Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1210: Leng Xuan Tong's family

Si Kongchen put his hands down and leaned his hands on the back of his chair and crossed his chest. He thought for a while: "Isn't he always chasing that woman before? Is it possible that there will be other sons born to other women? Or ... won't they be picked up again?"

Because a daughter has already been picked, it is not surprising to pick another son.

Wei Haichao listened to what he said and thought it was possible. Then he nodded: "Although that's true ... but I wonder if he would seek a surrogate from a woman in his base?"

"Impossible!" Xie Longyun on the sofa said in a negative voice: "He already has a daughter, and he still needs to find someone to surrogate? Isn't he a very precious six-year-old daughter? In this case, there is no need to find Someone else is doing surrogacy. Based on his disposition, I don't think he can do such a thing. It is not necessary to have a son, it is not necessary at all. "

The two men looked at her, and Si Kongchen was silent. Wei Haichao replied: "Maybe ... he just wants a son to take over? Maybe it is not surprising that a man still wants to pass on the line, so that his blood can be passed on to the next generation."

Xie Longyun Rusi's eyes glanced at him and said, "You are a bit strange in logic. You said that Wu Chengyue now has a woman she likes, so why doesn't he let the woman she likes give him birth? Still want other women to give birth? Isn't this weird? Or is it that you're such a man? Don't let a woman you like have a son for yourself, but go find another woman for you? "

After she said that, she looked at Wei Haichao and looked up and down.

Wei Haichao was immediately embarrassed by such a look by her. Subconsciously denied: "How is that possible? I'm not that kind of man."

"Who knows? I'm not familiar with you." Xie Longyun shook his shoulders and raised an eyebrow. After talking, I took a sip from the cup on the coffee table.

Wei Haichao felt injustice inexplicably.

"So, apart from Wu Chengyue's more than one month old son, is there any other news?" Si Kongchen said at this time Wei Haichao.

Wei Haichao shook his head and said, "Their secrecy of their material purchases has been done very tightly, and our line has no useful news. The last two diary messages have been disconnected since the last time."

Si Kongchen frowned. "Did those two diaries already fall into Wu Chengyue's hands? Would you like to steal them from him?"

Wei Haichao lowered his head in annoyance, and said, "I didn't expect that it was only because of a woman that was bad, hey! As a result, Wu Chengyue knew it."

Si Kongchen's eyes were calm and he said lightly: "Since things have arrived in Wu Chengyue's hands, it is impossible to get them back again. Wu Chengyue is not an idiot. Such important things can give you a chance."

The contents of these two diaries have been studied by Leng Xuantong, but he has not developed any useful information for the time being.

Just then someone came to him and asked for these two notes.

"I heard that the leader has two plant research diaries from Huaxia here, can you lend me a look? Have you finished reading them?" Shui Mingjun stood outside the door of Leng Xuantong's research room and looked up at the called Leng Xuan Tong came out and asked.

"It can be, but I can only borrow one for the time being. You can borrow it after you finish reading it. But can you understand it? Because there are some very academic things in it ..." Leng Xuan Hitomi ordered Looking down, he looked hesitantly and asked.

Shui Mingjun smiled and said, "It's okay, I can just remember it once. It may not be of much use now, but I will try it after I learn more about some of these creatures. Anyway, it's better than doing nothing. "

Leng Xuantong is right to think about it, anyway, he is still focusing on the energy and substances in these organisms, and it is not necessary for the time being. Since Shui Mingjun wanted to see it, he was doing the same thing anyway, maybe he could find something he didn't notice, maybe he might.

Sometimes when people are looking at things, there will be the kind of surprise.

After giving the first half of the diary to Shui Mingjun, Leng Xuantong returned to her research room. In addition to a large, a small, and two zombies in his laboratory, there is Bao's sister.

Leng Xuantong's zombie daughter-in-law is now level three, because during the year she almost drank the energy lake water left by Lin Qiao. So her look has been repaired a lot and her hair is shiny. Except for the part where the eyes are pure black and without white eyes, the lips are still purple-black, which is basically similar to humans.

The progress of his son's situation was a little slower, and he did not know why. Anyway, it's definitely not because of age. Look at the little four under the leader of the people, and now he is the sixth king.

Bao Xiaoguo stood guard outside the laboratory and dutifully turned his head, occasionally looking at the situation in the laboratory.

The little zombies played with him at the door most of the time, sometimes hindering the adult's work inside. Leng Xuantong drove him out, although he was yelled at him with a grinning grin every time. Then his mother slapped him on the back of his head before being rushed out the door.

Leng Xuantong's daughter-in-law is Qi Lansheng, a violent female zombies. He also has a bad temper, and is going to hit his son at every turn.

"Minister, was this the same when your wife was still human?" Bao Xiaoying, with short hair like a boy and wearing a white research gown, often rushed his son, Qi Lansheng, and quietly reached out to ask cold Xuan Tong.

Leng Xuantong bent over and stared at the microscope, and only returned to her question and said motionlessly: "I didn't like to do so now, most of all is that Hedong lion is more powerful. Now it may be a zombie. Is it wild enough? Or is it nature exposure? "

Fortunately, he now has a fifth-level ability and can completely suppress his third-level wife. Fortunately, now Qi Lansheng has restored some memories and personality, and is still very kind to him.

Because their laboratory is actually on the second base, Leng Xuantong does not restrict the freedom of his wife and children. As long as the two don't run too far.

The little zombie who ran out of the laboratory started staring at Bao Xiaoguo again. He stood at a distance of one meter in front of Bao Xiaoguo, raised his little white face, and stared at Bao Mingguo with a pair of black eyes tangled with two punches.

The smell of Bao Xiaoguo made him want to eat it. But his mother wouldn't let him eat, and the human would release a scary black flame to scare him.

"Small book, you will be hungry when you stand with me, walk away." Bao Xiaoguo said angrily to the little zombie every time he saw him standing in front of himself.

The little zombie had bitten him a few times before he could not resist the temptation, but he didn't turn into a zombie. Later, after he awakened the same black flame ability as their leader, as long as he released a small flame, the little zombie would automatically retreat.

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