Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 108: Stealth eavesdropping

Du Yuanxing sighed and said, "Why are you anxious? I don't think it has any bad intentions, otherwise it won't be so polite to us. It will also send a cadaver core. This corpse core is also to it It can add a lot of strength. Besides, I didn't tell the captain where they went, just let it find it. "

Long Qingying was angry and didn't want to talk to him. Just snorted, "Hum."

Du Yuanxing looked at the direction of the doorway and sighed, "Is this five years after the end of the world, has the zombies become refined? As long as these two are put in the base, will it ruin the entire base? "

Long Qingying said: "Afraid it will destroy the base, you can kill it now."

Du Yuanxing shrugged: "I don't have the ability. Besides, why do we have to say that it will destroy human bases? Maybe it can cooperate with humans or maybe. Just like we are now."

Long Qingying glanced at him and said, "Do you think this is possible?"

Du Yuanxing thought for a while and said, "This is impossible. The human base is short of supplies. It would be nice if these zombies were brought back from the zombies to the quilt clothes they could use to trade with us."

Long Qingying glanced at him and said, "What do you exchange for zombies? Human flesh?"

Du Yuanxing: "..."

Seems like they really have nothing to give the zombies, except for the living.

He sighed and said, "I don't know what the current situation is for Captain Lin Feng. They are fortunate that the leader had already made a plan for Lin Yu to go to the sea base first. If they can escape, There is also a coping place over the sea. "

Long Qingying went to the window and looked out. Instead of answering him, he asked, "When they wake up, they can go back."

Du Yuanxing looked at the others and was unconscious. He looked at Lin Qiao's closed door before he walked over. Locked.

"Now that we have got the corpse core, we can really go back. There is no corpse core of the wind zombies. It is OK to use this corpse core of the big head zombies. Although it is just the fourth-level zombies. And the rare spiritual department can get a lot of food. "

Du Yuanxing said looking at the corpse core in his hand.

"Why the wind zombie you said earlier is not here?" Long Qingying asked strangely.

"I don't know. This is indeed the site of another wind-type zombies. This time, there is a fourth-level zombies of the spiritual system, and two strange zombies of unknown ranks and unknown abilities. That wind-system Probably already killed. "Du Yuanxing thought for a while before returning.

Long Qingying nodded.

The two had plans and stayed in the room.

At this time, Du Yuanxing saw that a window had not been closed, and immediately walked over to close it. In case there are two or three zombies creeping in quietly.

But neither of them knew, just after Lin Qiao went out. I sneaked back from the window. Of course, she is invisible.

Therefore, she heard what Du Yuanxing was doing in the room behind the two.

Lin Qiao heard it, some understood but some did not. She got several messages.

Her elder brother has now gone to the market. And not alone. Did you bring your family?

Her brother seems to have been hunted down by someone else. The current situation is unknown. That ’s why Du Yuanxing said, ‘If they can escape smoothly, there ’s a place to go to the sea’. This means that they have not yet escaped the news. Who is chasing her brother then?

The last one is that one of their family members seems to have become the leader. Is it from Pluto base? Who is that

Lin Qiao thinks these pieces of information are important.

If someone in her family becomes the leader, it means that she is very powerful. Without strong powers of power, no one can be the leader.

But they are all leaders, why are they still killed? And her elder brother is now taking people to flee the sea in East China? So far, we have to shuttle through the dangerous zombies. How powerful are the enemies so that they can't even support the background of the leader?

Moreover, she never heard the two men say anything about the leader. Who is this leader?

Lin Qiao, who was hiding next to her, thought about all kinds of questions. But the two did not continue to talk at this time, but watched patiently those companions who were still in a coma. When they wake up, they will probably leave here.

Lin Qiao was anxious, she wondered what was going on with her brother. What's going on with mom, Wenwen, Ahao, and sister-in-law and Xiaolu. But the two men were too prepared for her, and she couldn't come out and ask.

And strangely, she happened to be from the direction of the sea. Why didn't I meet Lin Feng and others on the way? Has she strayed from Lin Feng? Then she still figured out Lin Feng's route when she left. And he's fleeing now, and the route must have been concealed. To avoid chasing troops.

While Lin Qiao was anxious, he could only endure temporarily. When Du Yuanxing waited for their companions to wake up, the other team came in this direction.

And the other side came with two vehicles, both of which were military vehicles. They are all heavily armored armored vehicles that can crush hundreds of ordinary zombies.

"Captain, my information will not be wrong. Long Qingying quietly followed Du Yuanxing and they came here. I knew before that there was a quaternary wind zombie here. Can't handle it. So I asked Long Qingying for help. "

"My mission this time is to kill Long Qingying, no matter what level 4 wind zombies or Du Yuanxing. Long Qingying dares to help Lin Wenwen secretly, is against us. All have objections to the new base and help in secret The people who got Lin Feng from them. They are all the objects we have to deal with. These people are kept, but they are not good for the establishment of the new base. "

"Yes, yes! I know I know. So don't you look at me immediately and report Long Qingying's trace to you, see how sincere I am to the new base."

"That's it, you show your sincerity. The new base will not treat the survivors you chose to stay."

"Deputy leader Yang chased Lin Feng this time to cut the grass and roots. I don't know if I can kill them. And the two women were always so high in the base before. This time it is not about to fall. It's in the hands of Deputy Chief Yang. "

"What deputy leader? Uh?"

"Oh ... it's Chief Yang! Chief Yang!"

"Count on your acquaintance! He can definitely catch up with Lin Feng. And this time there is another Level 6 ability next to him. I don't believe our new leader can't kill Lin Feng and others." (Unfinished to be continued.)

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