
On the road to Renjiazhen.

Ninth Uncle pretended to be indifferent and asked Chen Xian:

"Chen Xian, your family is wealthy, this Western tea is a foreigner's thing, ordinary people can't afford to drink it, but you should have drunk it, right?"

Chen Xian was suddenly stunned when he heard this.

At this time, he had already guessed that Ninth Uncle suddenly wanted to call himself to drink the so-called Western tea together, mainly because Ninth Uncle felt that Chen Xian should have some understanding of this.

Ninth Uncle himself has not been to a café, and he does not know what are the rules for drinking Western tea.

He is a better face, and he is worried that he will lose face when he is rude.

The so-called want Chen Xian to know more people is actually just an excuse.

Chen Xian also did not expose the careful thinking of the ninth uncle, and explained to him with a smile:

"Uncle, I did drink that Western tea. This Westerner tea is actually coffee, transliterated from English coffee, it is similar to our Chinese tea, it also has a refreshing effect, but it is more bitter..."

The ninth uncle chanted while listening:

“coffee? Coffee? ......"

Ninth Uncle selflessly taught his skills, and Chen Xian naturally didn't want him to lose face.

On the way, Chen Xian introduced the relevant information about coffee to Ninth Uncle as he walked.

And not only the ninth uncle, but also Wen Cai hurriedly came over to listen carefully.

In this way, Chen Xian and the three of them walked and chatted not long after entering Renjia Town and came to the door of the only café in town.

At this moment, Chen Xian also finished explaining, stopped at the right time, and the three of them walked into the café together.

The café waiter saw three people and came forward to ask:

"Three, do you have a fixed position?"

Wen Cai directly answered:

"Why, didn't he arrange a place for me?"

The waiter suddenly became enthusiastic when he heard the voice:

"Oh~ it turns out to be a guest of Master Ren, three please come with me~."

Ren Fa is the richest man in Renjia Town, this waiter has long been explained by the café owner, he must entertain Ren Fa, and he naturally does not dare to offend Ren Fa's guests.

Chen Xian and the three followed the waiter to the second floor and walked to the table where Ren Fa was sitting.

When Ren Fa saw the Ninth Uncle, he smiled and stepped forward to greet him, and said:

"Ninth Uncle, you are here. Hey, are these two your disciples? "

The second half of Ren Fa seemed to be asking about the identities of Chen Xian and Wen Cai, but in fact, his attention was completely focused on Chen Xian alone.

The main thing is that Chen Xian's appearance and temperament are really extraordinary, and Ren Fa has been well-informed for most of his life, but he is still attracted by Chen Xian and secretly admired.

Ninth Uncle laughed and explained:

"This named Wen Cai is indeed my disciple, but this name is Chen Xian, but it is only my master and nephew, and I also hope that there can really be such a disciple as Chen Xian, so that I will wake up laughing in my dreams."

"I've seen Master Ren."

Chen Xian and Wen Cai greeted Ren Fa together when they heard the sound.

Ren Fa smiled and nodded:

"So that's the case, three of you, please sit down."

And he beckoned the three to sit down, but did not speak, but looked thoughtful, and glanced at Chen Xian from time to time.

Ninth Uncle, Chen Xian, and Wen Cai were all a little puzzled when they saw this.

But before the three of them could ask.

Ren Fa had already taken the initiative to ask Chen Xian:

"Your name is Chen Xian, could it be that you are the young owner of that Piaoxiang Building? Originally, Mr. Li's farmhouse was also bought by you. "

In fact, Ren Fa had already heard of Chen Xian during this time.

This place in Renjia Town is not small, not big.

Once something big happens in the town, it will basically spread to the ears of everyone in Renjia Town within a few days.

And Chen Xian's purchase of the original Li Family Farm was definitely a big deal in Renjia Town.

That farm is basically the largest farm in Renjia Town, and many people in Renjia Town also work in the farm.

The news of Chen Xian buying the farm naturally spread quickly.

Ren Fa also heard during this time that an outsider named Chen Xian bought the Li Family Farm.

Moreover, he is the richest man in Renjia Town, and as a land snake, he is well-informed, and he has heard a lot of news that others do not know.

For example, Chen Xian is actually the young owner of Piaoxiang Lou, and his appearance is extremely outstanding and so on.

Even, he also knew that Chen Xian secretly sold Xiaolan medicine through Yi Hong Courtyard, and he had personally tried the effect of that medicine, which was called a pleasure.

After all, Ren Fa is old and his health is poor, and he will inevitably be unable to do so, and he needs this drug the most.

Now that Ren Fa saw Chen Xian, and compared the information he had heard, this matched Chen Xian to the number.

Chen Xian nodded with a smile when he heard this:

"Master Ren is right, Piaoxiang Building is my family's property, and the Li Family Farm is right near Shi Uncle's dojo, I want to find Shi Uncle nearby to ask for spells, so I bought it as a place to stay."

Ren Fa suddenly became more enthusiastic when he heard this, and directly ignored the Ninth Uncle and Wen Cai on the side, and continued to talk with Chen Xian.

"It turns out that it's really you Chen Gongzi, I have long heard that Chen Gongzi looks like a talent, and today you really deserve your name. And I heard that you are still extremely intelligent, now that your Chen family's industry is thriving, your father praises everyone for your idea to help come up with, which is really amazing! "

Ren Fa directly faced Chen Xian is a big quarrel. (Manno good)

From the fact that the Chen family originally owned the property of Piaoxiang Lou in Renjia Town, and the Ren family was the richest man in Renjia Town, it can be seen that the two commercial layouts must overlap.

Chen Xian must have more or less contact with farmers in business.

Ren Fa knew, or at least knew, Chen Xian's father, Chen Gui, that was a normal thing. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Chen Xian heard the busy voice and humbly replied:

"Don't dare, don't dare. Mr. Ren is too prestigious, I may have some novel ideas, but I don't understand the specific management, and the business operation of the family industry is mainly the credit of my father. "

Ren Fa Wensheng continued:

"The virtuous nephew is too modest. Oh, I don't mind if I call me that, if I don't mind, I will raise it, and you can call me uncle. "


(PS: Full booking, custom booking, monthly pass, reward!) )


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