.

"This ... this is really baby!"

Zhang Yang's eyes lit up immediately. A pinch of the finger and a deciding method, a drop of green liquid floated out of the bottle.

Crystal clear, green is so refreshing.

Zhang Yang had a strong impulse, opened his mouth without hesitation, and swallowed the drop of green liquid.

Immediately, a green light wrapped Zhang Yang's body.

Zhang Yang could feel that the drop of green liquid had fallen into the body and immediately turned into a life of vitality, and began to spread around the body. At that moment, his body was full of powerful vitality.

The right arm, which had been severed, began to recover at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

This is a real recovery. It is not a faint recovery. Even the strength is synchronous recovery.

The consciousness that was consumed a lot in the war just now began to become full, and the consciousness was nourished and extremely comfortable.

This is just the beginning. The restoration of Zhang Yang's body by Life Liquid did not stop there. Zhang Yang's momentum continued to increase, rising all the way, rising, and becoming more powerful.

"Peak period! I have returned to the peak of the barbaric king!"

"I don't need to find those remains, I have recovered to the peak!"

Just in an instant, Zhang Yang felt that his body had recovered to the peak state of the barbarian period! The vitality of that drop of green liquid is obviously not exhausted ~ www.readwn.com ~ continues to flow in the body, but the rate of physical strength growth has obviously been much slower.

"Hahaha ... wonderful! How wonderful!"

Zhang Yang clenched his fists, looked at his perfect body, and couldn't help screaming.

"Xian Yuan, this is the powerful effect of the life fluid?" Zhang Yang could hardly conceal the excitement in his eyes and asked the Lord of Xian Yuan.

"Yes, His Royal Highness! The effect of the fluid of life, even if it is a strong man at the level of the Lord, no matter how badly it is injured, whether it is the soul or the soul, no matter how much mana is consumed, as long as the next drop of fluid is in service, it can instantly Plus recovery. "


Immediately after the voice of the Lord of the Immortals, Zhang Yang took a sigh of air conditioning.

No matter how severe the injury and the soul, and no matter how severe the mana consumption, as long as you take a drop of life fluid, you can instantly recover ...

This is simply too bad. (To be continued)

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