The corpse chasing faction, thousands of years ago, in the cultivation world, can be said to be a rat crossing the street, and everyone shouts and beats.

A thousand years ago, the only time the two paths of good and evil joined forces was to deal with them.

That battle can be said to have been fought in the dark, and the sun and moon were without light.

In the entire cultivation world, the losses were heavy, and the vitality was greatly damaged, and it took almost a hundred years before the vitality was restored.

Of course, after that battle, the powerhouses of the entire corpse chasing faction were also slaughtered.

However, the Corpse Driving Sect had already prepared, and there were secret disciples scattered outside, but they also avoided the scourge of annihilation.

It’s just that, in the end, the masters are gone, or they are silent.

For thousands of years, no one in the world has heard of the corpse chasing faction.

However, in fact, these guys have not stopped, but have been lying down and tasting the courage, waiting for the opportunity to return to the world.

And why did they become public enemies in the cultivation world?

Naturally, it is because they act unscrupulously, have no taboos, and dig the ancestral graves of other people’s ancestors full-time.

Whether it is the holy land of the right path, Kunlun, Zhengyi or Shushan, etc., or the six paths of the Demon Gate, they have all been patronized by them.

The graves of the ancestors have all been dug, and these big forces naturally cannot bear it.

As a result, the former strength was still above these holy places, and it could be said that the corpse chasing faction of the first force in the cultivation world was over.

Of course, these old news, so far, little is known.

Therefore, although Lin Feng saw the corpse raising secret pattern of the corpse chasing faction, he could not recognize its origin.


Old Bear Ridge.

Bottle Mountain.

In the underground palace.

“There’s a lot of movement inside.”

Hua Ling heard the roar of the great general of the Yuan Dynasty inside, and his small body trembled.

“The strength of the zongzi in this tomb is definitely far beyond the zongzi we have encountered before.

However, it is a pity that his life is not good, and he ran into his predecessors. ”

The partridge whistle sighed from the sidelines.

He is well-informed, and by his voice alone, he can roughly judge the strength of the rice dumplings in this tomb.

“It’s over, it’s cheaper for those two jumps.”

Yue Qiluo’s eyes were full of complexity.

Watching one by one existences whose original strength is not as good as her own surpass herself, this feeling is a torture for her who is stronger.

On the side, the six-winged flying centipede with no low intelligence crawled on the ground, and his heart was full of rejoicing: “Fortunately, I have no resistance to the master, otherwise, I am afraid that my end will not be much better than the fate of the guy in the secret room.” ”



Nintendo and the royal zombies, which had devoured the corpse qi accumulated by the great generals of the Yuan Dynasty for hundreds of years, were full of black qi, and they all roared up to the sky.

The momentum on their bodies did not immediately become stronger, but it took a lot of time to polish and digest before they could turn them into their own strength.

And at that time, it was they who broke through the cocoon into butterflies and ascended to the sky in one step

“Thank you for your grace.”

“Thank you master for the reward.”

After receiving the great benefits, the two zombies could not care about digesting the corpse qi in their bodies, and directly crawled on the ground and bowed to Lin Feng.

“Well, if you can use this to cultivate Flying Zombie, it will be the best reward for me.

You don’t have to worry about other things in this underground palace for the time being.

Let me stay here first, and turn the heritage into strength is the right thing. ”

Lin Feng waved his hand.

The inexplicable heart palpitations just now made a bad feeling rise in his heart.

Although he is growing in wings, he will not be arrogant, thinking that no one in this world can help himself.

Therefore, the matter of improving the strength of self-generation and subordinates seems to be somewhat broken.


Both stiffened up, and there were blood flames beating in their eyes.

But they all want to take this opportunity to cultivate themselves to a higher level.

“Let’s go, let’s go shopping, and take this underground palace into our own hands as soon as possible.

The mountain rain is about to come, and I have a hunch that a strong enemy is coming. ”

Lin Feng looked at Ren Weiyong on the side.

This is the strongest combat power of his subordinates, except for himself.


Ren Weiyong nodded.

One person walked out of the tomb door in a froze.

Lin Feng saw that the partridge whistle looked at him with fiery eyes.


Lin Feng, who understands the plot, naturally knows that this is a partridge whistle that still has hope for this tomb.

After all, the clue of the dust beads in his hand pointed to this bottle mountain.

And in this bottle mountain, the most likely place to hide the treasure is naturally in this underground palace.

And this underground palace, the most likely place to hide treasures, is naturally in the early main tomb.

“No need to look, in this main tomb, there is a mouthful of purple gold, and the dust beads are not here.”


The partridge whistle’s body trembled, but it was obvious that his spirit had weakened a lot.

But how much, another little blow.

Fortunately, over the years, he has long been used to being hit, so he will not be unable to bear it.

“Tanuk, ask him, in this underground palace, there is a place to control the overall situation.”

Lin Feng looked at the beaver standing on the six-winged flying centipede’s head.

He had already seen that this underground palace was not simple.

It should be the arrangement of a cultivator master.

In this case, then this underground palace is originally a cave mansion.

And if it is really the Dongfu, then there must be a formation to control the Dongfu.

And the formation is the hub.

Controlling the formation hub is equivalent to controlling the underground palace.


The beaver nodded and gestured at the six-winged flying centipede.

After half a ring, A Tanuki sighed and looked at Lin Feng: “Brother Feng, it’s this fool who doesn’t know what the formation hub is, he only knows that under the ground, there is also a Dan Hall.”

It was in the Dan Hall that it swallowed the treasure and grew so big. ”

“Dan Temple, that’s where those warlocks alchemize.

If there is no accident, then among them, there is also the inheritance of this Guanshan Taibao. ”

Lin Feng’s heart moved, and he suddenly patted the yellow skin gourd on his waist.

Suddenly, the Dao Dao Black Qi reopened the mouth of the gourd and rushed out from the inside.

Woohoohoo –

Yin Wind Fury.

The underground palace, illuminated by the golden silkworm, fell into darkness again.

In the darkness, one by one, the ghost soldiers in armor and armor knelt on the ground under the leadership of Dong Xiaoyu in red clothes.

“Master!” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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