Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1021: Is this an electric shock?

"Why not a big cat? Black panthers are also feline! What's wrong with calling big cats?" Qiu Lili was very dissatisfied with Lin Ye's protest, Xiaolian said in a defensive tone.

Lin Feng nodded: "Well, nothing is wrong."

Yuan Tianxing smiled silently, but looked at the expression and agreed with Qiu Lili's words.

Lin Yan: ... well, you are what you say when you are young.

"Then the two of you go, the first thing is to bring Wenwen and Leng Xuantong back safely, the second thing is to forget to clean up those people in Huaxia." Yuan Tianxing nodded and agreed with Qiu Lili's request just now.

"Then let's go now! Go and walk big cats!" Qiu Lili jumped up immediately after agreeing. Feng Fenghuo turned around and pulled Lin Ying who was still sitting in the position and went out, giving him no chance to refuse.

Lin Ying was unable to react, but she was pulled up from her chair and waited until she spoke outside the door.

"Okay, can you let go of me?"

Qiu Lili, who was walking in front of her, gave her a glance and glanced at the hands that they held together, then suddenly let go: "Oh ~"

Then he immediately turned his head again: "Let's go now, I'm a little worried about Wenwen's safety."

Lin Ying slipped by her hair with a ponytail, glanced silently at the hand she had loosened. Then she followed her to the next elevator, entered the elevator and went straight to the top of the building.

Locked up in the narrow space of the elevator, the two of them were inexplicably silent. Qiu Lili was uncomfortable holding her ponytail around her fingers and playing around, but she thought in her heart that when she reacted to the two hands that were held together, a strange numbness suddenly came from her hands.

Qiu Lili's face was a bit hot after she let go of her hand just now. It's just that she is now a zombie, and her face has always been pale and bloodless, so she can't even see her blush.

When Lin Ye just let go of her hand, she felt a loss of a sense of loss in her heart, so she looked at her hand unconsciously. The feeling had disappeared before he figured out what was going on.

So at this moment, both of them were a little subtle, and they fell into a subtle silence.

Qiu Lili looked down at the gap under the elevator door, her mind was a bit erratic. If she were human, she would probably hear her heartbeat. However, she was no longer, so Qiu Lili could not hear her.

After watching their figures leave, Lin Feng turned his head and looked at Yuan Tianxing: "Are you really planning to go?"

He knew that Yuan Tianxing would also go to Haicheng for a glass of full moon wine in two days, but Lin Feng felt that such a scene should make him uncomfortable for Yuan Tianxing. Emotion does not mean that you can let go.

Yuan Tianxing smiled and nodded: "It's okay, Xiao Teng is also the son of our leader. Even if it doesn't look at the boss's face, it depends on the love of our former comrades-in-arms. I'm kind of unforgiving People? "

Regardless of whether you face early or late, you always have to face Lin Qiao's mother of someone else's child. It's better to take the blow earlier, maybe this will let go of her feelings earlier.

"Then you have to arrange the time earlier, but you are very busy." Lin Feng had no choice but to sigh and nodded, and looked at him with a smile.

Yuan Tian gave him a dismissive look: "It's as if you are more leisurely than me."

Lin Feng: ... well, he's very busy too!

Although the underground creatures did not attack last night, they have to find a way to protect the base as soon as possible.

These things are living under the ground, and it is possible to dig the tunnel directly below their base at any time. And there is nothing to stop them from advancing. I can't isolate the entire basement underground. What isolation?

When the existence of those creatures under the ground cannot be eliminated, they can only take the next step to consolidate the protection of the base, hoping to play a role in blocking them.

"What machine can store solar energy or thunder energy, and then release it?" Lin Feng asked frowningly at the thought of those creatures underground.

"Maybe we need to find out what can restrain them. One thing is one thing, there are so many things on earth, maybe they have natural enemies." Yuan Tianxing frowned.

"Aren't their natural enemies lightning and sunlight?" Lin Feng said.

"Thunder and lightning are both energy substances. I want to talk about real things. Although these creatures live underground, they are alive anyway. In the laws of nature, everything is in harmony with each other, and I do n’t believe they are except for sunlight and lightning , There is nothing else that can restrain them. "Yuan Tianxing thought for a while.

Lin Feng groaned for two seconds and said, "Yes, isn't there still the poisonous fire of our leader? This is also their nemesis!"

Yuan Tianxing glanced at him indifferently, silent.

Lin Feng looked embarrassed by him, then coughed and said, "Well ... maybe there are other things that can restrain them, plants? Or special metals? Or animals ???? Unfortunately, Lin Hao's Bian's research has not made any progress, or he is not good at this. Maybe when Leng Xuan pupil returns, what can he study. "

"The subject should also get some back. The corpse was almost used up by Lin Hao before." Yuan Tianxing nodded, obviously he did not object to this sentence.

After the battle ended last night, when the underground creatures retreated, they even dragged back the same corpses, leaving none of them.

Fortunately, I heard that they seem to have caught a dozen or so seventh-level underground creatures in their leader space, and they should not be afraid of running out of experimental objects.

However, the two of them thought very beautiful, but did not know that the ten seventh-level underground creatures had been swallowed by Lin Qiao so that they had no skin left.

On the other side, Lin Qiao sat on the sofa in Wu Chengyue's living room, watching Xiao Tengteng crawling around the sofa. He said very silently: "You have just been crawling and running around just a month ago! What do you do to let those babies the same age as yours? Can you sit quietly ????"

This child is just like a child with ADHD. After waking up, he can sit peacefully except when drinking milk. At other times, it is either crawling on the bed or crawling on the sofa. Fortunately, he doesn't like climbing the floor ...

"I'm doing this to train bone development, okay! Am I the kind of mortal baby? I'm a little Teng Teng! Huh ~~" As a result, he was bending his legs with his ass, and climbing on the sofa with two little hands Xiaoteng on the face raised his chin with a small proud face, and snorted his big eyes, and snorted.

Wu Yueling's three children sat quietly watching him.

Qiao Lin: "Baby, you haven't been born for a month. Can we develop normally?"

Tired of heart, I watched this little guy crawl all day long, digging around curiously like a cat.

When the child came out, he was curious about everything, touched everything twice, and looked at everything. Ever since I was able to crawl on all fours, I can't rest.

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