Zombie Master

20 Extraordinary daily life ●

Five days after Takumi revealed his abilities, it was the eleventh night from Zombie Apocalypse.

The life pattern of the three is sleep time after the sun rises.When Takumi is sleeping, Amber and Yu are awake, and when Amber and Yu are sleeping, Takumi is awake and wary of intruders.I don't think there are many people who want to invade because zombies are intentionally gathered toward the school gate and walls, but be vigilant.

And when I'm awake, I also collect information online.By the time the sun goes down, everyone gets up and has a supper, and then gathers in the PC room to exchange the information they get.In the meantime, keep the TV and radio on.To prevent the TV light from leaking out, the TV screen is placed on the opposite side of the window, and thick paper is pasted on the top, bottom, left, and right of the screen like eaves.

"Please, please do not give up hope until the end."

A week after the Zombie Apocalypse, such calls have become popular.

It was around that time that the government began to send messages from convenience stores and supermarkets that they would not be guilty of taking out necessary items such as food and weapons.The message was talked about online, but everyone was aware that the government was in danger of surviving, to the extent that the government's judgment was not wrong.

These government messages have repeatedly reported that the government is not doing nothing.The fact that the Self-Defense Forces are also put into the main places of electric power facilities and waterworks to protect them is a material that gives people a sense of security.

Also, the places where survivors are gathering will be announced repeatedly.Survivors are appealing their location online for help.

In addition to the press, videos of these survivors shooting themselves are regularly posted online.Rather, it can be said that the net is the mainstream.And because they have a list of survivors there, they'll be read aloud on TV for those who don't have an internet connection.

"There are many evacuation sites and universities."

Yu says mysteriously.A place where many people gather is also a dangerous place where you do not know where the zombies will come from.

"Maybe I completely blocked the surroundings at the very beginning of the turmoil. When it comes to college, there are people with various professions and abundant supplies, so if you survive the first turmoil, you can just endure it. I think there is potential. "

The government has designated some of these universities as shelters and has sent Self-Defense Forces and riot police to protect the general public from zombies.By doing so, it manages to maintain its function as an evacuation site.Internally displaced persons of a reasonable size are also covered by the supply of supplies by dropping them from the air.

However, the facial expressions of the people in the uploaded video became more tired with each passing day.The attacks of zombies do not stop day after day.He has responded by making full use of the activities of the Self-Defense Forces and riot police, and the construction of barricades, but he is gradually being driven into a desperate situation with no end.

"The school building from elementary school to high school is not a shelter, isn't it?"

"Most of the time, people in college don't have the momentary decision-making power. Besides, the population density of the school building is so high that once you allow zombies to invade, you can't rebuild it. I can only say that it was good. "

Takumi once visited the entire school building of this school.In some cases, a few thought it was possible to find a survivor, but couldn't find one.

Amber and Yu couldn't go to their respective classes.There was a lot of guilt about being alive.

Takumi regularly visits the school, including giving orders to zombies, but Amber and Yu try not to see the faces of the zombies in the school as much as possible.I wasn't confident that I could stay calm when I found a face I knew there.

Takumi gently tapped the sinking amber and Yu's shoulders, thinking of his lost friends, and stroked his head.

After the sun has completely fallen, it is time to search for supplies.

Takumi thinks that ordinary humans will not go out unless there is a lot to do because zombies become active at night.In fact, the idea is correct, and the survivors do not go out at night.As a result, they will not be struck by surviving humans and will not be attacked by zombies, so the search for supplies will be safe.

"Maybe I'm not used to it yet ..."

Amber and Yu were still walking around the city at night with a feeling of being surprised.It's scary for them to see the zombies moving around everywhere, and the red lights of their eyes clearly appearing in the dark night.

If you are near Takumi, the zombies will not attack them.In addition, Ruri, who became a zombie just in case, does not leave the two.Still, every time they see the red light, they freeze up.

Originally, Takumi thought that it would be better to avoid taking them out because it is dangerous, but they insist that their anxiety about the time when Takumi is not nearby is considerable. I made the decision based on what I did.

Of course, that's not the only reason.Schools are also likely to look attractive to survivors.If a malicious survivor invades the school in the absence of Takumi, there is a possibility that the two of them and Ruri alone will not be able to cope.

Also, it is better to have more people than Takumi alone to carry the found supplies.There is a way to order the zombies to carry them, but I thought it was a bit risky in the unlikely event that someone else witnessed them.

"You shouldn't get used to it. If you get used to it, you'll be alert."

Takumi said it to them many times.If you don't always act with a sense of tension when you're outside, a moment of carelessness can be fatal.Then, I look around carefully, but I can see that a small part of the condominiums and houses that I see are covered with cloth that says "HELP", "Help", "I'm here", etc. , Takumi and others feel gloomy.When it came to amber, he stared at his brother with a stern look, but Takumi slowly shook his head, and when he saw it, he turned his eyes down and nodded a little.

After all, abandoning the lives that Takumi is likely to be saved if he uses his abilities is a heavy choice for them as a good citizen.However, considering that maintaining their own lives is the highest priority, it is best not to carry extra troubles on their backs.In particular, Takumi's ability must be kept secret.

"It's getting harder to find food and daily necessities, so I think there are still quite a few survivors."

Survivors are preparing for death in the daytime and are securing supplies.In other words, the fact that there are survivors is a pleasure, but the feeling of being a survivor and competing for survival cannot be wiped out.Takumi, who safely secures a large amount of supplies during the night when there are no competitors, was not without a feeling of guilt.

Since products are gathered in a small space at a convenience store, a considerable number of products can be secured in a short time as long as the zombies in the eyes can be processed.Therefore, it is conspicuous that the product shelves at convenience stores are almost empty.

On the other hand, in the case of department stores and supermarkets, the number of zombies is different from that of convenience stores due to their size and large number of customers.Furthermore, in most cases, it is located on the first floor where it is easy to attract zombies from the outside, so the difficulty of procuring products in such places is not comparable to convenience stores.Therefore, there are still quite a few products left.And Takumi and others have secured such products.

"Maybe I've collected quite a few in the last few days."

"If we were the only ones, we could save about three months."

"I'd like to collect more in this condition, but then there is a problem with how to carry it when moving."

Each of the three carries a large backpack, which is packed with preserved foods, mainly canned foods.

"Is it useless to carry by car?"

"It's impossible because the roads here are blocked by abandoned cars. If you go to a rural area, that's not the case."

"Brother, are you willing to move from school?"

"The conditions are good for a survival place, but it stands out. I don't know when and who will come."

Takumi thinks that if anyone comes, it's because it's school-based, in which case it comes in a large group to fight the zombies.It seems that there isn't much movement now, as the government can send a message on TV and see the light of hope there, albeit thin, but that's nearing its limits.

"I want to go to another place within a week or two. I have some candidates, so I plan to do a field survey tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

In Takumi, after making some predictions that this will happen in the near future, we have made several patterns in each case.In any case, he said that it was necessary to change the base in the near future.

(I thought it wouldn't be so difficult to get rid of zombies with the Self-Defense Forces. There is no sign that the situation will be settled overseas, and I wonder if the situation is quite bad.)

Takumi expected that the army would gradually take control of the zombies once the initial turmoil was overcome.Of course, it should be possible even with the strength of the Self-Defense Forces.And if you can control even one place, there is no doubt that it will be widely advertised on TV.However, the lack of such news raises concerns that the Self-Defense Forces may be at their best to defend the shelter.

"Anyway, I have to do what I can do now. Come back to school and come back again. I have to make two more round trips."

If you collect supplies with a break in between, it will be time for the dawn.

Before dawn, return to the school and have a meal.Then Amber and Yu will take a shower and go to bed.The sleep time of the two is eight hours for a large amount.

Meanwhile, Takumi first looks around the outside of the school building.Already, the zombies outside the school building have been ordered to drive away humans other than their three.However, it is unknown how far the zombies can understand the command, so I am worried if I do not see for myself if there is any change.

He also tells some zombies, "Don't move here until you find someone other than us three."The zombies are placed at regular intervals, such as fences and school gates, where humans can be seen.It's also important to see if those zombies are inside the circle Takumi drew.

Checking outside the school building in this way will lead to ensuring the safety of the ambers.

Next, go to the career counseling room and process libido.

I had more work to do and I couldn't have time to deal with everyone, so I started to deal with only two or three people.

Today I have already dealt with two people, and the third person I will do from now on will be the last.The third is a child whose name has changed to an older sister, a bitch, and an erotic student.It has a lot of love juice and gently wraps the overworked male genitalia, so it has a high point in Takumi.

I'm wearing a uniform now.After all, the appearance that makes you feel the attribute is more exciting than just naked.White skin with no blood circulation but no death spots is somewhat morbid, and the skin seen between the dark blue skirt and socks feels very dazzling.

The upper body is a white blouse because it is summer.Due to the large breasts, the blouse looks like it is raised overall.Its presence is outstanding.

As Takumi approaches, he leaves the bottom two buttons on his blouse and removes them.If you open the blouse to the left or right in that state, the plump breasts will spill out.It seems that people who feel that they have come out of their clothes are more annoyed.Then, Takumi slowly rubs his chest with both hands.

"U ... aa ..."

This zombie's chest has been rubbed many times, and now when you rub it hard, you'll hear a clearer growl than before.I don't know if it's of the same nature as so-called gasping, but I'm very happy with those trivial reactions when dealing with zombies that have little reaction.

Even though it is a zombie, its skin tension is still alive, and not only can you enjoy the softness that sticks to your hands, but it seems that your hands are paralyzed by the elasticity that you feel every time you rub it, even though your chest is soft.

And the pink nipples are swelling unpleasantly.Just like before, pinch and mess with the nipples and the zombies will lightly relax.Each time, the skirt rolls up due to friction with the mattress, and the lower half of the body is completely exposed.The underwear has been disposed of because it was dirty in the past.I thought about doing the laundry, but it was a hassle to do that.

With the skirt rolled up, stroke your hips with your right hand.The butt that feels cold feels like it fits your hand perfectly.Many of the young ladies here have beautiful skin, and their hips are plump and smooth.

"Even if you're a cute girl with AV, if your butt is dirty, it will wither a little ..."

It's awkward if there are big or small things on the buttocks or if the skin is overtly rough.In that respect, the butt that is as smooth as the skin of a baby does not get tired just by looking at it.

While stroking his hips like that, he never stops playing with his chest with his left hand.The big breasts can be easily changed in shape with one hand, and the size is visually pleasing.To enjoy this chest for a long time, Takumi lifts his body lightly, and he cross-legged and hugs the other person from his back.Then, if you aim at something that stands up and insert it all at once, you lean against yourself and insert your hand from the side to grab your chest.It is a so-called back sitting position.

This way, you can not only enjoy deep insertion, but also enjoy rubbing your breasts at will.Unlike when you lie down, your back is straight, so you can see the size of your breasts more and feel the weight when you lift it from below.If you scoop up the big bell-shaped chest from below and massage it while lifting it, you will be able to enjoy the whole chest and get excited by that alone, and you will be more and more excited in the vagina.

Despite receiving all the weight, Takumi doesn't feel heavy at all.Rather, it still feels light, and if you shake your hips while rubbing your chest, your body will shake up and down and a strong stimulus will be added to the male genitalia.Takumi's is very hard and stands up, and when it rampages in the vagina, the vagina wraps the entire male genitalia.

The appearance as it was, though expressionless, made me feel the state of the ruler and his slaves.Takumi's body is tossed at will, and the zombies accept all of them unconditionally.

"Huh ... huh ... it's always a good tightening."

The joy juice becomes a lubricating oil, but I still feel the pressure on my vagina.The vagina that tightens tightly every time it is moved immediately invites Takumi to the top.

Feeling the hot pulsation and falling behind, ejaculate the desire to the back in the vagina.Until all of them are squeezed out, the vagina is soft and swells, and Takumi's stuff is tightened.Takumi left the room, enjoying the comfortable feeling.

Then, once you check the safety of the first floor again with your feet, take a shower and clean the whole body.If two people are infected due to the zombie love juice, they will not be able to see it.But for some reason I was convinced that it wouldn't infect me.

While patrolling the Internet in the PC room and collecting information and conditions from around the world that are updated every minute and second, we will repeatedly scrutinize candidate sites that will become new bases.

Then, after checking the news at noon, Takumi wakes them up, and Takumi takes turns sleeping.For Takumi, two or three hours is enough, but it is obligatory to take six hours because they do not allow it.I haven't talked to them about the body's modulation that has made them need little sleep.However, he didn't need to sleep at all, and when he closed his eyes, he fell asleep early.

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