Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1222: Go to china

When Wu Chengyue returned to Haicheng, he focused on those underground monsters that appeared around Haicheng. Send people to collect information and intelligence constantly, while analyzing the characteristics and weaknesses of these monsters, the other side is ready to explore the secret movements of Huaxia.

This time it was said that the leaders of their major bases had convened a meeting to discuss the underground creatures with each other, but who knows if he will do any small actions behind his back.

Although it is said that human beings must be united to have the hope of victory, Si Kongchen's personality may not be able to take advantage of this situation when everyone is dealing with the underground creatures outside, giving Haicheng a chance to destroy Haicheng's base while returning to the water. Maybe.

After all, Si Kongchen's real purpose is only to think about how to keep the Huaxia base, so he will not want to help others.

However, this meeting said that they were discussing each other's sudden emergence of dangerous monsters. He just wanted to find out if there was anything in common, or if others had breakthrough points.

At this moment Wu Chengyue, Xiao Yunlong, Zou Shihui and several deputy leaders were in a meeting.

"Sikong Chen's conference this time meant that the major bases would exchange ideas and discuss whether there was any way to deal with these underground creatures, but when the conference ended, there was no certain time. Sure enough, this time I went to There must be some ghost in it. "Xiao Yunlong looked at the copy of the invitation, and frowned.

Zou Shihui nodded in agreement: "I think so, or we won't go this time. I'm afraid that if you go, someone who isn't going will cause an accident, that is, something will happen in the base. Anyway, if you don't go now, he will also go. Won't take us whatsoever. "

"But if you don't go, will it look too new and different? All other bases should all go? And Si Kong Chenming said to each other to discuss matters about dealing with these monster crises. There is nothing strange about his starting point. If we do n’t go, would n’t that be good? ”Xiao Yunlong wanted to agree with Zou Shihui, but after thinking it, he felt it was not appropriate. Watching him say.

Wu Chengyue said at this time: "I just received the news that the last group of survivors who stayed at the original Long base were attacked by unknown creatures and never survived. There are also two types of the entire base of the Tianhuo base. A large number of giant bugs have seen invaded, and now humans in the Tianhuo base are fleeing to Huaxia. This proves that these monsters are one step closer to the human crisis. The next human base to be destroyed will be Which one? I don't deny Lao Zou's meaning. Maybe we will be in danger when we go to Haicheng. But if we go, there will be vitality. After all, the seminar that Si Kongchen said is really going on. "

There are many people and powerful people, and they only close the research in their base, and can only say that the progress is too singular. If the information and information of these creatures are exchanged with other bases, there may be a great opportunity to find what you want in the information in major regions.

So if they do n’t go, they will miss some important intelligence. In this eschatological age, one more piece of information is another chance to survive. So even if you know that Si Kongchen is not a good person, you have to go.

"So fast? Isn't there still more than half of the survivors in the Tianhuo base? At least 200,000 people are still humans ..." Hearing Wu Chengyue's news, everyone else was stunned. Zou Shihui looked at Wu Chengyue in surprise.

Wu Chengyue nodded: "Yes, I believe that in a few days, there will be a few survivors from the west to enter our base, or all sentient beings base. Most of them are now heading for Huaxia, but Huaxia's conditions for entering the city are not due to environmental conditions. Changes change. "

Therefore, only a few people can enter the Huaxia base. Most ordinary people do not have the conditions to enter Huaxia at all, after all, they cannot get an energy core or take out excess supplies to hand over to Huaxia Base.

When he said this, others thought of it. After all, this has happened many times before.

Xiao Yunlong asked him: "So are you going to Huaxia this time? Who will go?"

Now that you know that you are going to be ferocious, you must not let people with too low strength go.

So Wu Chengyue said, "Of course I went, otherwise who is more suitable than me?"

When everyone heard him say this, it was taken for granted, but he turned around and asked Xiao Licheng next second: "Should the woman in the Zhongsheng base go ?!"

The expressions of the people immediately became subtle: ... Emotionally, he wanted to go mainly because his daughter-in-law also wanted to go there?

Xiao Licheng looked at him and narrowed his eyes, and said, "It is said to be going. And he will also take your son."

Wu Chengyue calmly said with a smile, "Look, if she goes, you don't have to worry about Si Kongchen's conspiracy."

In addition to Xiao Yunlong and Kong Qingming, several other single dogs were stuffed with a happy smile from his dog food.

"Okay, okay. Go. Go." Zou Shihui waved at him angrily and said, "Remember to bring your son and wife back safely."

"However, we haven't seen any monsters appearing at a close distance outside our base, which is much better than other bases. In addition to those coming out of the lake over Taihu Lake, there are strange fire beasts in southern Fujian. From us all There is some distance. But we still have to watch the situation around the seashore, I don't think the sea will be calm. "Wu Chengyue picked up another report at this time.

"Fortunately, the blind men near the base of all sentient beings ran towards the West Lake, otherwise we are worried about one more crisis. However, the situation in their holes is still a little uncertain and there are hidden dangers." Xiao Yunlong Looking at this report felt a bit lucky, but soon he showed a worried expression again: "But Lao Yuan's situation now does not know when it will be OK."

Wu Chengyue nodded and said, "Although there is information from the Zansei Base, there are some aquatic creatures in the dark lake under the cave, but those things are not sure if they will go ashore. Although Yuan Tianxing blocked the location, he did not Yun surveyed other directions. I hope those things can rest peacefully in the underground lake. "

"By the way, hasn't a red monster appeared outside the beings' base recently? It seems to say that it came out from the ground, but why does Miss Lu not want to care about it? Didn't kill it?" Xiao Yunlong suddenly One more thing came to mind. Curious left looked at Wu Chengyue and right looked at Xiao Licheng and asked.

Because the two have spent the longest time in the sentient beings base, they also know the most.

When he mentioned the red monster, the sixth-level red monster cat outside the sentient base came again.

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