Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1201: Default brother

Just as Lin Qiao and the two children were talking in the house, the other side was at Lin Jing's house. Lin Ying and Qiu Lili were lying here chatting with Lin Jing.

It's also about the monsters.

Lin Yan said on the sofa, "The kind of multi-eyed monsters we started to encounter appeared a black gas in the place where they appeared. That gas killed the surrounding plants and animals, and those mutations The beast's carcass soon became somewhat corrupted. But this kind of eyed creature seems to like to eat that corrupted carcass. "

Qiu Lili and Lin Jing both looked at him with their shoulders shrinking, with expressions of refusal to imagine.

"Okay, don't talk about the many-eyed monsters ... you blame you for describing it so clearly that my mind is full of such a lot of eyes!" Qiu Lili suddenly reached out to block him and twisted her head He said tangled.

Lin Yi smiled with a temper, and said, "You have to ask me."

"Then you don't have to be so honest and so clear ..." Qiu Lili turned back to his face and looked at him with a depressed face.

Lin Jing smiled beside him and said to Qiu Lili, "No way, Grandma is a little serious."

Then she asked Lin Mao again, "Did you not say that you will encounter it later? What else did you encounter? Are all monsters you haven't seen before? Could it be a mutant beast?"

Lin Yan shook his head and said, "It doesn't feel like a creature that we know is mutated, even if it is a mutant beast. But their appearance does not change much, except that their size will be more than ten times larger than the original. Only the internal attributes have changed a lot. Oh, we also encountered a big cat with six feet, red and red, but a lion-like face ... but it had a snake-like tail. "

When Qiu Lili heard the big cat, her red eyes flashed. Some said, "Is that the one that appeared outside our base not long ago?"

Lin Yan looked at her and said in surprise, "Did you see?"

Qiu Lili nodded: "I saw it, it's fast. It's not a class with me ... I heard the leader said it was following you back."

Lin Zhuo nodded, and then showed a slightly puzzled expression, "Well, when we first encountered it, we had not yet left the territory. And after it appeared, the surrounding plants were desertified. But it was alive. Creatures are fine ... weird attributes. "

Qiu Lili asked, "But the leader didn't shoot at it, didn't it attack you? But they all came here, why didn't the leader kill it?"

She could still feel the distant breath, although it was far away. It does not seem to affect the security of the base, but I always feel that these strange creatures are not a mess.

Staying near the base always felt like a hidden danger, just like those underground orangutans.

Lin Yan also shook his head, his expression was not very clear: "I don't know. The boss must have her intentions, and the monster left by himself, but I don't know if it will come again."

Qiu Lili thought for a while, she really felt that Lin Qiao might have other intentions. She said entangledly: "Although I looked at the information during the previous meeting, I didn't see it with my own eyes. I always felt weird by imagination."

Lin Jing sitting next to him asked curiously: "Apart from these two, have you encountered anything else?"

Lin Biao looked at her and nodded, and said, "Like one, the whole is very thick and long, as thick as a one-meter-five bucket. When we encountered them, their upper bodies protruded out of the ground. The other half of the body is still hidden underground. But the light that reaches the ground is more than ten meters long ... I don't know how long the entire strip is. "

Qiu Lili also echoed at this time and said, "Ah, this is the kind of worm-like mutation that the leader said? But can worms really mutate into such a large size? And there is a circle of teeth in his mouth ... 咦It's disgusting! Will there be mucus on it? "

Lin Yan shook his head: "There is no mucus, their skin is a layer of keratinous skin like petrification. In addition to attacking bites of prey, they also like to spray water."

Upon hearing a slight sigh of relief, Qiu Lili said, "That's okay. If it really comes out with slime like an earthworm, that's disgusting!"

Imagine that slimy picture, Qiu Lili's whole zombie is not good again.

Lin Tong nodded, agreeing, "It's really disgusting if it's mucus."

He looked at the time, then suddenly stood up: "It's getting late. Let's go first, sister, rest early. Aren't you going to work tomorrow?"

Lin Jing subconsciously glanced at the time, then nodded: "All right."

She also stood up and sent the two to the door. Then he looked at them with a gentle smile, and regretted in regret that Qiu Lili would grow up a little better. Standing together, they don't look like couples ...

I didn't know that Qiu Lili, who was being used as a brother-in-law, waved at Lin Jing, and followed Lin Ye downstairs.

"Do you say those things will really attack the base? The places you meet seem to be remote, right?" Qiu Lili asked as she walked.

Lin Min thought for a while and said, "With their human-like attributes, they may find them along the smell. But we still have a large buffer time, they should not find human bases so quickly. And those things are also Those who eat zombies are satisfied with a large number of zombies, and they should not find humans so soon. "

Although there are many human zombies, there are also many monsters. And they have a big appetite ...

But if a high-level monster appears, it will selectively ignore the inferior food, and then actively look for the delicious food of living people. Therefore, this buffering time is also difficult to determine.

"Isn't that many zombies enough to eat them?" Qiu Lili walked beside him, looked up at him and asked.

Lin Min gave her a slight glance at her, and said, "If you were a human, did you want to eat meat? Or did you want a tasteless bun?"

Qiu Lili replied without hesitation: "Meat! What's so delicious about steamed bread ..."

Lin Min smiled gently at her, saying, "So, there are some advanced ones, and IQs are certainly not just eating zombies. They may follow the breath of human activity, and then slowly towards humans The base is close to predator. "

When Qiu Lili heard it, she slumped her head with a decadent face and sighed, "Ah, at that time, the human base will be in great danger. The high IQ will definitely not come by itself. "

They will appear with large troops.

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