Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1208: The destruction of Skyfire

Yan Huiguang did not respond to Shui Mingjun's words again this time, but he moved his eyes out of the window with a cold hum, and then remained silent.

Leng Xuantong and Lin Hao looked at each other, they did not understand why the two were in such an atmosphere. Hatred? Have complaints? ? Although the smell of gunpowder is a little big, it doesn't seem to kill.

It is said that the two men were arranged to work in a laboratory by their leader, wouldn't they have to do research in a cold and hot day all day? How depressing ... thinking about the atmosphere, it feels as if it will fight in the laboratory at any time. Would it blow up the research room in two days? ? ?

At this time, Shui Mingjun shook his head and shrugged and said to Lin Hao, "You asked him for nothing, he hasn't studied the situation of those things at all for the past two days."

Lin Hao: "..."

Is it really safe for his sister to put this man in his hospital? Wouldn't he be treated as a zombie? ? ?

In the end, the research meeting turned into a conversation between Lin Hao, Leng Xuantong, and Shui Mingjun, while Yan Huiguang was indifferent + gloomy all the way, and did not participate in their communication.

"This rhizome was found in a cave where we had a creature that crawled out of the ground before we came back. It was our first tie back. Its knot-like fruit will have a gas when it is pinched, and those creatures smell it. It will die. Originally, we thought that these things would have some effect on the other kinds of creatures brought back by the leader this time, but the experiment proved that it did not.

Although Shui Mingjun is not a researcher, his observation ability is strong. As long as he is given enough information to understand the situation, his keen observation may lead to other findings.

At the same time, in the Dilong base, where few people live, there are still the last group of people who are hard to stay and do not want to go elsewhere.

After the Tibetan cloud city in the southwest was attacked by Lin Qiao, the people in the Tibetan cloud city had abandoned the Dilong base to protect themselves. A large number of survivors flowed to the Tianhuo base and the Huaxia base, as well as several bases such as the Haicheng and All Living Bases.

None of the last humans left at Dilong Base had more than a hundred people, but at this time only a few left limbs and broken arms were left, leaving blood on the ground or the wall.

"K-K-K ---" A chewing sound sounded in several places around.

A monster the size of an SUV car walked slowly around those blood piles, looking down for some human arms or legs that were cut off by bites. When it found the target, it rolled its tongue and rolled its limbs. Into the jagged mouth. Then his jaw crooked and started chewing.

However, this kind of body is huge, with a black crown on its head and 30% of the pangolin-like creatures. There are more than one in this area. It was a group scattered around searching for something.

In addition to Dilong Base, the traces of human life are now completely wiped out, and now the city of Tianhuo Base is being besieged by a group of large beetles.

Each of these large beetles is oversized, like a giant moving helmet. There is a hard shell on the back. There is no head on the front and bottom of the shell, but there is a gap there. The tentacles like a chrysanthemum are shaking constantly, and there are countless iron feet coming out of the next ring .

They move very slowly and slowly, but there are a lot of them, and they are extremely powerful, and they can directly climb through all the buildings and floors.

At this time, the thick wall that was purposely built after the end of the world has been hit by several huge caves below.

In addition to these hundreds of beetles that look like hardhats that are on the ground, but move like bulldozers, there are also a small type of jumping insects with long hind legs jumping around the beetle shells.

"喳 叽-喳 叽-" These reptiles can also make a strange scream, loud and harsh, and can cause confusion.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang--" There were messy explosions and gunfire everywhere in the base.

"Ah-save-save me-" A human was bitten in the mouth by a zigzag that was as big as a human, and he screamed in horror and despair.

"Bang-bang—" His companion immediately fired on the zergling biting him, but the bullet flew only halfway, and the zergling jumped and disappeared.

"Ah-" Only the screams left by the human who had been bitten in his mouth and disappeared together.

"Captain! We don't have much weapons! What to do?" Someone shouted in a panic.

"You have to stand up and wait for them to find a way out before they can withdraw! Otherwise, running around is also a dead end!" A relatively calm voice came.

"Captain, what the **** are these? Why are powers totally useless to them!" Someone cried in despair.

"Ghosts know! You should be fortunate that these bugs are also afraid of bullets and bombs! Keep some ammunition and try to avoid them!" The captain said angrily.

The ghost knows how these bugs appeared! It was obvious that there was a distance of dozens of kilometers from the base yesterday. I didn't expect to be here in a few hours. Those beetles are crawling at a speed that is clearly not as fast as humans when they walk. How could it be possible to climb dozens of kilometers in a few hours?

Those jumping worms are also super fast, they can jump from here to there in the blink of an eye, and they can jump as high as twenty or thirty meters, and they can jump over dozens of meters and one hundred meters. Outstretching is that they rarely leave the beetles' backs, and even if they leave, they will jump back quickly.

And as soon as they leave, it must be an attack on humanity.

The attack of these jumping worms is also very simple. They directly hit humans, bite, scoop, and jump away.

So those giant beetles that had crawled into the base closest to humans were already stained with blood on their backs, and the jumping bugs began to gather on the giant beetles to eat humans. After eating, they jumped out, and the next batch jumped back soon.

"I've found it! I've found my way! Come with me!" A sudden shout screamed immediately the hope of everyone. They approached the man one after another, and finally evacuated in one direction following the man while fighting.

"Where are we going to escape?" The survivor asked blankly.

"What nonsense? Of course we went to Huaxia! It is close to us and the protective equipment is also very advanced." The strongest captain immediately said.

"But ... Huaxia's conditions for entering the city are too high. Most of us may not be able to get in." Everyone was hesitant.

"I have a way, you don't have to worry about it first. I will let you in naturally when I get there." It ’s not necessarily possible to live in China anyway, you just need to be a meat shield on the road!

So in a confused state, everyone could only follow this leader blindly towards the Huaxia base.

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