Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1011: Come to his house

Feeling that Lin Qiao was pushed to the bed, he immediately reacted, almost kicking at the same time as Wu Chengyue who was coming over.

However, she played very quickly and accurately, but was blocked by her opponent by raising her hand faster.

As a result, she was completely pressed on the bed the next second.

Lin Qiao: ...

Ten thousand mutant beasts rushed by.

Wu Chengyue pressed Lin Qiao's body tightly, and stared at Lin Qiao's face. Then he buried his head and smelled Lin Qiao, the more he reluctantly let go.

Lin Qiao's hands were suppressed by him and he couldn't do anything at all. He wanted to move his whole body and was pressed by the other's strong body, and he wrapped her legs around her legs.

The opponent's intentions were already obvious, so Lin Qiao's face became darker and darker.

Feeling the breath exhaled on the skin of his neck, and the lightly rubbed lips. Lin Qiao simply wanted to kick this person directly out of the window, but the other side is not clear now, and he is doing what he wants like a beast.

Although he knew that he had been stinging himself, but he didn't expect it to happen, could he just want to do it with her?

Lin Qiao was angry and helpless, even a little bit crying.

In Wu Chengyue's subconscious, Lin Qiao's breath was the one he was most familiar with. And he had Lin Qiao as his daughter-in-law in his heart, and instinctively regarded her as his partner.

The partner's duty is not to inherit the line and solve him ... what?

So someone who had been abstinent before, just after eating a zombie a while ago, his feeling memory was instinctively written down by him. So now he can't remember other memories, but he remembers the incident with Lin Qiao OX.

The feeling memory at that time was too wonderful, so he still wanted! He can suppress it when he is sane, and now he obeys his instinct when he is not sane.

At this time, even if Lin Qiao wanted to use his mouth to cross the energy lake water to the other person's mouth, there was no way for him to get the water into his mouth for the time being.

Because her hand was pressed.

She turned her face side by side and did not intend to avoid the other's face. Anyway, if she didn't want to find a way to stop the other party directly, she couldn't hide her neck by stretching it.

Or, she can only go on and let the other party let go of their hands. In this way, at least she can fill the water in the space with her hand and hold it in her mouth, then seduce the other person to drink.

Some cool but soft lips were rubbed back and forth gently on the side of her neck, and then printed. Then a sucking force came from the skin of her neck, and a tingling sensation quickly spread to her scalp.

Lin Qiao's scalp exploded, and a feeling of uncertainty came from his mind.

Her body ... seems to be more sensitive than before! This was just a soft kiss. How could it make her scalp feel numb?

The other side pressed a hot temperature from his body, and Lin Qiao didn't feel anything at first. But gradually, she felt the heat clearly, and ... and there was something on the belly of her partner!

Did she even smell her smell! !! !! Could it be her taste and this medicinal effect? ? ?

"Ah-hey! Wu Chengyue, you wake up! Are you a dog?" Suddenly there was a sting in his neck, Lin Qiao screamed with a consciousness. Flicked back and turned to look.

I saw Wu Chengyue's frosty face with a little dissatisfaction.

Lin Qiao :? ? ? what happened? Can't we just let people get lost?

Wu Chengyue seemed a little unhappy about her unresponsive reaction, so the following consciousness gave her a bite.

Immediately, a purple-red tooth mark appeared on Lin Qiao's neck ...

As soon as she turned her head, there were two lip **** on her lips. The hot breath gushed from the other's nose, and then went straight into Lin Qiao's nose.

Feeling his lips crushed by his lips and sucked twice. Then a slippery tongue came out of the other's mouth and licked her lips. Then he began to squeeze into her mouth, and forced open her teeth to break in.

Familiar feeling, familiar taste.

Wu Chengyue's taste still carries a sweet smell of food, making her have the urge to take a bite.

Lin Qiao's eyes flickered a little. Although she didn't intend to respond to the other party's kiss, she no longer refused the other party. She wants him to relax and let go of her hand!

Soon, Wu Chengyue's hand was released. Because he touched her hand towards her chest, and started torn her clothes very rough.

After his hands were free, Lin Qiao quickly took out a glass of water from the sudden. Then he suddenly twisted his face and rescued his lips from the other's mouth. Then he poured water from the cup into his mouth.

Of course, because of the posture, the whole glass of water was spilled on Wu Chengyue's bed except the one in Lin Qiao's mouth.

Putting the cup into space, she immediately held Wu Chengyue's face with that free hand, and kissed her with her lips.

(Pull the lights ~~ I want to see the group in the middle ~~)

At dawn, Lin Qiao woke up when a ray of sunlight hit his eyes. She squinted and opened it. For a few seconds, then she turned to look out the window.

As a result, I found that my entire body was lying on my stomach, and then a mountain was pressed on my back! The memory of last night came back to my mind instantly, Lin Qiao moved his hands and feet, and found that this action was a bit like a turtle carrying a heavy shell and paddling his limbs in the water.

Hands and feet can move, but the body can't! Or is she more like the grand monkey that was crushed under Wuzhishan?

After moving, she felt that someone's things were still buried in her!

Lin Qiao's face was dark, and he turned sharply to overturn the person on his back. Then add a kick.

"噗通 ——"

"Huh ..."

A muffled muffled sound mixed with the heavy floor landing in the early morning room.

Lin Qiao sat up, wrapped in the sheets of Wu Chengyue's bed, and got out of the bed into the bathroom. Wu Chengyue, who sat up on the ground without looking at him, looked round.

Wu Chengyue sat on the floor beside the bed, confused, confused. After watching Lin Qiao wrapped his body into the bathroom with a sheet, a contented smile appeared on his face.

In fact, he was awake after doing it once last night, and he remembered the feeling memories twice later.

When he got up, he found his underwear and trousers to put on, and simply packed the messy bed, and then took out a suit from the closet and went out of his bedroom.

After Lin Qiao took a bath and walked out wearing the clothes he had taken out of the space, he saw Wu Chengyue sitting on the sofa in the bedroom with a well-dressed smile and watching her.

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