Ghosts walk at night.

In order to avoid scaring away his prey, Lin Feng deliberately let his subordinates restrain their momentum.

But no matter how it converges, there is always a trace of gas leakage.

The creatures in the mountains and forests are the most sensitive to dangerous qi machines.

Therefore, where the group passed, everything was quiet.

For ordinary people, the distance of more than twenty miles takes at least half a day.

However, for the ghosts under Lin Feng, it was only a matter of half an hour.

They use secret methods to stimulate the potential of horses, but they can barely keep up with the ghost soldiers and zombies.


“Boss, the witch’s worm has reacted.”

The bear is polishing his two hand axes on a strange rock.

Before fighting, he used to sharpen his hand axe, so that when he cut people, the blood stuck to it would look good.

At this time, a subordinate came up with a stone jar.

In the stone jar, there was a strange noise, as if there was something inside and wanted to come out.

“The witch is near us.”

The dog’s bear’s eyes lit up, and the flesh on his face trembled.

“That’s right, and judging by the worm’s reaction, she should be approaching us.”

This worm is the original demon that Wang Po has practiced with her heart and blood in the past, and once it is close to Wang Po’s ten miles, it will react.

The closer it goes, the stronger the worm’s reaction becomes, and it can’t wait to return to its owner’s side.

“Very good, I originally wanted her to spend a few more days outside, but since she sent her to the door herself, then we can only take her back to her life earlier.”

The bear grinned, revealing his dark spotted deformed teeth.

“I think she should have made progress in her cultivation, so she can’t wait to come to us to seek revenge, wait a minute, I will know that senior, is used for respect.”

At this time, an old witch came up.

But it was the second archmage in this team.

At the same time, she was also a witch in Miaozhai.

No, it’s a candidate witch, a loser who used to compete for witches.


In the distance, suddenly, Wang Po’s heart moved, and she also sensed the restlessness of her own life.

“The owner really means to be psychic, the dog bears them, just in front.”

Wang Po’s eyes flashed with a hint of color and excitement.

Kill the bears and reclaim her true life, and her strength will be able to recover to its peak.

At that time, under the master, you can also fight for more right to speak.

At least, there shouldn’t be two zombies crushing one.

The distance of more than ten miles is instantaneous.

When he was about to approach the dogs, Lin Feng waved his hand, let the group of ghost soldiers scatter, and surrounded them in case someone escaped at that time.

Dong Xiaoyu, Old Lady Ren, and the royal zombies also hid in the shadows, waiting for orders.

The mountain boar and the eagle head rode a horse together and gave a horse to Lin Feng.

So, a group of seven people rushed over.

Soon, I saw the bears sharpening their swords in the woods ahead.

Knock knock knock –

In the stone jar, Wang Po’s essence was beating madly inside, wanting to return to the master.

Unfortunately, the stone jar was turned into a prisoner worm, and from the inside, it could not be opened at all.

“Witch, you have figured it out and are willing to go back with us?”

The dog bear carried two hand axes and a pair of thief eyes, looking at Wang Po’s body, and the smile on his face made people shudder.

“Master, he is a dog bear, an archmage, and the old woman next to him is also an archmage.”

Wang Po did not react to the dog’s words in the slightest, but came to Lin Feng’s side and introduced Lin Feng.

“I said why didn’t you run away as a slut, it turned out to be a little white face of the Han clan.”

The queen mother looked proud, completely treating them as nothing, and the old witch on the side exploded at once.

For the witches in the clan, she has never had a good color, naturally because she once failed to compete for witches, which was regarded by her as a lifelong shame.

Before, Wang Po was in the village, just on top, and always regarded her as nothing, and she endured it.

And now, the village has changed, and the backers of Wang Po have also fallen, and she has become a dog who lost her family, and can only flee in embarrassment.

However, she was still as proud as before, which the old witch could not bear.

“Old hag, I’m going to tear your mouth apart.”

Seeing that someone insulted his eldest sister and the owner he had just recognized, the mountain pig could not bear it.

“Mountain pig, your temper has risen, I just don’t know if your ability has risen with it.”

At this time, someone on the other side jumped out again, obviously, and the mountain pig is an acquaintance, an old opponent.

“Mountain pig, okay, what about competing with a group of four?”

Lin Feng raised his hand, his tone full of disdain.

When the mountain pig heard this, he immediately retreated.

“Dead man! Haha, boy, wait a minute, don’t call daddy…”

Behind the dog bear, a horse thief from the Warlock Realm suddenly laughed wildly and shouted.

However, immediately, his arrogant voice turned into a scream.

Ahh —

The horse thief had a painful expression on his face, the machete in his hand fell to the ground, and his free hands scratched desperately on his body, as if he wanted to grab something inside his body.

Blood was dripping, flesh and blood were flying, and after three breaths, the screams were intercepted, his body fell heavily to the ground, and then countless cockroaches crawled out of his body.

But Lin Feng noticed that he also practiced cockroach secret art, and there were cockroaches hidden in his body, and after he made a bad speech, he immediately urged the full-level cockroach secret technique, so that the cockroaches on his body ate back, burrowed into his body, gnawed his flesh and blood, and multiplied wildly.

“Ah San—”


Looking at the cockroaches all over the ground, the people around quickly jumped away.

“Cockroach Occult… Witch, you actually passed on the secret art to an outsider. ”

The corner of the dog’s eyes jumped, but he was startled by this sudden appearance.

“No, it’s impossible, even if that slut passes on the cockroach secret technique to you, you can’t cultivate this secret art to such a realm in a short period of time.”

The old witch on the side was really frightened.

To be able to make other people’s cockroaches so crazy to eat, she did not dare to imagine to what level this secret art had to be cultivated.

“He is my master, and I naturally want to give everything I have to him.”

Wang Po sneered, but the crimson cheeks also proved that her heart was not calm.

In less than an hour, his own cheap master had already cultivated the cockroach secret technique to a realm that most people who practiced this technique could not touch in their entire lives.

What is this master of his own?

“Master? 堂堂一族巫女,竟然认一个汉人为主,王婆,你罪无可赦! The dog bear gasped, but instantly fell into a violent state.


Wang Po was just about to argue, but Lin Feng raised his hand to stop her.

“Before you die, come back to me with a question, during this time, you burned and robbed horse thieves everywhere in Xiangxi, did you guys?”

Lin Feng stared at the dog bear, and there was a faint flame in his eyes.

PS: Five more, that’s it for today. From now on, so be it every day… Continuous and stable output is king… After all, everyone knows that the body of the two demons is weak.

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