Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1217: Get on the boat and go to sea

After Lin Wenwen and Dong Lijia walked out of the restaurant, they approached Dong Lijia and asked him softly, "These two women are close to Dong Xinxin because they are hypocritical. Don't you see them?"

Dong Lijia glanced at her with a look of surprise. Then suddenly it became clear again, saying: "I didn't know it before, and I think Xinxin is really happy to be with them. And it seems to be more cheerful ..."

That's why he accepted the two women playing with Dong Xinxin. In fact, every time I see these two women, it is because of a new relationship. But he really couldn't see that the two women didn't really take Xinxin as a friend, as if there was any attempt to approach her.

"But ... why are they doing this? This pretending to be close to Xinxin, but uneasy, is it because Xinxin has offended them before?" Dong Lijia asked a little bit unclearly.

"What else, but just want to get close to you and me. Xinxin was just used, who called her your sister?" Then came a faint voice from Deng Chenfei.

Dong Lijia looked back at Deng Chenfei, who did not know when he was near, and looked back, seeing everyone else coming out.

"Are you close to us?" Dong Lijia's eyes flashed when he heard that. After thinking about it, this seems to be the case, because Qin Jiao seems to like talking to him. Think again, that Lin Yuehui also likes to appear next to Deng Chenfei.

Such women have seen many of them. If they had come to them from the beginning, they would have been found long ago. However, these two women were so motivated that they didn't know them first, but they knew his sister first.

He said she was surprised when she first met Qin Jiao not long ago and asked if he had a sister named Dong Xinxin or something. He felt strange and surprised locally, so he talked to her a few times. Sentence.

"They didn't come out." Luo Yuanjun looked back at this time and saw that a group of people had come out some distance, and the two women had not yet come out.

"Well, do they still have faces? You didn't see that complexion just now? I saw it. It was the expression of resentment that was said to have broken the conspiracy plan." Dong Lijia said with a white glance.

Luo Yuanjun shrugged, and couldn't help but say, "The idea of ​​a woman is really strange!"

"Your thoughts are not normal." Lin Wenwen rolled his eyes to him beside him and couldn't help whispering to him.

"What happened to me? What did you do to me?" Luo Yuanjun was a little upset when he saw her.

Lin Wenwen glanced at him indifferently, Luo Yuanjun immediately felt his eyes faintly hurt, and immediately retracted.

"Okay ... you just love to slap on the ground, I am so good that men don't fight women." Luo Yuanjun said, turning his face to the side.

"Shouldn't they follow me with such a thick face this time? But then, what's going on with the swimsuit you just said?" Dong Lijia glanced behind him again before looking at Lin Wenwen.

"Last night they took a bathing suit into my room and said a bunch but just asked me to put on a sack when I was on the boat today. But the outer gauze of the bathing suit was glued up with non-waterproof glue, and I didn't meet It ’s okay when it ’s water, and it may come off if it encounters water. I guess they want to wait for me to accidentally pour wine on me or accidentally hit me in the water or something. Then the yarn will fall off When you get down, you can see the swimming ring on my stomach. "Lin Wenwen skimmed.

Dong Lijia looked at her with a word of silence: "They will still do such a thing? What good is it for them? And it looks like they just want to hide it just now."

Don't they want to use Dong Xinxin? Now that she was close to Dong Xinxin, she pretended to be her friend or something. But what good is it for them to get Dong Xinxin out?

Lin Wenwen glanced at him without saying a word.

The advantage is to vent the disgust in my heart. The two women look at Dong Xinxin's eyes like looking at the trash can. He obviously didn't like Dong Xinxin, but he wanted to hook up with Dong Lijia and then associate with him and then marry him, for the status of Dong's daughter-in-law. While forcing Qin Jiao to make friends with Dong Xinxin, Qin Jiao was bored and disdainful of Dong Xinxin. Therefore, I want to use some tricks to entertain Dong Xinxin, after all, they can feel happy after seeing her. By the way, I took a breath out of my heart, didn't I?

At this time, another girl in the team who had no sense of presence appeared next to Lin Wenwen and asked her: "You haven't found their prank before. Why are you suddenly sober?"

Although the girl came with them yesterday, she didn't talk much to Qin Jiao and Lin Yuehui. It doesn't look familiar, but he is more familiar with the oil prince Xiao Hanfeng. Because she was brought by Xiao Hanfeng.

Listening to her asking, Dong Lijia, Deng Chenfei, and Luo Yuanjun immediately looked at Lin Wenwen with a subtle look, and then stopped looking away at the same time.

Lin Wenwen turned her head to look at the girl, and then smiled and said, "Suddenly, there has been an expert's advice recently, so I'm sober."

Dong Xinxin, who has gone through seven years in the last days, will be completely confused if he is not sober again.

They asked the shipowner to charter a luxury cruise ship with a small swimming pool, and everyone got on board after preparing everything.

But when they were about to get on board, the two women appeared again.

"Did you forget us? It's sad to call us too." Lin Yuehui muttered her mouth, holding a parasol and looking at Dong Lijia boys.

Lin Wenwen got on the ship long ago and heard her voice and looked back. Can't help rolling his eyes.

The two women are so thick-skinned that they dare to come. Wouldn't it be even more embarrassing now if the atmosphere was so embarrassing just now?

Lin Wenwen ignored them, found a corner in the cabin, sat down, took out his mobile phone and started searching for catnip information.

Since it's fresh, you must find the place of origin. However, it is more troublesome to buy fresh, and it needs to be cultivated. Even packing and transportation was not convenient. Maybe she had to go to the local planting base to buy it.

She searched the Internet, noted down various contact methods, and then began to use QQ WeChat phone for various contacts.

Well, one more thing is ... she has to find Dong Lijia to borrow money again, the kind that doesn't need to be repaid!

Thinking of this, she immediately got up and went to Dong Lijia. Seeing Dong Lijia and Luo Yuanjun standing on the edge of the bar of the bow, she went over and pulled him aside.

"Lend me another money," she whispered to him.

"Why?" Dong Lijia asked her in confusion.

"Buy something. What else can you do?" Lin Wenwen couldn't help but give him a blank look.

"Of course I know you want to buy something, and I want to ask what you want to buy again?" Dong Lijia was too much choked by her, and could not help but choked back.

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