
In the darkness, a clear light pierces the darkness.

But Fang Ming, who had just threatened to fight with this group of demons, was desperate.

At the moment when he is about to face the ghost soldiers, he turns around and wants to break out of the encirclement and leave this ghost place.

That’s right, he left alone.

As for the two mages who came with him, hehe, I can’t take care of it myself, and I can still take care of you.

Stimulated the power of the dust in his hand, and his body was blessed with the power of the earth master.

In an instant, his speed had soared to the extreme.

The indomitable edge seemed to be able to pierce everything that stood in his way.

However, Fang Ming was very intimate and perfectly avoided all the ghost soldiers who stood in his way of escape.

He did not dare to kill these ghost soldiers.

I am afraid that this will anger the owner of this place.

However, his luck was not very good, and the direction of his escape happened to be the direction where Lin Feng was.

“How did such a coaxer get into the position of Senior Brother?”

Lin Feng’s face was also a little ugly, but the movements in his hand were not slow at all, and in his hand, the ghost fire chain condensed by the magic power of the ghost refining technique and the power of refining corpse calligraphy suddenly swung out.

The magic power of ghost magic, specifically for the soul.

And the magic power of alchemy, more, is aimed at the flesh.

Two completely different, but the same source of mana, blended together, but both the big soul and the body.

“Not good-”

Fang Ming, who was secretly glad that he was clever and escaped by chance, changed his face greatly.

But they still did not dare to resist.

Because, the power of this attack is still at the level of the Archmage.

In contrast, it was the strong one hidden in the secret in this piece of ghosthood.

Just now, he didn’t even dare to move those ghost level ghost soldiers, and now, how dare he move the powerhouse at the Archmage level.

After all, he knew his strength after activating the power of dust.

That is definitely an invincible hand under the earth division.

In case he accidentally kills this great mage-level powerhouse and annoys the lord of this ghost, the real murderer, then whether he can escape or not becomes an unknown.

Immediately, the indomitable clear light will pass by.

However, Lin Feng’s ghost fire chain was also dissatisfied with its speed, and in an instant, it also changed direction.


The miserable green whip fell on Fang Ming’s body.

On Fang Ming’s body, the clear light inspired by the dust shook, releasing most of the strength.

However, there was still some force that fell on Fang Ming’s body through the clear light.


The mana in Fang Ming’s body was chaotic, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, but he was not lightly injured and fell to the ground.

However, he did not stop at all, rolled on the spot, and rushed into the dense forest ahead.

“Can you go?”

Lin Feng sneered and chased after him.


The yin wind howled, but Lin Feng’s subordinates also chased after him.

As for the two mages with commendable courage, they had already been divided by swords at the moment of short encounter.

After all, none of these ghost soldiers are weaker than them.

Moreover, there are many people.

“Waste -”

In the darkness, Chizuru’s face was ugly.

He originally came to suppress Lin Feng.

Afraid that in case Lin Feng is not low, he will make a move, drag Fang Ming, and give Lin Feng a chance to run.

In other words, he was on Lin Feng’s side.

However, what Fang Ming did just now made him stunned.

Hate iron is not steel!

What is this special thing?

The Great Mage, holding their Maoshan magic weapon in his hand, has a combat power, comparable to that of an Earth Master.

At the beginning, it was such a “strong man”, but he was frightened by a group of demons who were the strongest but red-clothed ghosts, and he didn’t even want his own master and nephew, but dared to run for his life.

“Such a guy really disgraced our Maoshan’s face, but this time, he categorically can’t let him go back to Maoshan.”

A sharp look flashed on Qianhe’s face, and he also chased after him.

But he made up his mind that even if Fang Ming got away with it, he would continue to hunt down and kill this guy.

Because, such a guy, don’t kill first, keep it for later, and then continue to disgrace Maoshan?


“There’s movement over there!”

In the forest, Shimoku and Ichikyu are on their way.

Suddenly, the expressions of the two changed, and the speed under their feet was a little faster.

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