Zombie Master
32 line ●
Ruri was dreaming.
No, I don't know if it's a dream.
The moment I dream, I feel a certain amount of realism in that dream, but I can't think of anything because there is no such feeling, just a vague and fluffy feeling.An ambiguous floating sensation of waking up from a dream, waking up for a moment, and then immediately returning to the dream or not.It may be close to that feeling.
Of course, such an analysis cannot be done.It's almost like a completely unconscious sleep, and even who I am is ambiguous, and my consciousness always seems to be foggy.And the image that seems to be a dream is fragmentary, and Ruri sees the fragmentary image just like other people's affairs.
The neck moves and looks around.There are many girl zombies in the field of view, but I have no doubts about it.And I don't have any special feelings towards them.With a fluffy consciousness, interest quickly diminishes.
In addition, there was a place to aim for the current lapis lazuli.
I feel the smell.A sweet and pleasant scent remains here and there.And from the immediate vicinity, I feel a stronger scent than ever before.This makes the zombies here wriggle restlessly, but they can't move out of this room on their own.Because it is ordered to do so.
However, lapis lazuli is different.Some freedom of movement is allowed.
Ruri began to walk slowly, as if sucked by the scent.
You can feel the feeling of the walking floor, but it does not awaken Ruri.The body advances to the destination without permission as if it were not one's own body.But I don't wonder about that.
It just goes to the source of the smell.
Ruri knew what the smell was.
"Oh brother Chan ..."
The word comes out naturally from the mouth.
Ruri feels a strong happiness in this fluffy consciousness just by saying that word.At the same time, the memories of Takumi come to my mind and disappear.However, it just comes to my mind and I don't feel nostalgic about it.It just makes you feel more happy.
That was enough for Ruri, and I felt hot things coming up from the back of my body.But again, I can't think of what the hot thing is.
Climb the stairs to Takumi's room.There are zombies who act as guards at key points, but of course there are no zombies that take any action against Ruri.
Eventually, I arrived at Takumi's bedroom.
The moment Takumi, who was sleeping with a towel without air conditioning, came into view, Ruri felt that her whole body was wrapped in a sweet sensation.
Looking through Ruri's eyes, Takumi has something like golden smoke rising from his whole body, and I think that he must obey instinctively.Furthermore, the body of a woman is strongly driven by the instinct of copulation just by being exposed to the sweet scent that drifts strongly from Takumi.That feeling has been particularly strong for several days.
It's a desire because I instinctively know that I'm more likely to have a child now, but Ruri now doesn't think about that desire.I'm just looking at the movement of my body as my desires go, from a third-party perspective that is peculiar to dreams.
Still, looking at Takumi, Ruri's fluffy consciousness is strongly shaken.Not only instinct, but more important things will be shaken.However, it was only a moment, and I still see my body move independently of my consciousness.
Takumi fell asleep again after having a strange nightmare, but when Ruri entered the room, he naturally woke up.
I don't even need to sleep these days.I wasn't feeling well so I just tried to lie down and sleep.
However, Ruri did not make a loud noise and may have been sleeping normally.However, Takumi instinctively felt lapis lazuli.
"... Ruri?"
It was not uncommon to come to Takumi in this way, as he allowed Ruri to move freely.
However, the current lapis lazuli was clearly different from what it used to be.
Until now, it was just expressionless, the body was soft, but there was no body temperature, it was just like a living corpse, living dead, but now Ruri has some passion in his eyes and is not breathing. I was supposed to be a little sick.
When Takumi noticed that, Ruri was covering Takumi.
"Hey !?"
As expected, Takumi is surprised and raises his voice.There is a lapis lazuli face in the immediate vicinity of Takumi's face, and the face that looks like a Japanese doll is bloodless and even feels as beautiful as ceramics.The face of her sister, who should be familiar with her, has already been sexually acted with her sister who became a zombie many times, so Takumi feels somehow guilty and wants to look away.I no longer feel ethical worries with other female zombies, but when it comes to my sister, I can't help but feel calm.
And I don't like being crushed by that guilty feeling, so I put my hands on both shoulders to slowly pull Ruri apart.
But ...
"Oh brother Chan ..."
Takumi opened his eyes to the words of Ruri.
I've been told that word several times before.I was betrayed with various expectations each time, but this time it made me feel something different from the past when I heard it.Something different from the traditional inorganic vocalizations.
And above all, Takumi felt instinctively.Something odorless to be released from my sister in front of me.
I don't understand what it is, but Takumi's thing swells up in an instant.
"Huh ... huh ..."
Ruri pulls down Takumi's trunks with both hands while breathing hard.I carefully pulled out the trunks without worrying about the spilling of boron and the big ones, and slowly started rubbing Takumi's ones with my small hands.
"Ruri ..."
Ruri has been doing this to Takumi like other female zombies, but more than ever, she looks at Takumi and whispers, "Oh brother Chan ... The word "..." is spoken.
No, Takumi was convinced that this was clearly whispering with some intention.A long time ago, when the world hadn't changed like this, the memory that Ruri used to call himself "an older brother" was shaken.
And the caress of Ruri escalate without a pause.
Before I knew it, Ruri became naked and rubbed her body.The skin is cold, but Takumi's skin stands out just by directly feeling the fresh and elastic skin that does not seem to be a zombie.
Normally, I wouldn't do anything more and wait until Takumi ordered something, but now Ruri is entwined with Takumi with a passionate movement.
Takumi was confused by the appearance of Ruri, but the confusion was blown away the next moment.
"Children ... work ..."
Such words were whispered in my ears.
Unfortunately, the breath I heard with that word was not a passionate heat, but a lukewarm wind that was the same as the temperature inside the zombie's body cavity, but I was surprised that the zombie Ruri gave a clear statement of intention. I couldn't help but my heart bounced.
"Ruri !?"
Grabbing Ruri's shoulders, Takumi looks at Ruri's face head-on.
Perhaps the intention has returned.
It was a shock enough to hold such expectations.
"Oh brother Chan ... child ... I'm Tachino ..."
"... Ruri!"
Further shock comes to Takumi.
Until now, even if I said something, I would just repeat the names of myself, my parents, amber, and Yu like a broken record, but this is the first time I've come here and spoke meaningful words in a row. It was.I can't think of the shock of the word having a child.
"Ruri! Do you understand !? I am! Onii-chan!"
Grab both shoulders and shake Ruri's body.
However, without reacting to Takumi's words, he pushes his naked body further against Takumi.
"Oh brother Chan ... child ... work ..."
With both shoulders grabbed by Takumi, Ruri began to move her hips smoothly.
Then, the feeling of thin bushes and the feeling of wet things in the back are transmitted to the standing things of Takumi.
"Ruri ...?"
Ruri is doing a bare thigh that rubs each other's genitals.
Takumi opens his eyes to this.Of course, I have never had sex with Ruri, and I have never even done it with bare thighs.I felt guilty just by having my real sister lick her mouth, and I couldn't make her lapis lazuli any more.Takumi immediately stopped lapis lazuli when he showed a pretense to do something close to that, and by repeating this, he has stopped actively doing radical acts these days.Of course, fellatio alone is enough sexual activity, but Takumi's morals have fallen to the point of acknowledging it.
Even in such Takumi, we cannot leave what Ruri is trying to do.That's what the reason in my head thinks.And Takumi, who is holding both shoulders of Ruri, thinks that he must pull Ruri apart in his head, but the word to stop does not come out and he does not pull Ruri as it is.
"Nee, Oh brother Chan ..."
Ruri doesn't do anything more than bare thighs.I move my hips unpleasantly and caress Takumi's things in the hot and wet place.It was harder and more powerful than usual, and it was already covered with lapis lazuli secretions and shined brightly.
The glans was almost hairless, with only a thin bush of hair, and was slightly sunk in a clearly visible crevice.Takumi's thing touches the pink hymen, still pushing open the crack like a line.Ruri can hear a grinning and damp sound just by moving his hips a little, and when Ruri puts a little effort, the glans tries to push a small and narrow hole.It's a danger that the genitals will be connected with just a little effort from each other.
"Ruri, answer me, do you understand me? Tell me something ...!"
However, Takumi does not come up with the idea of stopping Ruri at all, and asks Ruri with a desperate voice.
So, the situation is clearly different than before.In Ruri's eyes, there was something that made me feel something like a light of intellect and will that was different from just a zombie.
It was certainly felt by Takumi's instinct, not just wishful thinking.I felt something different from other zombies objectively, not because of my relatives.Among the zombies that Takumi has seen, there are zombies that speak very few but meaningful words.Ruri was one of the few zombies, but now Ruri seems to be different from those zombies.
"Oh brother Chan ..."
Ruri whispers to Takumi many times around Takumi's ears.
"Child, I Tachino ..."
The body is more actively entwined than ever before, and the genitals are brought into contact with each other.Takumi cannot hold it back.
I'm screaming in my head that I can't do any more.
However, he was afraid that the unprecedented reaction of Ruri would be restored by Takumi's refusal.
"Ruri ... please, say a different word, you're still ..."
Takumi repeatedly calls for begging while hugging Ruri.
And the call certainly reached Ruri.
Ruri has been dreaming for a long time, can't think of anything, and is just dozing in a fluffy and comfortable sensation.In the first place, it may be that the thing that feels the drowsiness is the consciousness of lapis lazuli, or that it is no longer meaningful for lapis lazuli.
However, my brother's words certainly reach Ruri, and the memory of Ruri who is dozing is shaken many times.
When he was young, he couldn't make a very loud voice, and he sat right next to Ruri, who desperately spoke in a small voice, and worked hard not to miss a single word of Ruri.To such an older brother, Ruri always said with a shy smile at the end.
"O brother Chan, great kiddayo"
Takumi's heart trembled at the words.It wasn't just a word that traced the lines like letters, but the intonation, interval, and atmosphere of the word certainly made me feel the existence of lapis lazuli.
Takumi puts his hand holding his shoulder around Ruri's back and hugs Ruri firmly.
"Children ... work?"
Ruri whispers more than ever, pushing her hips down.
However, Takumi does nothing about it anymore.Originally, I should have resisted more than I felt the existence of lapis lazuli even for a moment, but Takumi was not in my heart, and I wanted to hug lapis lazuli and feel lapis lazuli with my whole body.
And Ruri also embraces Takumi.
"Oh brother Chan, I love you ..."
It was exactly like that.
Love juice is overflowing endlessly, there is of lapis lazuli, which has been in a state to accept the things of Takumi, even though it was a virgin, Takumi had accepted things without any resistance.
The wet and soft film did not seem to break and tear, but accepted Takumi's as it was and spread and opened.
"Oh brother Chan ...!"
Takumi is surrounded by unprecedented pleasure.My sister's place fits as if it were for Takumi.Not only is the tightening strong, but the inner wall of the vagina wraps around Takumi's stuff so that you can see the bulge of the glans and the dents of the potash one by one.
The sweet pleasure seems to make everything irrelevant for a moment, but Takumi closes his eyes and puts his hand on Ruri's shoulder.
"Ruri ... No, we are brothers and sisters ..."
If you push it back as it is, Ruri will hear Takumi's command and leave.
However, Takumi cannot push Ruri back with any more force.When Ruri was alive, Takumi couldn't take care of his sister very much.Takumi strongly regrets that.That's why Takumi can't let go of Ruri, even if he becomes a zombie and doesn't know if he still has the consciousness of being a younger sister and a human being.
"N ... nun ...!"
Ruri moves her hips up and down while still in the woman on top posture to squeeze Takumi's things.When you raise your hips, the pink meat wall is exposed so that the wet inner wall is slightly turned up, and when you sit down as it is, the pink meat wall swallows Takumi's.Each time, a clear, slightly sticky liquid splatters from the joint.
Buchun ... Chupupu ... Juu ...!
Such a damp sound echoes.
Just move the hips up and down, the liquid overflows without endlessly is shown by the sound of two people of the connection.Ruri trembles a little every time the liquid splatters like wiping the tide, and the contraction of the vagina that accompanies it gives Takumi a pleasant sensation.
Ju ... Ju ... Jupun ...
And when Ruri sits down completely, he feels that the tip of the glans hits something.At that moment, the flesh wall swells greatly, and that alone is about to explode.However, as if it is not allowed yet, the ostium of the vagina tightens Takumi's thing tightly, and the feeling of rising to the tip of the glans stays in place.
At the next moment when the ejaculation feeling is stopped rapidly and the sensation of cuddling attacks from around the buttocks, the vaginal wall swells again, gently wraps Takumi's things, and slowly enhances the sexual feeling.
If the zombie is the opponent, he will fight back from here, but Takumi could not do anything from himself due to the abnormal situation that he was connected to his sister.
Above all, I was confused when I realized that a strong sense of immorality increased my sexual feeling many times.
Ruri also had almost no self-consciousness, but just vaguely felt the feeling of happiness rising.The feeling of euphoria was intense and open naturally.
"I'm happy ... I ... I'm happy ..."
I don't know if it's a lapis lazuli word or a word drawn to something.
However, when Takumi heard the words, he hugged Ruri strongly.
With the momentum of embracing strongly, the connection between the two becomes even stronger, and the glans pushes up the dead end in the back of Ruri.Ruri's body trembles with that alone, and the vaginal wall swells finely each time.This time, the ostium of the vagina was not tightened strongly, and she caressed Takumi's squeezing all over the vaginal wall to guide her to the back.Takumi hurriedly tries to pull Ruri away because of the pleasantness of the movement.
"Ru, Ruri ... No, it's still ...!"
"Oh brother Chan, I love you ... I love you ...!"
However, that word stops Takumi's movement.
No longer to put up with it, Takumi ejaculates to the innermost part of Ruri, with desire and some instinct.The unprecedented pleasure causes a long sweet numbness as if it were evangelizing from the whole of Takumi to the lower abdomen and buttocks, and the feeling of a large amount of semen running up at once remains inside the genitals for a while. Then, Takumi trembled with a jerk while hugging Ruri.
Ruri also trembled for a long time, and then left her body to Takumi, perhaps because she had lost her strength.This wasn't another zombie.Ruri's eyes were still lifeless, but the whole face was relaxed and had a sex appeal as if she were alive.
"Ruri ... I am ..."
When Takumi finished his long pleasure and became a little calm, he felt heavier in what he had done.
The good thing about being a zombie is what I did to my real sister.
When I pulled out what was connected, I was overwhelmed by what I had put out.
And again, another emotion sprout.
(This is my woman, one of the women who give birth to our children)
Takumi opens his eyes when he realizes that such an idea was born unconsciously.
(What am I doing now ...!?)
Takumi shakes his head.
Takumi was afraid of feeling as if someone had manipulated it for a moment, but Takumi made a fist with both hands and squeezed it with a strong will.
"I'm Takumi Hiiragi, a human being."
As a soliloquy, speak loudly to yourself.
However, there was nothing to answer that word, and Ruri's red eyes were just staring at Takumi.
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