Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1065: They go down (give 100,000 words + more 8)

Watching his little friend Big Mushroom go down, Awang immediately twisted his body and struggled to get out of Dahei's body. Then he rushed over in excitement, and then went into the hole.

Leaving a large black plate motionless near the hole.

Yun Meng looked at it, and said in his mouth, "Oh, they're all gone. Can't this go on?"

Dahe silently stayed on the spot for more than ten seconds, and finally climbed up helplessly. Then swam down from the hole.

Lin Qiao, who did not know that his three pets had slipped in, was walking in front of this passage.

As you walked, the passageway began to tilt down again, and then turned a corner.

Lin Qiao continued walking for more than ten minutes before releasing, and suddenly a huge hole appeared in front of him. She couldn't see far, she could only see that the road under her feet suddenly cut off, and then the hole could not see the top, the ground could not be seen, and the opposite situation was not seen forward. Looking left and right, it was found that there was a two-meter-wide walkway on the ground on the left and right, and a hole appeared every three or four meters.

And the smell of the ground creatures here is very strong, but it is obviously not the big pit of the dump as just now.

Lin Qiao casually walked to the right, and then walked to the opening that appeared three or four meters apart. She thought it was a passage just now. It might be an exit or an entrance that passed from another direction.

Unexpectedly, she walked over and saw that there was no passage inside. It is just a hole. The hole is less than two meters high and the space is very small. The area is about four or five square meters. And there is a pile of thick animal skin on the innermost side of the hole! And fur ... The middle of this pile of animal skins is sunken, as if often pressed by something.

Is this their nest? There was an unpleasant smell on the pile of animal skins.

Lin Qiao thought curiously, and then went into this hole to look around. There was nothing in the hole except the pile of animal skins.

When nothing was found, she stepped back and continued to move forward. After another four or five meters, I saw a hole, and inside it was a small hole like a nest. There was almost a pile of animal skins in it that didn't know what it was.

Walking straight forward, after walking around, Lin Qiao found that she had returned to the hole where she had walked out. And this circle saw small holes like nests, looked up to see the top of the soil layer, stood on the edge to look up and down, the situation is similar.

But in the hole where she walked this time, there were no traces of those creatures underground. I don't know where they all went ...

Going back from the previous hole, she just came downhill, and now of course she has to go uphill. After going out of the hole and back to the round hole, Lin Qiao looked around, and then picked one of them and went inside.

Not long after this one went, a fork appeared.

Lin Qiao smelled it from the left and right, and walked towards the other one of the underground creatures, which smelled heavily. However, while walking, there was another fork. It feels like walking through a maze below the ground, and I don't know the direction ahead.

However, in addition to one of the two forks, there is a strange breath coming from the other.

Lin Qiao didn't know what it was like, but it smelled strange. Not bad, but not bad. It smells weird anyway ...

She walked in doubt in the direction of this breath. The passage in this hole is not very high, she needs to bend down slightly and press her head, otherwise she will hit the top.

Walking forward for a while, it didn't take long for Lin Qiao to come to an end. Looking at the mound that had been dug halfway ahead, Lin Qiao stepped forward and looked at it.

The soil wall in front has not been dug, and a lot of sand and soil on the ground has not been cleaned, leaving a mess on the ground. Around the soil wall were a few marks dug out by animal claws, and the soil wall was messy.

This is obviously the passage where the underground creatures dug and dug suddenly stopped and did not continue to dig. So go back and dig a fork?

At this time, the three slipped in. Mushroom essence explored the road ahead, and Awang moved his nose and smelled it. It could smell Lin Qiao's breath remaining in the air in the hole. Then he followed the breath left by Lin Qiao.

After Wang came down, he was much quieter, although he still lingered to the left for a while, and then stopped running to the right again. But it was a lot quieter.

Dahei followed, vigilantly sensing the breath fluctuations in front of the hole. It didn't take long for them to follow Lin Qiao's breath to the first big round hole.

Then the big mushroom went to the left and Awang went to the right. The two left and right passed through the other holes. Then Awang stopped in front of the hole where Lin Qiao entered, turned his head and stuck his tongue to look at the other two.

The big mushroom stretched out the tentacles inside the umbrella and poked around the dirt wall, and didn't know what it was doing. Awang saw that he was not coming slowly, and immediately jumped to him, pushing his head to the hole where he had just stopped.

Dahei also swam over and stretched his head to look into the hole. Then the first one climbed in first, and then Awang pushed the mushroom over.

Lin Qiao carefully looked around at the end of the passage where the underground creature stopped digging, trying to figure out why those underground creatures didn't continue to explore when they reached halfway.

There were also some stones on the earth wall, all of which were directly shredded. It doesn't seem that the stone is blocking their way.

what is that?

After looking here for a long time, but didn't see any clues, Lin Qiao turned and left here. Looking at another hole, he continued to walk forward.

As we walked, the ground began to descend again. This time the **** was a bit steep, not like it was 30 or 40 degrees, at least it was 50 or 60 degrees.

Lin Qiao supported the wall slightly down and walked, and a big gap appeared in front of him.

At the hole on the ground, Yun Meng watched after three disappeared into the hole. After a while, I murmured, "Will the three go down and make trouble? Or a few hind legs ???"

the answer is:……

Yunmeng said silently: I hope these three guys will not cause Lin Qiao any trouble!

Look up and see that it's almost dark.

Haicheng Wu Chengyue was sitting in his office reading documents, and Wu Yueling and Xiao Tengteng were playing on the sofa in his office. Both are actually reading small books.

Although there are two children, the office is quiet. I can only hear the sound of Wu Chengyue's pen brushing on the paper or turning the paper.

After a while, Xiao Licheng appeared at his door. I knocked on the door twice before entering.

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