He has been practicing for nine hundred years.

In these nine hundred years, freedom has become accustomed.

It is only in the past ten years that he is trapped here because of Chu Chu.

And now, if he submits to this human archmage, then it is certain that he will never be free again in this life.

In an instant, he wanted to escape.

He imagined that at his own speed, he would be able to escape by escaping into the mountains and forests behind the villa.

However, as soon as this idea arose, it was directly stifled.

Because, now, he is no longer a single demon.

His beloved, Chuchu, is still in the attic next to him.

He can get away, but what about Chuchu?

Hit, can’t beat.

Flee, can’t escape.

For a time, Yu Xiaozhu was in a dilemma.

“How’s it considered?”

Lin Feng drank the tea in his hand, waved his hand, and collected the group of ghost soldiers into the gourd.

In an instant, between heaven and earth, the fierce wind paused.

In the sky, the magic clouds dissipated, and the sunlight once again shrouded the villa.

In the room, the atmosphere is no longer so dignified.

Gollum –

Yu Xiaozhu swallowed, not understanding Lin Feng’s intentions.

Moreover, Lin Feng’s words, he didn’t know how to pick it up.

In his heart, freedom is more important than life.

If he loses his freedom, he would rather die.

However, he cannot die, because there are still people waiting for him.

“It’s hard to decide, isn’t it?” Lin Feng poured himself a cup of tea again, “What if I can say that I can keep her soul alive?” ”

Lin Feng’s gaze fell on Yu Xiaozhu’s living room next door.

“You… Do you know Chu Chu? ”

Yu Xiaozhu’s face changed drastically.

Chu Chu’s room was isolated by him with an enchantment, even if it was an archmage, if he didn’t just break in, he shouldn’t be able to find the abnormality in it.

“Yes, you can see my heels clearly, and it is normal to be able to break the enchantment I arranged.”

In an instant, Yu Xiaozhu looked at Lin Feng with a gaze full of hope: “If you can keep her soul alive and let her stay by my side forever, then I will take you as the Lord and let you drive.” ”

In the face of freedom and lovers, Yu Xiaozhu did not hesitate and chose his lover.

“Okay, but all this also depends on her will, she is willing to stay, then I will help her stay, if she is not willing and wants to be reincarnated, then, let her leave.”


Yu Xiaozhu knew that he had no choice.

Immediately, he took Lin Feng to the attic where he lived.

However, Lin Feng did not follow directly, but let Yu Xiaozhu go up first and negotiate with Chu Chu.


Bang bang bang…

Upstairs, only Chu Chu, who was left with a soul body, was hitting the enchantment and wanted to go out.

However, the enchantment arranged by a big demon could not be supported by a wisp of her essence qi, if the essence energy was exhausted, the ghost that would have scattered her soul could break through.

“Chu Chu, why do you torture yourself?”

Yu Xiaozhu rushed in, his face full of sorrow.

“I don’t want to, but I’m gone, and I’m gone, and I’m not even going to have the mountain villa right away.”

Chu Chu had tears in his eyes, and Chu Chu was pitiful.

“Mountain Villa, it’s really gone, but Chu Chu, I met a high-ranking man, he has a way, so that you don’t have to leave, always stay by my side, and there is also a way to send you to reincarnation.”

Yu Xiaozhu looked at his lover in front of him with a hopeful expression: “Chu Chu, are you willing to give up the opportunity to reincarnate and be with me forever?” ”

His heart was very apprehensive.

At the beginning, Chu Chu died, and it was he who forcibly left Chu Chu’s soul by his side, which also made Chu Chu lose the opportunity to reincarnate.

After all, he is a demon, and he will not exceed the art.

Therefore, over the years, he could only continue to absorb the essence of others, and then transfer it to Chu Chu to help him maintain his soul body.

And now, the appearance of Lin Feng has brought Chu Chu the opportunity to reincarnate.

He didn’t know if Chu Chu was willing to stay.

However, he respects Chu Chu’s choice.

“I…” Chu Chu was stunned, this news came too suddenly, so that she almost couldn’t react for a while.

She loves Yu Xiaozhu.

However, she did not want Yu Xiaozhu to kill everywhere for her.

Because in that case, she is very likely to lose Yu Xiaozhu again soon.

Because, in this heaven and earth, in the end, human beings are the protagonists.

Wanton killing, sooner or later, will attract mages among humans to descend demons and remove demons.

“That is, in the future, you don’t have to kill for me anymore?”


“Then we, what price do we have to pay?” There is never a free lunch in the world, and Chu Chu sees it very thoroughly.

“The villa, and my freedom.”

“Are you willing to give up your freedom?”

“I do!” Yu Xiaozhu nodded.

In his heart, there was something more important than freedom.

“Then I’m willing to stay too.”


Immediately, this demon ghosted, holding hands and going downstairs.


Downstairs, Lin Feng heard footsteps and looked over.

“Also ask the master to make a move, let Chu Chu stay.”

Yu Xiaozhu took Chu Chu with him and half-knelt in front of Lin Feng.

“If you really want me to cast a spell, you will never be able to reincarnate.”

Lin Feng looked at Chu Chu, this kind of thing, he naturally had to listen to the opinions of the parties.

“I do.” Chu Chu nodded.


Lin Feng waved his hand, and a green ghost fire appeared, shrouding Chu Chu.

Ahh —

The ghost fire drilled into Chu Chu’s soul body, burning her skin and flesh, and screaming repeatedly.

However, the momentum on Chu Chu’s body is rising.

Soon, her body stabilized, and the breath on her body also stayed at the level of a fierce soul.

“My body seems to have solidified a lot.”

Chu Chu looked at his body in surprise.

“In the future, as long as you are not beaten to the core, the soul body will not dissipate.”

“Thank you for your grace.”

Yu Xiaozhu knelt down again.

But he was already happy and sincere, and took the identity of a servant.

“It’s okay, as long as you do things with your heart in the future, I won’t treat you badly.” Lin Feng waved his hand, “Now, let’s talk about those who have been absorbed by you.” ”

This, but Lin Feng remembered the unlucky eggs who were soaked in the pool and did not die or live in the plot.

In the end, they are all Terrans, and Lin Feng is from Maoshan, so within the scope of his ability, he naturally has to rescue him.

“Master, I… I didn’t kill them, but they were sucked away by me, but they had fallen into a state of immortality and immortality. ”

Yu Xiaozhu knelt on the ground, at a loss.

Because those people are basically helpless.

Unless, he, the perpetrator, is willing to give up his own cultivation and feed them back with his inner dan.

But in that case, he would be dispersed.

And this time, Chu Chugang turned into a fierce soul.

If her soul is scattered, then what will she do?

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