Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1076: Back to base

Did his ear flash? Why did he hear something strange?

Li Yueshan looked at Yunmeng with uncertainty, and saw that Yunmeng's expression did not react much with himself.

"Wait a minute? What did you just say?" Yunmeng looked at Lin Qiao dullly, then suddenly raised her hand to stop her from asking.

Lin Qiao looked at the expressions of both of them very funny, and said: "My pet camp has another big and strong ~~ With a bunch of mouths that follow everything. I found that I was about to raise Amazing them. "

After Yunmeng was shocked, she managed to reflect the information in her words. When I heard this, I turned to a dead fisheye and said to her: "It seems that you often feed Dahei them. People haven't gone to find food by themselves!"

Li Yueshan opened his mouth, and it took a long time for him to respond: "You you ... did you collect that eighth-level underground creature?"

Lin Qiao looked at him: "How are you here? Wu Chengyue sent you to stare?"

Li Yueshan immediately replied: "The leader just left here an hour ago, saying that important news came from Huaxia. Now he has returned to your base."

Lin Qiao's eyes were surprised: "Here you here?"

The two nodded in opposition.

"Is it Huaxia? I have also returned ... Oh yes, Mengmeng. Although Da Zhuang has promised me recently that he will not bring the clan up, or he will report to me when he comes up. Please pay attention to their movements. And I made a rule with Da Zhuang just now. If they want to come out, they can only come out of the hole where I came out just now. You took someone to explode the other holes, and all of them are blocked. Commanded Yunmeng.

"Yes." Yunmeng nodded immediately. Then he glanced at the direction in which Lin Qiao appeared, and then turned and swept away toward the station.

Lin Qiao then looked at Li Yueshan: "Is your task to look at me, or to look at the situation in this area?"

Li Yueshan said respectfully to her: "The leader let me pay attention to your situation."

Lin Qiao nodded. "That's it."

Li Yueshan nodded: "Yes."

Lin Qiao looked at him again: "Are there any cars?"

Li Yueshan: ... shaking his head.

Lin Qiao had no choice but to wave a hand and let out a car in the space.

Li Yueshan consciously climbed into the driver's seat to drive, after Lin Qiao came up. He finally couldn't help but asked, "Miss Lu, how did you ...?"

In fact, he wanted to ask what she had experienced under the ground.

Lin Qiao sat in the back seat and stretched out lazily, saying, "This big guy is quite big, and I didn't expect the courage to be very small. But it should be said to be smart, knowing to act on the machine. If you ca n’t fight, just run. Surrender. Anyway, as long as life is still alive, you are not afraid of no firewood. "

Li Yueshan said clearly: "So, after it was beaten by you, did you surrender?"

Lin Qiao said: "It was seriously injured by your boss last time, and it has not recovered a little bit. If it wasn't for its surrender, I would probably use its whole body energy to impact the level."

Li Yueshan understood all of them. It seems that the eighth-level underground creatures were severely wounded by their leader with thunder for the last time, and the female zombie drilled into the air. That's why she had no choice but to recognize her.

But then again, it seems that the pets around the woman zombies are all like this.

When she returned to the base, she did not go to the place where she lived, but went directly to the base 1 office.

As soon as I went in, I saw the man sitting at his desk. Lin Qiao said silently, "Is this feeling your office?"

Wu Chengyue looked up at her and smiled, "I thought you didn't mind lending me."

Seeing that Lin Qiao didn't have anything unusual, and his expression was relaxed, Wu Chengyue felt relieved. Although I got the news in advance just now, I didn't see the person in person, and I still felt a little unreliable. Now that I'm fine when I see someone, I finally put my heart back in place.

Lin Qiao glanced at the room and suddenly said, "The little ghost is not there? Yeah, I'm afraid I won't come back if I punch him? Where is he now?"

Wu Chengyue stood up from Lin Qiao's exclusive position and walked in front of her with a copy of the information. Smiling: "At Lin Feng's house."

Lin Qiao sat on the sofa and took the information he handed over: "What?"

"Huaxia's intelligence." Wu Chengyue sat on the single sofa next to her.

Lin Qiao turned to look, frowned slightly: "An experiment again? Or an experimental base?"

Before she went down, when she heard the news from Ye Yingyue at the Qingshan Base, she said that the Tianhuo Base might be doing a zombie experiment to catch the psionicist. Now Wu Chengyue gave her this information and said that China would conduct another biochemical weapon experiment. And a very large experimental base has been set up to study this.

This immediately made her feel depressed about how the two bases liked to do things so much.

Even if one doesn't study how humans develop well, they also do research on zombies, and even use living people for experiments. The other one is more powerful. Use biochemical weapons? Do you think this last-day environment is not hopeless enough? Want to destroy it a bit more?

"Is Si Kongchen pumping his head? Isn't this afraid of human extinction?" Lin Qiao frowned and stared at the information in his hand.

Wu Chengyue said with a frown on his face and said, "He doesn't, it looks like he just wants to control human bases all over the world. And he has great confidence in their scientific research technology."

He looked at Lin Qiao's face, thinking in his mind that it was Lin Qiao's previous face.

Recently, Xiao Licheng gave Lin Qiao's previous information to him, although her real face is not as beautiful as Lu Tianyu. But to be honest, he thought her original face was very delicious.

Lin Qiao showed an expression when he met a person with a mental disability, and said, "Control the world? Why didn't he see a doctor to see his brain?"

Based on his experiments with biochemical weapons, it is unknown whether he will succeed. Even the two million people at Huaxia Base cannot control all of them, let alone several domestic bases. What else do you say about the world ...

Wu Chengyue said, "According to some information of Si Kongchen I have learned before, it secretly sent a large number of special combatants to some countries in Asia, Africa, and Europe in the past two years. Recently, it seems that he is preparing to send People enter North and South America. "

Lin Qiao's expression closed, and he sneered, and said, "Huh, then? I know, but obviously his task is to gather information or be undercover. But how can it be so easy? I'm afraid some of them have already been Lost contact. "

She also knew the information Wu Chengyue said. Basically, the leaders of major bases now know this. It's just that everyone didn't take it seriously.

How easy is it? Want to control the world, does he think he is God? Can control the entire planet?

Moreover, the current human world is no longer the ordinary human world. Now it is the world of zombies, mutant beasts, mutant plants, and abilities.

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