The six-winged flying centipede was born in this underground palace, and it is familiar with all the roads in the underground palace.

At the same time, its intelligence is not low, and it knows that those people behind Lin Feng cannot be left behind.

Therefore, instead of taking the fastest shortcut, that is, walking through the cracks in the ground, it chose a normal path.

At the same time, it is also full of speed.

However, it has so many feet, it is good at speed, although it is deliberately full, it is not slow.

Yue Qiluo and San Zombie were okay, even if Wu Fei didn’t let go of his full speed, they could keep up.

Rather, the eagle head and the partridge whistle, but they did their best, and this barely kept up and was not thrown off.

Standing on the back of the six-winged flying centipede, Lin Feng thought that there would be some bumps.

However, unexpectedly, the back of this six-winged flying centipede is surprisingly stable.

This made Lin Feng look up at this Wu Fei again.

The group shuttled through the underground palace, but because of Wu Fei, there was no poisonous centipede to disturb.

After walking through half a blaze of incense, Wu Fei stopped in front of a stone door.

On the stone door, there are intricate patterns carved, and on it, there are oil murals, which make people know that it is extraordinary at a glance.


Wu Fei roared lowly, obviously, he was a little jealous of the existence in this stone gate.

This fear comes from its instincts.

It has never come near here since it was conscious.

Because the instinct in the underworld tells it that there is something that can threaten it.

“Partridge whistle, you are experienced, this tomb gate will be handed over to you.”

Lin Feng’s corpse alchemy was at full level, but he also sensed the thick corpse aura hidden behind this stone gate.

That corpse qi was extremely pure, and it was obvious that it contained a peerless corpse that had not yet been defrauded.

There is no doubt that it should be the ancient Xiangxi Corpse King in the Miao Village.

However, the name of the corpse king is obviously a rumor.

At least, in Lin Feng’s induction, the guy behind the stone door was in a half-corpse and half-frozen state.

It is said that it is a zombie, but it does not really have a corpse, turning into a zombie.

However, under the nourishment of corpse qi, it has a certain spirituality.

He asked the partridge whistle to open the door, naturally not because he couldn’t break the stone door.

Whether it was him, Wu Fei, or Ren Weiyong, they all had the strength to forcibly break this stone gate.

However, this underground palace is a palace determined by Lin Feng, and naturally it cannot be destroyed in a big way.

Therefore, if you can not use violence, you will naturally not use violence.

It should be known that damage is easy to repair and difficult to repair.

Many things, if broken and repaired, cannot be completely restored to their original state.


The partridge whistle was a little excited.

But it is the hero who finally has a place to come in.

However, he did not start immediately, carefully examining the stone gate and the pictures around the stone gate.

From the beginning of the industry to the present, the great tomb under which he has fallen, there are not a hundred or ten.

But it has long been understood that these ancient tombs have organs.

If you break the mechanism, you can easily open the door.

And if you do not follow the rules and forcibly break the door, it is very likely, chickens fly and eggs are beaten.

Seeing that the partridge whistle light could not move, Lin Feng was not in a hurry.

Leave the professional things to the professionals.

He wants to use people without doubt.

At the same time, he is also testing the partridge whistle.

If the partridge whistle couldn’t even open the tomb door, then Lin Feng would also consider whether he needed to provide the clues of the dust beads to the partridge whistle.

However, the partridge whistle did not disappoint Lin Feng.

After half a blaze of incense, the partridge whistle, who had been staring at the mural, suddenly jumped up and slapped it on the belly of the big-bellied mural.


With the sound of machine expansion, the closed stone door began to lift up.

“It’s a bit of a skill.”

Yue Qiluo glanced at the partridge whistle in surprise.

When she first arrived at this stone gate, she had already scanned this stone gate with the power of her divine soul, and did not find anything abnormal.

She has always believed that her divine soul power is more reliable than the naked eye, and can see things that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

But this time, the mechanism in the stone wall deceived her divine soul power, but did not deceive the naked eye of the partridge whistle.

“People originally ate this bowl of rice, if they can’t even get this right, then the rice bowl will not be smashed.”

Lin Feng’s mood is also good, but he knows that this moving mountain is indeed unique in its own way.

Just now, he had also scanned the stone wall with the power of his soul, and did not find the slightest abnormality.

Obviously, the murals and words on this stone wall interfered with the exploration of the power of the divine soul in some mysterious way.

If he is allowed to break the door, then there is absolutely only one way to break it.

And forcibly breaking it, maybe it will trigger some arrangements inside, maybe it will make this ancient tomb self-destruct.

So, the partridge whistle just showed his worth.

“Seniors are wrong.”

Affirmed by Lin Feng, the partridge whistle smiled slightly and lit a candle: “I don’t know if this tomb is closed, and there is poisonous gas inside, but it must be ventilated before entering.” ”

Immediately, he held his breath, took two steps forward, and put his hand holding the candle into the tomb.

Woohoohoo –

The air flows, turns into a yin wind, and directly blows out the candle.

“Yes, for ordinary people, it is indeed necessary to ventilate first, but I am not an ordinary person.”

Lin Feng nodded and stuffed the beaver into Yue Qiluo’s arms.

“You guys take it outside, I’ll take a look first.”

Immediately, his figure moved, and he had already walked in.

At the same time, there are many golden silkworms accompanying them, illuminating the way ahead.

The three zombies also got Lin Feng’s call and followed.


The partridge whistle was dumbfounded.

But that’s the reaction.

This big guy is different from himself.

Although he is an archmage, he is still a mortal in the flesh.

However, this big guy is suspected of being a heavenly master or even a human immortal.

Such an existence, invincible, afraid is a very normal thing.

“So simple?”

Before entering this main tomb, Lin Feng thought that this tomb should be extremely luxurious.

After all, it was rumored that this great general of the Yuan Dynasty burned, looted, and amassed countless fortunes.

The treasure he harvested must have been bad, and he was buried in this tomb with him.

However, when he walked in, he was dumbfounded.

This main tomb is a bare cave.

However, in the very middle, there is a tumbling spring.

On the spring, a purple gold rafter, locked by four iron chains, hung in the air.

In that spring, there was not a black yin qi overflowing and not entering the purple gold rafters of the upper wind.


Seeing the tumbling spring, Lin Feng’s heart moved, but he thought of a miracle that he had seen in other places. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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