At night, under the stars, Qiu Sheng returned to his aunt's house in town.

Uncle Jiu and Wencai were resting in their rooms, and the lobby of the charity cemetery was empty.

While Uncle Jiu and Wencai were resting, Jiang Chen took a bench and went directly to the lobby of the charity cemetery and sat next to the coffin of Old Master Ren.

If nothing unexpected happened

, Old Master Ren would break out of the coffin today.

Of course, Jiang Chen had to stay by the coffin so that he could solve the problem immediately.

If Uncle Jiu and Wencai found him, he could say that he was staying here because he was worried that Old Master Ren would turn into a corpse.

"Hehe, I'm such a genius!"

Jiang Chen boasted shamelessly, guarding the coffin seriously.

The corpse guard of Maoshan... is officially online!!

(Master Ren: You are just a piece of shit!)


But on the other side.

In the graveyard of Renjia Town.

In front of the grave of Old Master Ren.


A figure flashed by, and a lame, hunchbacked old man appeared here.

Under the moonlight.

The old man was leaning on a cane, his face was as pale as white paper, his eyes were very sharp, and he scanned the surroundings coldly.

When he saw that the grave of Old Master Ren was empty.

He laughed happily:"Hahahaha, Ren Weiyong, Ren Weiyong, do you really think this is a Feng Shui treasure land? This is the death place I left for you!!"

"I have been planning for twenty years, and finally this day has come!"

"Today I will make you the most ferocious zombie under my command, and flatten the entire Renjia Town for me!"

This old man was the Feng Shui master from twenty years ago.

Twenty years ago, this Feng Shui master also lived in Renjia Town. He accidentally got a book of Feng Shui secrets. According to the introduction in the book, he became a famous Feng Shui master.

After that, he found a house with excellent Feng Shui for himself.

But unexpectedly,

Ren Weiyong actually took a fancy to his house, and directly forced the sale and took the house for himself.

He even broke one of his legs.

The villagers of Renjia Town at that time were afraid of Ren Weiyong's tyranny. No one helped him, and they all watched coldly.

This made him angry.

Then he decided to take revenge, and then he found that there was a method of practicing and refining zombies in this Feng Shui secret.

So, he took great pains to find this dragonfly-dipped water cave and sent a message to Ren Weiyong.

Sure enough, after Ren Weiyong heard it, he directly occupied the tomb.

And He tried his best to please Ren Weiyong this time, just to tell Ren Weiyong that when he was buried, the top must be covered with cement, the purpose of doing so was to turn Ren Weiyong into a zombie.

Now, twenty years have passed.

According to the description of Feng Shui secrets, Ren Weiyong has at least become a top-level green zombie of the tenth level of the human master.

As long as he sucks the blood of his loved ones, he will evolve again and become a hairy zombie with bronze skin and iron bones!!

Two days ago, this Feng Shui master sent two white zombies to Ren Tingting on her way back to town, wanting to kidnap Ren Tingting.

In this way, as long as Ren Weiyong turned into a corpse, he could immediately send Ren Tingting to Ren Weiyong's mouth and let Ren Weiyong complete the evolution directly.

Unfortunately, the plan went wrong.

I don't know where this guy came from, but he beat the white zombie he had worked so hard to cultivate to death!!

But it was no big deal.

Now let Ren Weiyong go to the Ren family directly, suck the blood of Ren Fa and Ren Tingting, and he can also complete the evolution.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Ren Weiyong, you never thought that you would kill your own son and granddaughter with your own hands, right? This is the result of your bullying me back then!"

Mr. Feng Shui laughed again.

At this moment, a sound of horses neighing came from a distance, and dozens of horse thieves quickly rushed to the tomb.

"Mr. Feng Shui, is your plan okay?"

A female horse thief who led the group asked Mr. Feng Shui.

The female horse thief was fierce and ferocious, with a golden ring sword on her back. She was a well-known horse thief leader nearby.

Her name was Wang Po!!

And these horse thieves were not ordinary horse thieves.

They were all remnants of the Five Poison Sect, using the five poisons to practice and temper their bodies to reach the state of being invulnerable to swords and guns.

After Mr. Feng Shui came to Renjia Town, he heard that there were these horse thieves around Renjia Town, so he immediately found Wang Po and prepared to join forces with Wang Po to flatten Renjia Town together.

After all, he wanted revenge not only on the Ren family, but on the entire Renjia Town.

The zombies in his hands were not enough, and he needed Wang Po and her gang of horse thieves to help.

Wang Po and her gang had long coveted the wealth of the wealthy businessmen in Renjia Town, but because they were few in number, they had been looking for opportunities to attack Renjia Town.

While he was hesitating,

Mr. Feng Shui happened to appear and said he could help.

Mr. Feng Shui demonstrated his powerful means.

With the zombies in his hands, they hit it off and immediately agreed to launch the plan to flatten Renjia Town tonight.

"Don't worry, I will summon the most powerful zombie I made and let it make a big fuss in Renjia Town. Then you can attack Renjia Town and cooperate with it from inside and outside. Then the whole Renjia Town will become your territory!"

Mr. Fengshui said in a deep voice with a face full of resentment.

When Wang Po heard this, she looked at the two burly men beside her, her eyes full of smiles.

"By the way, take these zombies with you too!"

Mr. Feng Shui waved his hand again, and a green zombie and two white zombies jumped over from a distance.

""Thank you!"

Wang Po thanked him and immediately led the zombies and his men to Renjia Town.

Looking at their backs, Feng Shui Master no longer hesitated.

He took out a little man cut out of yellow paper from his arms, put it on the ground, and began to chant a spell.

As the spell was chanted, the little man of yellow paper kept shaking, trying to stand up from the ground.

On Jiang Chen's side.



There were dull sounds coming from Old Master Ren's coffin.

"It’s finally started!"

"My old man Ren, you are finally coming out!"

Jiang Chen, who was guarding the coffin, could not help but stand up excitedly, waiting for Ren Weiyong to break out of the coffin and kill him quickly. His eyes turned back to Mr. Feng Shui.

His face was distorted, and he pointed at the yellow paper man and tried hard again. The yellow paper man finally stood up from the ground. Seeing the yellow paper man stand up, Mr. Feng Shui screamed crazily.

"Come out, Ren Weiyong!!"

"My most powerful zombie!!"

"Kill as many people as you can. Everyone in Renjia Town is your food today. Kill as many people as you want!!"

Mr. Fengshui raised his head and roared to the sky.

No wonder he was so excited. After all, he had been forbearing for twenty years, and all his grief and anger were completely released at this moment.


On the other side, there was someone who was more excited than him, and that was Jiang Chen who was guarding the coffin.

After seeing Old Master Ren finally break the coffin and stand up from the coffin, Jiang Chen grinned and rushed towards Old Master Ren without hesitation.


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