Zombie Master
08 Elementary school tragedy ◯
Takumi observes two girl zombies who come close to him and cling to him.
Rika Hayami is 138 cm tall, which is low among her classmates, and her large twin tails that reach her shoulders are impressive.The root of the twin tail was wrapped with a large red ribbon, which made me think that I was absolutely confident in my cuteness.The eyes are big, but the face is small, and there is an atmosphere that makes you want to express it as cute rather than cute.When I was alive, I was a Madonna of a boy in my class, but now it doesn't matter.
On the other hand, Yayoi Fujishima is as tall as 150 cm and has short hair and slightly thick eyebrows.It's easy to imagine the cheerfulness of life from the skin that turned slightly brown after the rainy season.The eyes and nose are clear, and although he is still young now, there are things that make him think that he will become a beautiful woman in the future.Her limbs are as thin as an antelope, but she has moderate muscles, and she has one of the best motor nerves in her grade, and like Rika, she was a longing target for boys in her class.
Both of them had a reputation for being cute when they laughed, but their facial expressions became completely expressionless, and their eyes that glowed red had big eyes, which made them even more scared.
"Wow ..."
The moan was that of a girl, young and high.Takumi looks confused when he sees two such girl zombies clinging to him.I've seen zombies of similar children eating the corpses of children of the same age, so I'm confident that the zombies won't hurt me, but I'll keep in mind.
"Both of you should be careful there!"
At Takumi's command, the two girls take a careful stance.I am relieved inwardly that the orders can be properly communicated even with children.
(Wearing gym clothes means that you became a zombie due to some trouble during the PE class.)
Takumi took a peek at the gymnasium, which would otherwise be the main place for displaced persons to sleep.
Of course, there were no displaced people there, and there were just twenty little zombies walking around.Meanwhile, there are some corpses lying on the floor, and Takumi has no intention of confirming what the situation is now.For the time being, when I called the zombies nearby by beckoning to check, all of them said that they were in a group of five years.
(I don't know how many people are in a class, but are they all here?)
At the elementary school where Takumi attended, there were 40 students in one class, so I felt that the total number of zombies and corpses was a little small.
At that time, Takumi's line of sight heads for the equipment room at the back of the gymnasium.
Takumi doesn't know if the zombies have the intelligence to open the door.Considering the commands given to zombies so far, I think that there is no reason why the simple operation of opening the door cannot be done.However, when Yumi bit Takumi, Takumi noticed that the hinge clasp part of the opening and closing part was broken because it seemed to open forcibly without turning the doorknob.I can't say anything because I haven't seen other cases, but I even think that ordinary zombies have little intelligence.However, it seems that you can do simple things if you order.
In that case, the equipment room is a standard place to stay.Perhaps a living human being is hiding, as if to hold his breath.
Takumi, who came up with that, was very worried.
Given my current situation, I think it's bad to get involved with living people.The real intention is that I don't want to do anything devious until I have grasped the situation in the world.
If it's hiding, it's probably the five-year-old kids.I can't see an adult, so maybe there is a teacher in charge.It's still a problem for children alone, but it can be confusing when there are adults.
(No, don't get lost)
However, Takumi could not choose to abandon the young children.If you don't do anything here, you'll probably regret it.
When he decides, Takumi beckons the child zombies walking in the gymnasium and gathers them in the corner on the opposite side of the equipment room to maintain his careful posture.
All you have to do is call out to those who may be in the equipment room.
I came to see the elementary school because it looked strange, and since the zombies were stuck in one place, I called out to those who might be hiding in the equipment room to escape now. I called.
Takumi, who assembled in his head to say something like that, first knocks on the door of the equipment room and calls out.The truth is, I want to open the door to see if there are any people inside, but I decided that if I suddenly opened the door in a hidden situation, I might be scared in vain.
"Excuse me! Is there anyone!"
The zombies didn't speak out, so I thought they should know they were alive.If there is a human in the equipment room, some action must be taken.
However, even if I do the same thing several times after that, there is no reaction from the inside.
Takumi broke down, saying that maybe no one was hiding inside.The person hiding may just be cautious.As it is not clear, I decided to open the door and check the inside.If there is a human inside, there is a possibility that it will not open with a stick, but in that case you can speak to the human again.
However, all those Takumi's ideas were wasted.
The door opens so easily that it invites Takumi inside.
Takumi silently saw the sight spreading in front of him.
Among them were five writhing zombies and two corpses of children with traces of eating on parts of their bodies.One of the zombies is an adult man, a teacher in a group of five years.The corpse of the child was right in front of the door, and boxes containing vaulting boxes and basketball were scattered around it.They were placed in front of the door to prevent the invasion of zombies.However, as one of them became a zombie, the barricade to protect them became an obstacle to escape.
Takumi led the zombies towards the gymnasium so that no more corpses could be eaten.And when I close the door of the equipment room, I sigh a lot.A while ago, I was thinking of exploring the school building as well, but it was completely gone.There may be more dire things happening here and there than I imagined.I have to go home and think about the future.
Takumi hits his cheek with both hands to regain his spirit.
"I can't keep up with this, because I'm alive."
At that time, I suddenly thought of it.
Looking at the child zombies gathered in one place, an evil feeling comes to mind.First, call out to Rika and Yayoi and let them come to you.
And another one.I called a girl zombie named Fumika Tanaka.
He is 140 cm tall, a little taller than womans, and is a so-called bob.It looks like a Japanese doll or a kokeshi doll because it has clear eyes and nose.It's less noticeable than Rika and Yayoi, but it's cute enough.
The cuteness of these three people makes the depressed feelings I felt earlier disappear in a blink of an eye.If these three were alive and innocently chatting in their children's voices that they had no love, they would have thought they were cute without any evil feelings.However, the expressionless and shining red eyes make us feel a certain sex appeal as well as eerie.
And when he noticed, Takumi ordered the three to follow him.However, it is too unnatural to walk together, so adjust the walking speed of Takumi so that the distance is more than a certain distance.
There may be a day when I come back to this school again.
With that in mind, Takumi hurried home.
"I've done it ..."
Takumi shook his head when he saw three girls standing side by side in his room.I brought it impulsively, but it is a strange sight that three elementary school students are lined up in my room.Moreover, since all three are wearing gym clothes, the sense of unreality becomes even stronger.
When I was looking at the three people restlessly, I didn't like the light leaking out and I was wearing only bean balls, but I was still worried that the white gym clothes were conspicuous.
"Take it off for the time being."
Three girls take off all at once to the words.Takumi remembered the old days in the scene.When I was in elementary school, men and women changed clothes together in the classroom except for the pool class, and I didn't care when I was in the lower grades of elementary school, but when I was in the upper grades, it was awkward when I happened to change clothes for girls. Was indescribable.I remember that feeling.
All three girls were taken off and naked.Takumi's intention was only to wear gym clothes, but of course the previous order did not convey it.
You can see that the shortest womans have a slight bulge on her chest.Perhaps because of the young hairstyle of the twin tails, even if it becomes a zombie with no facial expression, it still has a childish feeling, so the bulge of the chest drives something more.
Fumika, like a Japanese doll, was the whitest of the three, and above all, her chest was petanko like a boy.Therefore, Takumi feels that he has the most unhealthy appearance of the three.
Yayoi, who is the tallest, can clearly see the difference in skin color between the part where the skin is exposed with short sleeves and the other part, and in that sense, it feels the most childish.However, the chest was the most grown of the three, and the sports bra was thrown off at his feet.
It was an impulsive feeling that brought them in this way, but it is certain that they had an evil curiosity.I was aware of that, so I couldn't feel it because of guilt and resistance due to my childhood appearance.However, Takumi, who was shown naked in front of him, felt that his stuff was growing and took off his pants and trunks.There was a towering thing that was ready for battle.
Takumi arranges the three in front of her in the order of womans, Fumika, and Yayoi, and then bends down on the spot and opens her mouth.
After a moment of hesitation, I first thrust the male genitalia into Yayoi's mouth, which is the most physically formed of the three.Yayoi accepts it with no expression.
I feel guilty for a moment when Yayoi, who is still a child, holds his own thing, but more than that, the excitement dominates the body, and the feeling of guilt disappears somewhere.
"Lick my dick. Be polite like licking a popsicle. Never chew."
Then Yayoi began to move his tongue dexterously in his mouth.First, while holding the male genitalia all the way, the tongue does not rush and licks the glans and trunk without gaps.In addition, it sucks up the entire male genitalia while occasionally making a noise.These were the same movements as when eating my favorite popsicles.However, unlike popsicles, it does not disappear, and chewing is also prohibited, so the act of tasting it continues endlessly.
"Guchuguchu ... Npo ... Jupo ............... Juchuchu ..."
The expression does not change, but Yayoi's appearance, which seems to be absorbed in serving the male genitals, has a strong impact, and Takumi feels that his own is growing and stops in a hurry.
Takumi, who felt it was a waste to ejaculate as it is, stands in front of Fumika.
"Do the same thing as Yayoi now. Never chew."
Fumika brought her small mouth in front of Takumi and began a pecking kiss.
"Chu ... Chu ..."
Takumi moans a little to the unexpected stimulus.Without worrying about Takumi, Fumika kisses the male genitals as if pecking around them, and at the moment she puts her mouth, she pinches her tongue with her lips.
"Chu ... Chu ... Chu ... Chu ..."
This is how to eat Fumika's popsicles, and Fumika always ate with a small mouth.Originally, if you lick it to some extent, you will bite it little by little, but now that you are prohibited from chewing, this action is repeated endlessly.Takumi's hips can be pulled to a different feel than being wrapped in his mouth.
"Make my dick feel good, just like they did now."
Then I order to stand in front of womans.Immediately, I tried to correct that the child would not understand what it meant to be comfortable, but as soon as Rika was ordered, she held Takumi's male genitalia and shook her head back and forth while pressing strongly with her lips, and even to her throat. In the case of squeezing, I repeatedly pulled my lips back halfway through the trunk.
"... Npo ... Npo ... Nju ... Jupon ..."
In addition, Rika put her hand on Takumi's ball bag and slowly and gently began to stroke it.This is clearly different from the gesture of licking an ice lolly, and Takumi looks at the womans with a surprised expression.However, Rika continues to serve Takumi's things with the expressionlessness peculiar to zombies.
I didn't know Takumi, but Rika had an older brother who was secretly reading the erotic manga that he had hidden.Rika, who was interested in the intense content, stole her brother's eyes and read it over and over again.If Rika had the opportunity to show off the knowledge she had gained from them, it would have been for the time being, but now it has been put to good use in an unexpected way.
Takumi, who became irresistible, brought them closer by using a technique that pleased a man in the form of an unexpected ambush who was raised by two girls.
"Huh ... huh ..."
Then, when I pull out my own from Rika's mouth, I thrust it into Yayoi's mouth again.Not only that, he moves his hips while holding Yayoi's head with both hands.I can't be satisfied with the slow movement of the girl zombie, and I thrust it many times with my own desires.
"Nbo ...! ………… Nju ... Boo!"
A tremendous amount of saliva begins to flow into the zombie's mouth just by giving a blowjob.When you tighten your lips and put in and out the male genitals, you will hear a nasty sound as if you were putting in and out of the female genitals.If this was a living girl, she might have returned the stomach contents because of the pain, but the zombies who do not need breathing accept the overruns that occur in their mouths as they are.
"Next ... Fumika, you!"
The male genitalia are forcibly screwed into the mouth of Fumika who was only kissing like a peck.Therefore, unlike Yayoi and Rika, she cannot move her tongue well in her mouth.However, Takumi feels that his childish tongue movement is also good, and tries to thrust the glans toward the tongue.
"... Nju! ... Nju ......... Jupa ..."
Takumi holds Fumika's head and forcibly shakes her head, which is not moving well, back and forth.Each time, the feeling of pressing the tongue with the glans echoes to the waist.
"Rika, do it violently!"
Finally, Takumi put the male genitals into Rika's mouth, grabbed the twin tails with both hands and began to move her hips.Rika was moving her head back and forth so lightly, but at a considerable speed, that she didn't have to grab her head.There are zombies that can run, so it's not surprising that there are zombies that can make such agile movements.However, the sight of an expressionless girl zombie squeezing her mouth and devouring a man's stuff was something that wasn't in the world.
"Hmm ... I'll ejaculate ... I'll drink everything!"
At the same time as that word, Takumi grabbed Rika's head, pressed her face strongly against her lower body, and spit out all her white desires into her mouth.Shaking her hips for a long release that seemed to last indefinitely, Rika swallowed all the sticky semen with her overflowing saliva, as she was told.
Takumi breathes satisfactorily and falls into bed.
"All three lick my dick and clean it."
With that word, the three flocked to Takumi's lower body lying on the bed and began to lick Takumi's stuff as if they were fighting.The tongues, each of which has a different color, shape, and feel, continue to dance on the male genitalia while making a rattling noise.
Yayoi's tongue moves dexterously for the longest time, licking semen from the glans to the trunk as if a snake wraps around.Fumika's tongue is the smallest, but she carefully licks even the finest grooves.And Rika's tongue moves without hesitation trying to lick not only the male genitalia but also the semen on the ball bag, navel, thighs, and even the saliva of three people.
"Chur ... Tsuchu ... Pchu ... Tchua"
"... Chu! Chiro Ciro Ciro ... Nchu ... Chu Chu Chu Chu ..."
"Gup ... Nju ......... Churu ... Chupa ... Nchu ..."
The sounds of the three parties are echoed to make Takumi's things beautiful.Takumi stroked the heads of these three people.
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