Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1033: The vest was stolen

Wu Chengyue's words made Lin Qiao's expression slightly choked, but soon returned to normal. However, she was very surprised, and was a little surprised by Wu Chengyue's attitude at this time.

Before waiting for Lin Qiao to say anything, Wu Chengyue stared at Lin Qiao and said, "I was very surprised at the beginning why you were so concerned about the situation at the Pluto base, and I took too much care of the Lin family. I checked However, Lu Tianyu was a person who did not know the Lin family at Pluto Base. But you, after you died, became a zombie, which not only changed your temperament, but also changed your behavior and habits into another person. "

Lin Qiao blinked, trying to maintain a calm expression on his face. But my heart was agitated a little, and suddenly I felt relieved.

Since Wu Chengyue can control a living base of more than one million people, naturally he is not a simple person. Suddenly she looked a little bit to see if the other party had actually recognized who she was.

She looked at him with a gloomy glance, and said in a deep voice, "So? What do you want to say?"

Wu Chengyue's deep eyes flashed a few unpredictable rays. He looked directly at Lin Qiao's eyes and said, "You are not Lu Tianyu at all."

Today, when hearing the words said by the female zombies, Wu Chengyue returned to the study full of doubts. He didn't do anything, just sitting at the desk thinking that the female zombies gave him a strange strange feeling.

She said that she would blow up the kitchen, and Wu Chengyue thought that she might be talking about herself. But the other side took it for granted, as if she really fry the kitchen often.

Wu Chengyue felt that he would not read the expression of the wrong person, nor did he hear the tone of the female zombies.

Suddenly thought of what happened after she became a zombie, like when she became another person. There was a huge difference between Haicheng and his attitude before and after, and he paid too much attention to and protected the survivors of the Pluto base.

He kept wondering why this was, but the words of the woman zombies made him suddenly flashed. I thought of this female zombies' usual skill in handling business affairs, the neat means and arrangement when building a new base, and her skills and abilities. The power can be said to happen, but one's physical skills are not immediately learned.

Wu Chengyue didn't understand how this happened before, but now is the age of science. He never thought about the direction of ghosts and gods. What kind of possession, snatching, etc ... he never thought about it.

But today he suddenly thought about it with a big brain. If Lu Tianyu is no longer the original Lu Tianyu, this time can be explained.

So if she is no longer Lu Tianyu from becoming a zombie, then who is she?

Who will do what the leader will do? Who is accustomed to being a leader? Who is in control of what the leader will do, calmly doing it. Also concerned about the survivors of the Pluto base, so much care to protect them, but also too much concern about Lin Fenglin Hao Lin Wenwen's family?

Who else could be besides the woman who was the leader of the Pluto base?

Wu Chengyue suddenly felt that he was stupid, not even the true identity of the woman he loved to fall in love with. While she was Lu Tianyu who saw that evil, she was puzzled by her changes.

He suddenly felt that it was right for the woman zombie to not accept herself. Because he hasn't even figured out who he is, what qualifications do he have for the other person to accept himself?

Wu Chengyue never felt that IQ was offline like he is now, and only suddenly went online today.

Lin Qiao watched him silent, then calmly smiled: "Oh? If I'm not Lu Tianyu, do you think this face is fake?"

Although she was sitting, the other was standing. But she did not feel pressured, and the aura on both sides was not weak.

Even though Wu Chengyue's eyes now told her, the other person had suddenly figured out what he had guessed. She wouldn't admit it like a fool, let alone such a thing ... would a normal person really believe it?

This face was slowly recovered from the other side's look. The other side saw it from the moment she started disfiguring. This body was clearly seen before Lu Tianyu's death. Even if others might think that she had undergone cosmetic surgery and turned into Lu Tianyu, Wu Chengyue would not believe it.

Wu Chengyue smiled and said to her: "No ... your face is not fake, and your body is not fake. I can recognize that every part of your body has not changed. But your soul ... is not Lu Tianyu's right. "

Lin Qiao said in amazement: "Why don't you say it is my memory? If you want to change a person's memory, science can still do it now."

Hypnosis is implanted into memory, and now not only has science, but also powers. In fact, it is not difficult to change a person's memory.

Wu Chengyue then turned around and sat down on the only one-seater sofa in her room before answering Lin Qiao's question: "If a person has been altered in memory, then he will do things according to the false memory behind Shi. ​​Actually, my gaze is not firm, but there is a feeling of doubt in my heart. But you are different. You are very determined to do what Lu Tianyu never wanted to do. There is another person. Your physical instinct, even if you change your memory, cannot be changed. Your instinct is only in the memory of the soul. "

Lin Qiao looked at him, feeling a little upset. Suddenly the other person peeled off all of her secrets one by one, and then saw her true colors.

If she didn't agree, she would reveal her true identity. Her vest was well-dressed and she was suddenly cut off. Can she still cooperate well? What about people's previous trust? Was it taken by you Wu Chengyue to feed the zombies?

Although he had surrendered in his heart, Lin Qiao didn't change his face on the surface. She sneered: "Although I can't understand what you're talking about, I don't want to know what you think. It's late, please come back."

Wu Cheng looked at her deeply for a few seconds before standing up silently. Then when I walked to the door, I said with a meaningful smile: "It doesn't matter, I already have the answer I want."

Lin Qiao: What did I say, special mom? Did you get the answer you want? Wait, what's your answer? ? ?

Wu Chengyue opened the door and glanced at Duan Juan who stood outside the door with a smile. Then turned and left.

Duan Juan came in, then closed the door and turned to look at Lin Qiao: "How did he think I saw what he saw through?"

Lin Qiao said helplessly: "He suddenly opened his head."

Duan Juan stared at her blankly.

Lin Qiaoming said: "He guessed my identity."

Duan Juan's eyes widened slightly: "You mean ..."

Lin Qiao nodded, not wanting to talk more. She shook her hands with a tired face: "Well, what about the information?"

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