This is the method of refining ghosts in ghost herding.

Such a huge amount of essence, if you let the ghost soldiers under your command absorb and refine it by themselves, it will definitely waste a lot.

Moreover, the strong will definitely be able to win more, and the weak will naturally get less.

In this way, the stronger the stronger, the weaker the weaker, but this situation is not what Lin Feng wants to see.

After all, the ghost soldiers under him followed the path of military formations.

What is particular is the balance of strength.

Of course, there also needs to be a fierce general, that is, Dong Xiaoyu.

Therefore, how to deal with these essences, he already had a plan in his heart.


Dong Xiaoyu had blood and tears dripping from his eyes, his long hair danced wildly behind his head, and his white clothes turned into blood clothes in an instant, but under the stimulation of ghost fire, the fire power was fully opened, revealing a complete form.




Next to them, a group of ghost soldiers are also ghostly and have different shapes.

In an instant, ghost qi filled the cave.

In the cave, the perennial lantern flickered, as if it could go out at any time.

In the Soul Locking Array, those ghosts who were condensed by the spirit qi and full of resentment seemed to sense the crisis and began to frantically rush into the Soul Locking Array.

However, this Soul Locking Array was made by Yue Qiluo with a lot of effort, and it was natural that it would not be broken through so easily.

“The strength of these ghosts under the master…” Behind Lin Feng, Wang Po couldn’t help but swallow.

“Such a ghost soldier, if he rushes to Old Bear Ridge, I am afraid that no one can stop it except the high priest who can’t get out.”

Between the fluctuations of her heart, the desire to go home rose in her heart.

I want to be able to go back as soon as possible and get back everything that belongs to me.

The mountain boar, eagle head and others further behind instinctively tightened their clothes, but they felt cold all over their bodies, like trapped in an ice cellar.

A hundred miles away, in Wenxian County, Gu Mansion, in the cave sky under the ancient well, the red coffin was chained, and in the red coffin, Yue Qiluo, who was wearing a wedding dress, suddenly opened his eyes.

“Who broke into my cave mansion?”

Yue Qiluo struggled and wanted to get up.

However, on the iron chain outside the coffin, the clear light shone brightly, and the powerful suppressive force swarmed.

Yue Qiluo’s eyes closed and fell asleep again.



In the cave, the sound of iron chains sliding sounded.

Behind Lin Feng, eight ghost fire chains appeared out of thin air and rushed into the soul locking array.

The function of the Soul Locking Array was only to lock the essence inside and not leak out, so it did not stop these ghost fire chains at all.

Immediately, these ghost fire chains plunged into the wandering spirit spirits.

Ahh —



Although the strength of these spirit ghosts is not weak, they do not have the slightest resistance in the face of the ghost fire chains condensed by the magic power of the ghost herding technique.

Because, in essence, they consist of resentment and spirit, which can also be called ghosts.

However, it is a fierce ghost without a soul, only the idea of destruction.

Therefore, they are also naturally restrained by pastoral ghosts.

Coupled with Lin Feng now, but the archmage, coupled with the full level of ghost herding, these ghosts, without the slightest power to resist, were sucked dry one by one, reduced to the purest essence and resentment, and turned along the ghost fire chain.

Go –

Dozens of ghost fire chains appeared out of thin air, and those who were still evil ghosts were not inside.

Ahh —



Immediately, in the cave, the ghost cried and howled.

The devil with that head tumbled with ghost qi on his body and began to advance.

“Blessed are they to be able to be ghosts under their masters.”

The mountain pig shivered coldly, but his face was full of envy.

Ghost, that’s the equivalent of an archmage.

Ordinary ghosts, if not for monstrous resentment, or heavenly adventures, where is it possible to cultivate powerful ghosts.

And now, these evil spirits under Lin Feng did not need their own cultivation at all, and directly with the help of Lin Feng, they naturally stepped through that heavenly barrier.

If this is passed on, I don’t know how many ghosts will be envious of death.

“If you want to be a ghost, now wipe your neck, maybe the master will see that you have commendable courage, and will also make you a ghost soldier.”

The eagle head glanced at the mountain boar and encouraged.

“Yes, I still want to bask in the sun when I’m free.”

The mountain pig quickly waved his hand, it is better to die than to live, he still understands this truth.

Boom –


The momentum on the body of the evil ghost climbed step by step, breaking through the bottleneck between the evil ghost and the fierce ghost.

At the same time, Lin Feng’s figure also slowly floated.

But the mana in the body also fed back one by one, and it skyrocketed.

When the spirit ghosts in the Soul Locking Array consumed more than half, Lin Feng’s subordinates, all the evil ghosts, advanced to become powerful ghosts.

And the momentum on Lin Feng’s body also skyrocketed to the great consummation of the late stage of the Great Mage.

In other words, he is now, his own mana and realm are standing at the same level as Lin Jiu.

“After nearly two months of hard practice, I finally caught up with Senior Brother Lin.”

Feeling the surging mana in his body, Lin Feng couldn’t help but feel a little complacent.

Among his peers, he was finally at the forefront.

Presumably, Master knew in the blessed land of the underworld… Well, I’m afraid I’ll be half angry.

No, Master is not that kind of narrow-minded person, he should be happy for me.

Lin Feng thought of the old man whose image was not very deep, if it weren’t for him, he would have just crossed into this world, and he was afraid that he would not be able to live at all.

“Continue to practice hard and become a master as soon as possible, so that in our vein, the first one is not Master Brother Shi Jian, but me…

Alas, I traveled abroad, what is the best name? ”

Lin Feng was a little confused for a while.

“Forget it, get down to business first.”

Unable to think of it for a while, Lin Feng did not get entangled, and continued to refine the essence qi, pouring it into the powerful ghosts who had not yet absorbed these essence qi.

Each powerful ghost who had been promoted before entering this cave had received some benefits, and the momentum on his body was much stronger.

And Dong Xiaoyu, as the key cultivation object of Lin Feng, naturally received special care.

On her body, ghost fire and blood light echoed, and the blood on her bloody clothes was condensed.

Boom –

With the last essence energy being withdrawn, the light on the Soul Locking Array was extinguished.

But there is no soul to lock, and it automatically falls silent.

And the momentum on Dong Xiaoyu’s body has also climbed to the limit.


She raised her head to the sky and screamed.

The whistling sound is sharp and harsh.

In the cave, blood shadows floated.

Dong Xiaoyu also advanced from the early stage of the ghost to the middle stage of the ghost.

And her real combat power has definitely reached the late stage of ghosts.

Even, it is even more fierce than the ghosts in the late stage of ordinary ghosts.

Because, he is the fiercest red-clothed ghost among the fiercest ghosts.

ps: Ready to give Lin Feng a more face-faced name, do you guys have any suggestions?

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